That's going a lot avocados wasted

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Other urls found in this thread: Wanted&l=Santa Barbara, CA&start=20&pp=ABQAAAFkDq850AAAAAE-LRYJAQEBBwI57j4Lfc97P6gsRwDwU9E

Im sure there will be a large and steady supply of hardworking unemployed americans lining up for farm work.

Struggling to find people that are willing to work for $5/hour you mean

Theyre struggling to find workers because they are unwilling to pay fair wages.

If it wasn't in California, I'd take the job, but like Canada I will never go back to California.

why the fuck would I take a 2nd job? democrats are the ones that are unemployed, out in the streets, and taking craigslist "protest" gigs that pay $50 for them to stand out in the streets protesting ice for hours.

there is no job that could ever get me to live in california for any period of time.

Aren't Avacados foreign to the California climate? Why are they even being grown there?

do they pay competitive wages?

also, i thought Avacados only grew in Mexico, according to some thoroughly researched magazine articles I read a few months back

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