Do jews really drink gentile blood to get high on adrenochrome?

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You mean something that doesn't exist and was made up for a movie? Sure, why not.

Attached: 1565012651.gif (400x325, 959K)

Its a real thing found in blood and can be ingested for recreational use. Google it.

It's a placebo, but the rush is real


wiki says it isn't a placebo but a potent hallucinogen.

when you practise black magic demons appear, you make deal with said demon : power for heresy
you commit heinous heretical acts (defiling holy books, sodomizing and killing infants, wearing shoes of leather skin) for power
the uglier you do the more power you get the deeper into hell you go
if you have any questions ask away

Go on

Attached: Slowpoke_AG_anime.png (960x776, 27K)

Why do you even bother to lie like this? You know we can all go to wikipedia and look, right?

>However, these hypotheses have never been scientifically accepted; adrenochrome is not currently believed to have any psychedelic properties.
Seriously, why did you bother?

nice try shill

>Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). The derivative carbazochrome is a hemostatic medication. Despite a similarity in chemical names, it is unrelated to chrome or chromium.

>Effect on the brain
Several small-scale studies (involving 15 or fewer test subjects) conducted in the 1950s and 1960s reported that adrenochrome triggered psychotic reactions such as thought disorder, derealization, and euphoria.[2] Researchers Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond claimed that adrenochrome is a neurotoxic, psychotomimetic substance and may play a role in schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.[3] In what they called the "adrenochrome hypothesis",[4] they speculated that megadoses of vitamin C and niacin could cure schizophrenia by reducing brain adrenochrome.[5][6] However, these hypotheses have never been scientifically accepted; adrenochrome is not currently believed to have any psychedelic properties.[7]


>one study says it does
>another that it doesn't

why do you think politicians are so upset about Trump stopping the flow of undocumented and vulnerable children in to the US?

>one study says it does
>another that it doesn't
>therefore the study that does is right and the one that doesn't is wrong
Are you retarded?

not necessarily jews and not necessarily because of adrenochrome, but, it happens...

Yea, You should look up the holiday dates they do ritual killing on and try and catch a few to kill them.

Tell me about passover and blood matzah

>wearing shoes of leather skin
Oh shit, I wear leather shoes. How is this comparable to the other things on the list?

Theylll tell you they don’t but indeed they do

it clearly states it's not psychedelic..
it's a 5 min rush of euphoria/buzz
with 1 hour of mild perception change.
and random thoughts.

wiki and erowid.

A few things about jewish ritual murder:

1) It almost certainly happened, and perhaps still happens today in some of the more backwards parts of the world (like Moldova) where you find lots of old jewish sects.

2) This was one of the secret rituals performed by the rabbis, and carefully guarded and passed on to their successors. The average jew didn't know about this and probably wouldn't believe it if you told them.

3) The ADL has a slush fund set aside specifically for dealing with accusations of ritual murder.

Attached: Jewish ritual murder by a jew.jpg (720x984, 295K)

However, they don't drink blood to get high, rather they do it because of their retarded belief that you can lawyer your way into heaven. Jews don't believe in Jesus, but like to have their bases covered. So in a nutshell, when the rabbis heard that "only through the blood of Christ can you go into heaven", they pilpulled their way into thinking that they can murder Christians, so if Jesus was right, then they won't get sent to hell.

Attached: jewish ritual murder 1.png (1496x2744, 2.84M)

Another thing to note is that jews hate Christians, firstly for taking their religion from them; and their status as God's Chosen. Secondly, because the Romans who destroyed their temple converted to Christianity, and were proclaimed to have God's favor, to add insult to injury. So extremist jews are all to happy to simply kill Christians for the sake of killing Christians, if they can get the chance.

Attached: jewish ritual murder.png (1664x5472, 731K)

Probably not the average jewish laundromat owner, but the higher ups in jewish society definitely do.

>this gentile kid was running down the street and then my straw hit his main artery idk how this could happen pure coincidence


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