We all know how important it is to use PEOPLE FIRST LANGUAGE which is why we have started the People of Light (PoL) campaign. START CALLING PEOPLE OUT on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and Jow Forums when they use racist terms for people of light such as "white people" or "cracker" or "unseasoned."
BOOKMARK this direct link to the "white people" twitter search term (ordered by recent) and EDUCATE people about the new term "People of Light", including a meme from this thread. >twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q="white people" Somebody tweets the outdated phrase "white people" every 5-10 SECONDS so we have a lot of work to do!
New meme - suggested by our (((greatest ally))) in the last thread. Thanks for the help! If anybody else has meme ideas, me or another meme artist ITT will make them
whenever anyone identifies as ANYTHING - LGBQ, POC, Woman, Man, attack helicopter, WHATEVER - just AGREE WHOLEHEATEDLY with their identity and DROP THIS MEME
>we are people of light So niggers are people of darkness?
David Taylor
it sounds fucking gay, no homo
Jacob Campbell
It sounds righteous and noble as fuck.
Logan Gray
they are still "people of color" we still need that term to legitimize "PoL" and put it above reproach. the power is in the juxtaposition. We are hijacking their memetic energy.
This is the single best thing ive seen Jow Forums do to combat the whole “white privilege” SJW propaganda train. Now we can start getting offended when people mention our race in a derogatory manner. If they refuse to call us “people of light” they are racists by their own definitions, but by calling us “people of light” they are diminishing the strength of their own movement. Have a bump.
Xavier Robinson
it smells of neck beard and despair
Dominic Brown
when you call people out, don't even use the word "white" - call it "the W word"
Also if someone takes it as 'light', which it is obv, you just say "No, it's short for people of light skin, we don't say people of colored skin, do we?'
Levi Brooks
This is hilarious
I'll from now on wherever I am, identify as a ''people of light''.Keep this shit alive till I wake up, European hours and bed time now.
This is one of your social engineering attempts that's just bad, FF. Take it from me as someone who's also very intelligent and manipulative: this won't even get picked up by Vox for an article like, "How the alt-right is trying to co-opt the prefix 'people of' for their racist agenda--And why that's a bad thing."
This will blow over without so much as even a single butthurt shitlib. You should start a meme saying that WE'RE the true people of color, for obvious reasons, and that the current "POC" are really just "people of brown." POB.
also you should start a meme about how jew's lips smell like smegma. They look all waxy and pink. I think it would work. If we can associate jews with a horrid sulfur smell, people will instinctively look at them with the same disgust we do.
Kayden Hill
What if I am not a people of light but i am a Spaniard, which isn't considered white or black by modern times.
Your idea of ''we wuz real PoC'' is not new. Pics that prove who the real people of colour are have circulated Jow Forums for years but it hasn't broken outside of this place.
We really do not know which things will hit homerun. It's up to tinkering all kinds of ideas and trying them out.
it's not. People of Color have a role to play, because they are better at certain things than People of Light. One thing I can think of off the top of my head, is they have better endurance.
it really is the next best thing we have going on since "it's okay to be white" lmao
Gabriel Gutierrez
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for children of light.
Benjamin Gutierrez
Something to do in tandem with this is start joining the more SJWy liberals in condemnging those who say "blacks" or "black people" instead of "people of color" Use the fag's angle in this pic black implies darkness, negativity, as a dichotomy with white, implying goodness. Clearly racist!
Just a good way to give more legitimacy to it. Remind the people who try to defend the "black" label that it was created applied to them by racists, and by identifying with it they legitimize the racists.
Nicholas Phillips
Yeah, we need to start shaming them at least. They cant take shame so we have a shot.
>Fight retardation with more retardation Seems /pol enough for me.
Christopher Ward
We are taking over your land fucking and shitting on your mothers face as we stick cash in her gash. Your daughters too. Theres nothing you can really do ablout it honkey boys so just deal. K?
Sounds fucking comfy desu I would be ok with being an elf, kinda sounds like that's the point if you understand how Tolkien is viewed here
Nolan Davis
I don't think that's a Person of Light, my arabic friend.
Looks like a Person of Usury to me.
Kayden Brooks
Why're (((you))) beeing so racist agains people of light?
Angel Lewis
Stupid wigger you fucking pig dog american whore. You are a laughing sock.
Christian Long
That's a loaded question babe. I'm a light supremacist too, after all. Is there something wrong (or "racist") with acknowledging we have every advantage possible if we so choose to move upward in society ?
Brayden Hughes
And yet, so enjoyable.
Kayden Myers
Did you know the People of Light are the only people in the world to have fought wars to end slavery? :o
co-opting shit has never worked out. you need a counter to it. the entire schtick of PoC is that they're grouping every non-white against whites. saying 'we're people of color tooo!' is the same as saying 'democrats are the reel raycists.' even if that's true, it sounds silly and weak, it's arguing on the defensive and that should always be avoided.