JF Stream meltdown

What the hell is going on?

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Stream has been abruptly cut during a heated argument with a subscriber.

He's getting hacked.

JF cücked once again.

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Youtube is down for me as well. right when i started watching his stream got the monkey message... little odd

quick rundown?

this retard fucker still popular with the kids

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>genetic abomination

Well that's another level of criticism.

Lol so because they have something or do something you don't like we should just dismiss the message..... commie thinking right there




This is a massive cope stream

Fucking surrender monkey can't into wedge tactics.
As long as he keeps banning ppl in chat the spike just keeps getting nailed in harder.
If he just ignores bait and sticks to his show he'll be fine, but leftypol will use this to destroy him.

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Finally we have a pundit who is worthy of my respect.

JF is too clever for the low IQ trolls. So glad he is not falling for the psyop

the issue is that they are mutts

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Delicious 1.5% tears

,/cow/ chaos

You should add "armed robbery" to the dude in the top left.

Top right i mean.

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He disabled comments on the video. What a fag.

it's cute that this guy thinks he has high IQ, just another poser with an accent a la sargon

What are you talking about?

asshole banned me so im gonna dislike every fucking stream he does from now on

I'm really sick of this faggot. First he started censoring guests, now he's censoring comments. Constantly white knights every woman he comes across while also making ludicrous claims like "I'd had sex with thousands of women." Seems like he's a very insecure person.

You deserve it tho. Amerimutt nigger

By the way, the guy he's talking about, Microchip, is Baked Alaska. This was revealed years ago.

JF has always been unable to handle criticism. Honestly it seems only Spencer can really handle the bantz as theyre coming his way. Everyone else, be it JF, Enoch, Racewarski, Nick the Clit, all break down. Maybe Jay Dyer can handle it but he doesn't really get into much beyond arguing for god because muh Plato.

hahaha, really?

That can't be right. That would be hilarious though

Who the holy fuck is jf?

Lmao do they spread our message no? They can be judged after we win

I think JF just doesn't like retards. JF likes to address his criticism.
He's holding this stream so that people can criticize him and he can address them.

Idk i'm half way through and nobody really presented anything substantive.
It's just highschoolers meming/ being edgy and pretending to have a point, so, as an intellectual, that probably gets under his skin.

Jimmy Farts
a french man who pretends to be smart but really he's just average and his audience is made up of stupid people

Some smart people do get triggered easily

Of all the criticisms of JF, this one falls flat the hardest.

It's hard to believe that even the people saying it would be convinced by that.

What a fucking disaster hahaha

He's either delusional as fuck, or hopes that others believe something not even he does


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>I think JF just doesn't like retards
He sure loves fucking their brains out and making babies with them, why wouldn't he like them?

There are 10 comments now. There were 0 a few minutes ago, and there were more before. He turned off comments, deleted comments and turned them back on.

He's freaking out about getting de-platformed, which is eventually going to happen. The video starts out saying how he's editing images he's posted because they are resulting in strikes on his channel. He's a fucking libertarian sperg who literally is incapable of understanding power and thinks things run on 'rules' when 'rules' are only ex post facto justifications of power.

He thinks doing the typical routine of policing people on his own side will buy him some goodwill. Eventually he'll be pushed into this mode of activity full time and hence another right-wing platform is dedicated to black propaganda against the right-wing.

He broke the 'rule' of being productive and improving the discourse and legitimately allowing critiques of the status quo, so now he's being punished. He's reacting as expected and correcting his behavior as intended. That reaction will be approximately what we saw within Gamergate where all 'figures' in that movement become dedicated to directing their critiques toward the movement and obsessing on controlling the behavior of the 'members'.

Does JF actually believe there are no botnets but this twitter troll? The publishing company which owns Reddit admitted that Reddit itself was nothing but a botnet for years to build up a user base. So the whole of fucking Reddit can be faked and be unnoticed by the public at large. Does JF believe that the establishment and moneyed interests aren't using that technology and everything but 'right-wing extremism' is organic discourse?

No, of course he doesn't. But once you admit that your entire conception of "extremism" and "mainstream" go out the window which leaves you without a rhetorical weapon of marginalization.

>I think JF just doesn't like retards.

No he loves them.

He's been much less likeable after he grew. It has been rising to the top. First chat, then potential guests, then most of the community. He will then lie and tell everyone someone has made a very credible threat on his life and will be leaving the internet. He'll probably go on a shooting spree or something after.

This guy can't handle the smallest criticism, imagine what he does when everyone turns on him. Pew pew

You know I'm right

honestly people need to move on
this whole situation is retarded

The "message" is the praxis. Idealism is a bullshit, there is nothing like pure uncut ideas.
Remember when commies where saying "that's not real communism" or "the idea is right, the example is wrong"?
You are like them.

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HAHA! I was getting worried there for a second

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t. liberalist
go back to discord niggerfaggot

No I would be killing those people if anything what cuckservatives and shit ancaps and libertarians don't get is they thing everything can be achieved through following rules.....lmao what happens when the rules are against you?

Fuck your gay e celebs the only red pilled e celeb we are interested in is Destiny hes basically the king of debates. Literally destroyed every alt lite cuck during a debate KEK

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Lauren Rose was a poor choice of co-host IMO. She is very boring and uninspiring and doesn't really add anything to the conversations, I noticed myself increasingly skipping the shows she cohosts on. He tried to use her to appeal to a larger audience but failed to realize in the first place that his entire potential audience was very small and niche and Lauren normied up the show to the point that most of his dedicated viewer base began losing interest. He should have a chosen a male cohost that was far more educated in history/philosophy/psychology than he is but his ego wouldn't have let him because he wanted to be the big man on the show, even Andy as a male normie average IQ self insert cohost was a better dynamic than this current one with Lauren.

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Unsubscribed as soon as he ditched Andy after he sperged out on his show because of his huge ego. This thing was destined to crash and burn, ego way too big its super cringe. Sad that the bad side of his autism overshadowed the good side.

>nick the spic

>Ello, ello, ello, uh. Ello, ello, ello, uh.
lol wtf

he should have chosen Emily >Youcis instead of low energy Lauren.

You guys need someone anonymous, like the german youtuber Vulgäre Analyse.

Telling spergs not to sperg is basically the same policy as telling men not to rape and will be precisely as effective. Lauren Rose is basically just asking for it.

I would have preferred Emily over Lauren too honestly, she is kind of a try hard cringey edgy shitlord but atleast it is entertaining. I think he should have also done shorter more concise episodes along the lines of Styxx who seems to average 20-50k with that formatting, I dont have the time to keep watching his longer shows unless there is a guest like Frame Games that really warrants spending that time. At the end of the day it was nothing more than entertainment that began to grow stale.

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I believe that guy is called Schlomo

> First he started censoring guests, now he's censoring comments.

Do you understand how youtube works? You giant fucking gaylord?

The whiteknighting for Lauren Rose was pathetic, countersignaling Patrick Little is not productive at all

I mean, that is kind of what this whole bloodsports and its subsequent branches was from the beginning it was an attempt at Jow Forums spergs creating debate/news content for other Jow Forums spergs. I was just hoping it would be a little more entertaining a little longer than it ended up being, but it makes sense that it went this way as spergs are notoriously bad at maintaing personal relationships and social networks, independent of how intelligent they might be. Written word and meme creation really does seem to be where spergs shine the brightest.

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Quick rundown
>JF calls himself a feminist
>doesn't understand why defending a woman gets him labeled as a white knight but defending sargon doesn't
>removes comments on his videos
>bans people from his livestream chat
>stops his lifestream chat
>claims he is under attack by a botnet

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why did he delete the Patrick Little/Halsey debate?

little fags btfo

>these are just robots

He had been advised by higher-up in the zog pyramid to not show support for Patrick Little. He's now another youtube gatekeeper.

I wanna sniff Brat ass

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Patrick Little is a good man with good intentions, he's honest and has a logically consistent reasoning behind why he simply names the jew that way. He quit his cushy job to name the jew, he was a true white pill. He showed us that minorities can be turned against jews, this is HUGE, so fucking huge. And this 19 year old girl, Lauren Rose goes on to call him a loser because "muh optics", it is not a valid critique. She did not even research the reasoning behind why he does it, the reasoning is not even that fucking complex, it is based on history and easily verifiable. Every single time jews have been expelled they have BEEN NAMED OPENLY, sometimes had heavy taxes / laws laid upon them before expulsion. GLR was assassinated, JFK was assassinated (he alluded to jews, never named them), Nixon named jews in private but not public and failed hard. TLDR dogwhistling doesn't work. This is why Patrick Little goes for the jew naming campaign, and there is video evidence of it working on minorities. What fucking idiot would countersignal this? The ones countersignaling this should be called out for it.

>Jow Forums creates entertainment that's really good
>normies from reddit who like to post Jow Forums memes fuck it up by joining and taking it over
It's the circle of life~

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I was wondering when you would show up, glorious Bratposter. You are easily the best poster of 2018.

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JF is also a manlet, btw. There are photos showing he is probably 5'6'' at most.

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Little psyop bots attack ourguy JF.

JF platformed him multiple times. He helped him get part of that 1.6%

You littlebots are easily manipulated controlled opposition.

Little's supporters support him because Little encourages others to actually DO SOMETHING other than whine about things. In PLG most people did something, made campaign memes, did robocalls, flyering etc.

So much of this shit with podcasts, 95% of the threads on Jow Forums only point out problems, but do not encourage spreading information on a massive scale like Patrick Little does.

Candidates running on a jew naming platform should receive our full support, the potential gain for us is huge.

People shitting on men of action, providing only a few tweets and podcasts should become irrelevant and do something else, unless the criticism is somehow valid specific (which it was NOT in the case of Lauren Rose / Spic Fuentes, they simply called the guy a loser and his followers spergy edge lords). JF really had to eel his way out of this one too, very dishonest.

Yes, we all give him credit for that. Backing up Lauren Rose on her stupidity was a mistake though. He speaks about Lauren's "criticism" as an actual valid criticism rather than just shitting all over someone who is actually doing something. This also reflects badly on the guy.

Hopefully he'll have Little on there as he does take a somewhat neutral stance. Maybe this is just some 4D chess (unlikely) to get more views when Little comes on again who knows

Little supporters are acting like retarded spergs. Nick the spic was the one who started counter signaling your guy tardos.

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>I needed an out of work pencil pusher to show me that jews don't get a long with minorities
Holy shit this has been well known for a long time and Little isn't going to do shit other than go around and name the jew until he ends up doing something stupid and melts down, just like Cantwell, Nehlen, JF and all the other people who pol shits on now. He is a giant lolcow in the making because he's shown he takes the internet way too seriously and built his reputation on how cool GAB thinks he is, and once that changes in anyway he will flip out and self destruct.

But he is a loser tho, especially when he started to cry muh vote fraud.
JF streams achieve way more than muh 1.4%, who is a man of action then.

how the fuck is styx a genetic abomination i'd love to have his hair

This is why I love Spencer. He truly is the hero we need. He understands that you can't ban and censor people as it goes against the revolutionary spirit of the alt right.

In precincts with supposedly 0 votes for Little, Little has people from those precincts saying they voted for him. This is proof of voter fraud, he has addressed all these with actual points (that all seem to be disregarded and strawmanned as "what a crybaby, crying voter fraud")

We'll see dude, if we want the same things I don't see why you would wish bad upon this guy and countersignal him. ANYONE who starts out naming the jew will face resistance and slander.

Patrick Little has a few more years in when he can get massive changes done. David Duke basically says all the same shit as he does, he has a PhD in history, but he is "muh KKK grand dragon David Duke" and is not taken seriously by anyone. Patrick Little has a polished history, is a USMC veteran, well spoken, well dressed and high IQ.

All the things that are bad, the degeneration of culture, music, movies, feminism, the family unit, wars in the midde east can be traced back to jews. If someone does their best to stop that they should be supported, so many of the countersignaling criticisms against him have already been addressed if you just watch one of his interviews or read his platform.

French man is being arrogant and paranoid, he is truly pussy whipped, and the sad part is that he will probably never even see Lauren

he is now a full time youtuber so in order to keep making a living from the comfort of his apartment he has to become a good goy. he also deleted his emily yuicis debate and soon everything jq related will vanish as well

What are you talking about?

He can't handle thee pooblic spaiz

lmao, just look at him, he looks like a freak.

These are people on the internet. Quit being a moralfag.

He did the same for Sargon and Cantwell.

This isn't about Little anymore. No one cares about that faggot.

The whole problem with the optics debate is that we live in an environment which is only slightly less controlled than North Korea and everyone is systemically miseducated into their beliefs.

The idea that you can 'meet people where they are' requires that there is some authentic strain of resistance to the status quo which is entirely questionable and probably false. The Optics Crew wants to be in the business of supplying the public's demand but they are in the business of selling the proverbial 'Faster Horse' because of how the marketplace of ideas has been curated.

For whatever flaws 'extremists' have many of them understand that we have to be creating the demand for the product we want to sell which is actually how marketing works. Simply making a better GOP is a flawed plan of action. Fragmenting the market in order to create space for new market niches is necessary as a precursor for changing how politics even talked about much less what is permissible to be said. But fragmenting the market decreases the ability of the duopoly to exercise their power through traditional avenues, which scuttles their plan of taking over the GOP (the losing political faction) which is for some reason critical or desirable.

What we are doing is basically using the tools we actually have available
to effect what change we can, but our success is an attack on the system and they are defending the system so it can be pristine for when they take it over, which isn't something they have demonstrated they have the tools to do.

He does that kind of shit all the time - he pulled the same shit with Warski.

Just a retard fucking internet crybaby, not worth taking seriously.

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>Not watching /byr/ on Ancaps channel.
By anons for anons. Autism festival.

Shut up, fag.