>Don't judge people for their decisions
This is the only metric to judge others by unless you're a racist.
Well, this ain't good for my blood pressure.
nothing about this list is controversial or wrong.
I dunno, most of that is pretty reasonable. The only ones I disagree with are
2. People should be judged for their personal decisions
Yes, they should be if they make it a point to let everybody know
7. That the default for someone is straight and cisgender
Yes, that is a factual truth.
Otherwise, the rest are pretty on point.
1. Agree
2. OK, don't judge me when I decide to murder you.
3. Agree, but sometimes it helps.
4. Agree
5. Agree
6. Who the hell teaches their kids that?
7. It really is. That's how most people naturally are, even if you believe homosexuality and transexuality are natural.
>It really is.
If they can stop parents explaining to their kids this is abnormal behaviour, but push it in schools like it's a common outcome, they probably plan to increase it's prevalence.
Give this woman 6 children. (She currently obviously has zero). Let her raise them to adulthood then wait 10 years.
Then let her make a list and I'll consider it.
The age this is silly. You can't demand respect and certainly not as a young person depending on the discussion. It's a luxury of our society we've kept the woman and children first as polite tradition. I'd throw a kid into a wood chipper if it meant a room full of adults kept their lives.
4. That they are too young to be talking about the things they're already starting to ask questions about
>be kid
>be 4 years old
>be blasted with all kinds of media from every direction, talking about sexuality, rape, war, etc.
>"dad, what's homosexuality"
>"well, son that's when a man has sex with another man"
>"Dad, what's sex?"
>"That's when a man inserts his peepee into a woman or a man in order to ejaculate"
Congratulations, your child is now a functional member of society devoid of any innocence because he was "smart" enough to ask about homosexuality.
This sounds like a brilliant piece of advice. Why can't these SJW's see the infinite potential in an innocent child, why do they insist on shattering that innocence as young as possible? This idea that each and every human being is equal and perfectly rational despite their age, sex or background seems to be the driving force behind this.
The bible demonized the nude form for a reason, it highlighted children's innocence for a reason, it demonized excessive knowledge for a reason. We sorely need to start appreciating it again, or we're doomed.
>nudity isn’t sexual
>says the asexual
You fucking bigoted shitlord. How can you possibly believe that children shouldn’t be cock-gobbling xirms raised by xor-parent 1 and qur-parent 2. Educate thyself.
Why post this garbage here?
>Don't judge people by their decisions
We're not supposed to judge people by their actions now? Are human beings just supposed to be mini-Switzerlands and never feel a conflicting thought towards another person?
>"That's when a man inserts his peepee into a woman or a man in order to ejaculate
>Feed your own fictitious child false information
Sex is literally just a different word for procreation. Two dykes can't have sex for that reason and neither can two men. At best they're mutually masturbating in a convoluted way and at worst they're spreading disease.
Not really my point at all
1. Unless you're bathing or sleeping there is no non-sexual to be nude
2. That she objects to this summarizes the modern left and everything wrong with it more effectively than I ever could
3. Agree, tell that to SJWs
4. Too vague to respond to, but in general children lack the mental development necessary to comprehend adult issues and participate in adult conversations
5. Again, too vague to respond to
6. Use of the word "opposite" implies a gender dichotomy, I thought these people didn't believe in that. In any event this seems to contradict what she is arguing in point 7.
7. It literally is, gays account for about 4% of the population and transgender people account for about 2%. That may even be a little generous
1. Okay, fine. I know exactly where this totally-not-a-slippery-slope is going, but I'll pretend I don't. For now.
2. No, fuck you.
3. Actually, it sometimes does. Such as how people aren't being told the whole story about something.
4. We all know exactly what this one is about, and the Dale Gribble sex talk explains everything. Kids aren't fucking old enough to understand the mental & emotional aspects of certain things, as well as the obligations that come with them.
5. Sure, but nobody has ever said that and not been a pedo.
6. Duh. Now stop "interacting" with kids, pedo.
7. Yes it is. Fuck you.
Why not just name the list, "How to raise a disgusting human being who's most likely a pervert and a narcissistic asshole"
List of things I want progressive list makers to stop doing:
>Littering in the street
>Buying food from non-organic sources
>Drinking too much coffee
>Posting on the internet
>Spending too much money
>Using up my oxygen
If only all our perfectly reasonable lists of demands were met.