Jow Forums general - People First Language edition

We all know how important it is to use PEOPLE FIRST LANGUAGE which is why we have started the People of Light (PoL) campaign.
START CALLING PEOPLE OUT on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and Jow Forums when they use racist terms for people of light such as "white people" or "cracker" or "unseasoned."

What is People-First language? See

BOOKMARK this direct link to the "white people" twitter search term (ordered by recent) and EDUCATE people about the new term "People of Light", including a meme from this thread.
>"white people"
Somebody tweets the outdated phrase "white people" every 5-10 SECONDS so we have a lot of work to do!

Past Threads:

Attached: does this look huwite 2.jpg (1920x1775, 257K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Call people out for DIVIDING us instead of UNITING

Attached: PoC PoL ladies.jpg (626x626, 78K)

New meme - suggested by our (((greatest ally))) in the last thread. Thanks for the help! If anybody else has meme ideas, me or another meme artist ITT will make them

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This one explains PoL to people who have been living under a rock and haven't heard about this progressive new people-first term yet. EDUCATE THEM!

Attached: poc pol.jpg (2000x1440, 231K)

whenever anyone identifies as ANYTHING - LGBQ, POC, Woman, Man, attack helicopter, WHATEVER - just AGREE WHOLEHEATEDLY with their identity and DROP THIS MEME

Attached: HAPPY pol.jpg (888x499, 127K)

Attached: POC POL stars.jpg (1881x1321, 244K)

You guys will never reach the level of Australian shitposting, but at least you tried. So I'll give you a bump.

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another one, with women instead

thanks emuposter, we're coming for your shitposting trophies.

Attached: poc pol #peoplefirst women.jpg (978x1289, 226K)

I find these delicious, not because they look fried...

>People of Light

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is this real life?

we can rewrite history a bit too, by attributing "totally real" quotes about our new term.

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the more you say "people of light" - the more natural it will sound.

1st rule of propaganda: repetition, repetition, repetition.

Attached: god-damn-its-great-to-be-a-person-of-light.jpg (594x800, 206K)

looks fun


Good to see people 'warming up' to the idea.

make this your browser bookmark for twitter:"white people"&src=typd

Attached: how is it racist.jpg (750x930, 308K)

more twitter salt

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3rd twitter salt

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>people of light
Are we fucking forest elves now

Hold on, let me get my bow and pointy hat, and then procure a flute and relocate my house near a waterfall and a bunch of trees

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>we are people of light
So niggers are people of darkness?

it sounds fucking gay, no homo

It sounds righteous and noble as fuck.

they are still "people of color"
we still need that term to legitimize "PoL"
and put it above reproach.
the power is in the juxtaposition.
We are hijacking their memetic energy.

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this sounds cringy af but at the same time i really hope this takes off


Sounds like the name of a vehicle porno.

it sounds that way right now becaues you aren't used to it yet.

worst case scenario, we will trigger a LOT of people.

best case scenario, we can get big names to promote the term and eventually get MSM articles

Attached: pol poc 2.jpg (622x369, 92K)

If we can get people on Jow Forums to start using the term "people of light" unironically, it will spread everywhere else from there, GUARANTEED.

Keep tabs on usage of the term here:"people of light"/

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This is the single best thing ive seen Jow Forums do to combat the whole “white privilege” SJW propaganda train. Now we can start getting offended when people mention our race in a derogatory manner. If they refuse to call us “people of light” they are racists by their own definitions, but by calling us “people of light” they are diminishing the strength of their own movement. Have a bump.

it smells of neck beard and despair

when you call people out, don't even use the word "white" - call it "the W word"

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It sounds way more badass than “people of color”, which is kinda the point.

i unironically like this 'people of light' meme. i hope it becomes a thing.

Attached: peopleoflight2.jpg (450x301, 40K)

a great place to spread the message is /qresearch/ on 8 c h

just post people of light in the latest q research thread.

Attached: qresearch 1.jpg (867x380, 104K)

BUMP for Genius

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Also if someone takes it as 'light', which it is obv, you just say "No, it's short for people of light skin, we don't say people of colored skin, do we?'

This is hilarious

I'll from now on wherever I am, identify as a ''people of light''.Keep this shit alive till I wake up, European hours and bed time now.

Attached: eowyni.gif (500x279, 489K)

This is actually very brilliant.

bump the ever loving shit out of this

This is one of your social engineering attempts that's just bad, FF. Take it from me as someone who's also very intelligent and manipulative: this won't even get picked up by Vox for an article like, "How the alt-right is trying to co-opt the prefix 'people of' for their racist agenda--And why that's a bad thing."

This will blow over without so much as even a single butthurt shitlib. You should start a meme saying that WE'RE the true people of color, for obvious reasons, and that the current "POC" are really just "people of brown." POB.

also you should start a meme about how jew's lips smell like smegma. They look all waxy and pink. I think it would work. If we can associate jews with a horrid sulfur smell, people will instinctively look at them with the same disgust we do.

What if I am not a people of light but i am a Spaniard, which isn't considered white or black by modern times.

you sound kinda stupid

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you aren't white OR black. You're a person of light.

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It's short for people of lighter skin.

Alright faggots I will join in on your history changing shit. Check em.

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Your idea of ''we wuz real PoC'' is not new. Pics that prove who the real people of colour are have circulated Jow Forums for years but it hasn't broken outside of this place.

We really do not know which things will hit homerun. It's up to tinkering all kinds of ideas and trying them out.

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Attached: POL.png (1087x619, 639K)

We need to keep this up. Reeducate the racist ones.

>conquering the last frontier with niggers

FRESH salt

/qresearch/ is very salty right now too

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And how is that bad?

we are updating "the 14 words" to "15 words" - so now it's no longer a hateful number!

Attached: 15 words.jpg (1024x711, 98K)

it's not. People of Color have a role to play, because they are better at certain things than People of Light. One thing I can think of off the top of my head, is they have better endurance.

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I prefer "evolved people"...

it really is the next best thing we have going on since "it's okay to be white"

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for children of light.

Something to do in tandem with this is start joining the more SJWy liberals in condemnging those who say "blacks" or "black people" instead of "people of color"
Use the fag's angle in this pic black implies darkness, negativity, as a dichotomy with white, implying goodness.
Clearly racist!

Just a good way to give more legitimacy to it.
Remind the people who try to defend the "black" label that it was created applied to them by racists, and by identifying with it they legitimize the racists.

Yeah, we need to start shaming them at least.
They cant take shame so we have a shot.

Gen Z adopting the meme

Attached: gen z APPROVED.jpg (733x435, 52K)

We literally have people identifying as "person of light" on their twitter bios.


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Spreading like cancer. I like it.

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thanks for the follow user ;)

>Jow Forums
How didn't I thought about that?

Person of light here. Fucking sick of this discrimination, we are a minority on this planet.

bump I believe this could work

>prison island

because we're not white, we're the fucking PEOPLE OF LIGHT.

This is so fucking retarded

stop appropriating Pleiadian culture.

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>Fight retardation with more retardation
Seems /pol enough for me.

We are taking over your land fucking and shitting on your mothers face as we stick cash in her gash. Your daughters too. Theres nothing you can really do ablout it honkey boys so just deal. K?

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>every institution leading to upward mobility in society favors your skin color
>sick of discrimination
>being this much of a fuck up

it's not too late user. get your shit together and try harder sweetie. jesus loves you

have my bump you genius bastards.

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Sounds fucking comfy desu
I would be ok with being an elf, kinda sounds like that's the point if you understand how Tolkien is viewed here

I don't think that's a Person of Light, my arabic friend.

Looks like a Person of Usury to me.

Why're (((you))) beeing so racist agains people of light?

Stupid wigger you fucking pig dog american whore. You are a laughing sock.

That's a loaded question babe. I'm a light supremacist too, after all. Is there something wrong (or "racist") with acknowledging we have every advantage possible if we so choose to move upward in society ?

And yet, so enjoyable.

Did you know the People of Light are the only people in the world to have fought wars to end slavery? :o

Attached: uk_slavery3.png (704x103, 131K)

Yeah we dont have it anymore so...
What you even talking about?

could be the next big shitpost
also even though I know the original, your OC took me a second

>ITT: TurboKek

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Bump, this is a future meme war that the left and kikes can't avoid.

Meme war 2 when?

Bump, this is glorious.

we alt-light now, faggot.


we've come full circle

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Frame Games Radio and JF Gariepy are doing a stream TONGIHT in the public space.

When they are on together, their topic is always the same: strategies for white people to take back their countries.

We are going to sit on that live chat and call out the W word when we see it, correcting people to use our new people-first term "people of light"

If any of you have an extra 3$ lying around we can make them READ ON AIR the term "people of light" and they will have to talk about it.

Look for the Op thread, when the show is about to start.


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sorry, I used the outdated and racist term "white" - i still have a lot of unlearning to do on my own racism.

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>People of light

I like the sound of this.

This board is now W word free.

>People of color

The darkness.

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co-opting shit has never worked out. you need a counter to it. the entire schtick of PoC is that they're grouping every non-white against whites. saying 'we're people of color tooo!' is the same as saying 'democrats are the reel raycists.' even if that's true, it sounds silly and weak, it's arguing on the defensive and that should always be avoided.