Why did Rob Fusari her producer, find a special message from God in a Pizza Parlour?
>>>>> Lina Morgana In Cyber Wunderland April 22, 2001 •Lady Gaga appears in The Sopranos: youtube.com/watch?v=QrainCFg9BU 2005 •Lina Morgana is working on securing a record deal, under the sonic tutelage of renowned producer Rob Fusari. She is a mere sixteen years old: youtube.com/watch?v=emLoQlLvuI0
2006 • Apparently the song Spin U Around was written in 2006 by Stefani Germanotta and Rob Fusari to be recorded by the singer Lina Morgana: youtube.com/watch?v=lfoWoIl-2Hw
•A producer reel is released feauturing Lina Morgana: vimeo.com/48850688
May 2006 •According to the lawsuit of Mr. Fusari, their relationship turned romantic and became a business. Team Love Child LLC was formed to promote Stefani Germanotta’s (Lady Gaga’s) career.
August 19th 2008 • Lady Gaga releases her debut album The Fame
October 04, 2008 • Doug Auer contributes an article to The Staten Island Advance regarding the alleged suicide of a young woman believed to be in her 20s or 30s.
• The article is entitled Jumper at Staten Island Hotel dies.
May 28, 2009 • A woman appearing under the name AMYSCHELL begins a thread on the Lady Gaga forum entitled R.I.P. LINA MORGANA.
• The post contains a sentiment of ill-ease and well placed curiosity as to just what happened to the former Gaga collaborator: Lina Morgana.
September 11, 2009 • The first reply appears in response to AMYSCHELL. Posted by somewhat of a newbie to the forum, considering the lack of posts displayed under their name (around 10.)
RELEVANCE: Swordfish69 has alleged a massive child abuse ring operating within the music industry. This is one of the links and it concerns Lady Gaga, a person central to #pizzagate through her relationship with Maria Abramovic and Spirit Cooking
Okay, so first off, I've been led to believe the official Swordfish leaks are not official. I don't know for certain that they're not, but even if they're bogus, they were posted, so I decided to follow up on the third one, the one about Lady Gaga and a talented young singer named Lina Morgana. This is the link:
So the story in a nutshell is that Rob Fusari is a producer coaching a young talented singer named Lina Morgana. He introduced Lina to Stefani Germanotta (Lady Gaga) in 2007. Lina ended up committing suicide by jumping off the roof of a hotel during a coin convention. After the death, Stefani, took the name Lady Gaga (Rob came up with it and supposedly coached the hell out of her), and overnight Stefani stole Lina Morgana's identity. You can see if from a music video. I wanted to check out a video so I could see if it was true that Stefani actually stole, copied, absorbed Lina's identity and it's absolutely true. The blonde wig, the poses, the styling, everything was appropriated by the talentless auto-tuned faux singer. Here see for yourself. Here is the talented one, the original, Lina: