What an embarrassment. So sick of having this idiot as our president

What an embarrassment. So sick of having this idiot as our president.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>the stats never lie goy

cool opinion thanks for sharing

>say some shit
>quickly falsify some numbers to hide crime stats because you're politically motivated to increase immigration
color me shocked, you're a faggot


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He lies like normal people breathe. Nothing new.

Reminder that the Cologne New Year's attacks were almost successfully covered up.

Imagine being stupid enough to believe CNN.


I hate when you satanists project this hard.

That's because you're a liberal faggot who needs to kill yourself, so why not do as nature intended and leave this earth before you have to deal with 6 more years of his rule? YOU CAN DO IT, LAD!!!

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They are fucking with the data, or being dishonest. Remember what they did with Sweden? They published this graph

Attached: up means more.png (892x676, 53K)

Instead of this one

Attached: fem.png (1454x761, 307K)

as many others have pointed out this statistic is misleading to say the least. violent crime has gone up and immigrants are the reason (this is also in the same statistic except they prefer not to point it out themselves)

Notice how nobody is posting anything to support their claims that their God Emperor is right lmfao you conservashits are so stupid.

because cnn is such real news


Oh right, he can’t ever be lying because any government statistic is fake, any media report is fake. Hell, even your own eyes lie to you. The only truth is straight out of Daddy’s mouth, right?

this, numbers are definitely being fucked with

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Even if he is right, what does crime in Germany have to do with US immigration law? He's just trolling for IRL (you)s.

CNN is lying.

That is not his it works retard.
You posted the claim the burden of proof is on you and got ya to respond.
Jesus Christ you can’t even troll or shitpost GTFO you god damn light weight queer

Funny, coming from the same group of people who constantly quote statistics of black crime in America for their own political agenda.

>Lowest crime rate since 1992
Sure i guess that's why AFD is gaining so much

He knew that this would happen, i have to respect him for that

LOL you faggot, you just admitted he's OUR president
Finally some progress

so he should have said violent crime instead of something vague, but he didn't, because hes a retard who fantasizes about being head of the space marines

>“The situation is completely different for those who find out as soon as they arrive that they are totally undesirable here. No chance of working, of staying here,” Pfeiffer said.

this guy is unbelievable. he is the single most industrious lobbyist for immigration in this country. downplaying immigrant crime with pseudo scientific / armchair psychologist arguments has been his whole raison d'être for decades! its all he does from breakfast to dinner. Any crackhead under a bridge has a more sensible lifestyle than this utter moron.

>burden of proof is on anonymous internet users, but the president should be believed without question

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Conservashits on a typical day on Jow Forums

5 minutes later

>Uh no sorry sweetie statistics are all faked and don't matter because I say so without any actual evidence to back up my claims but because it doesn't confirm my biases and makes my daddy donnie look back I'm gonna call you a liar and say its fake CHECKMATE LIBTARDS!

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The sooner you admit that you are wrong and lost, the sooner you can start healing your mind and start living like a normal human being.

Our government isnt trying to hide black crime stats because we're not trying to hide an invasion of blacks from arabia.

Try to keep up, context matters.

Um, Sweaty? Those weren't rapes, they were sexual emergencies. Everything was taken care of, pamphlets were handed out and all.

we don'T care shill
go back to where you came from

>lowest number of crimes committed

they cover up thousands of crimes for their political agenda, barely anything makes it past local media that everyone outside Germany besides Jow Forums ignores

In fact we inflate our stats with "white" Hispanics so black crime doesn't look as bad.

>semantics argument

So you admit the black/latino vs. whites statistics are accurate? Quid pro quo, you bug chasing homo.

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(You) are the problem. (You) think it’s so fucking clever to come here every day and post your absolute garbage under a GOP memeflag. Everybody knows who (You) really are. You glow in the fucking dark here.

>haha gonna prove Drumpf wrong
>rapimgs, stabbings, pedophilia
>h-ha poor Drumpf wrong ag-again

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2017 =/= 2018. yet another obvious attempt to move the goal posts from dog shit cnn. fuck off, gullible retard. no bump. kys.

Everyone who's not a fucking retard knows what he meant. No one is accusing immigrants of jaywalking, you fucking retard.

What constitutes "exposure to a sex offense"? Being forcibly raped? Getting drunk and regretting what happened? Seeing a drunkard pissing in public?

That idiot was better than your terrorist supporting traitor. What does that say about your dumb ass?


Can't have crime if you don't enforce the laws.

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Liberals / democrats are an embarrassment to humanity let alone the country

>Trump never lies

>that wall of SEETHING text
Lefty memes, every time

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When you don't need to go mining for leftard salt, they bring straight to your door

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>Thinks immigrants have excelled
Name one contribution to any White country

Quit crying basedboy

Steve Jobs

It's a crime that Muslims are allowed to exist

>cite stats and data nonstop trying to prove all races are inferior to whites
>cover your ears and deny all data confirming something against your beliefs
Jow Forums logic

Picked strawberries because machines can't do it without destroying them, and Americans don't want to work for $5 an hour, no benefits, and guaranteed the job will be gone in 2 weeks.

Did CNN include or exclude the no go zones that are now in Germany?

Violent crime is up by 10% from 2014 before refugees came.
CNN is willfully misinforming its audience and you gullible fools are eating that shit up.

Also, we have NEVER had a news of a young woman violently raped and killed or gangraped at knifepoint in my 27 years of life.

They brought in a new kind of crime.

I hope you're just a troll, otherwise, you're a reall fucking idiot.

Reality doesn't need confirmation. It is.

Fake news twist by the fake news Media.

Oliver Malchow, head of police Gewerkschaft, immediately called out this statistic as bullshit because it doesn't take in account unregistered file reports and the real burden of Germans suffering under migrant terror.

this... this can't be unironic, right?

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If easy to cite immigration statistics if you don't even register rapefugee crime

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That's a pretty big STFU response.

They've been suppressing the stats in the reich. This is actually a very good move on Trumps part. The public wake up to see the media say that women are being raped everywhere, trucks of peace and petty theft are everywhere but crime is down is going to really turn the public on Merkel.

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>500 accusations of sexual assault at the 2016 New Year's celebration in Cologne
>Only 25 reports filed by police
Surely we can take the German authorities at their word

>you cite actual data and facts to support your arguments
>yeah we falsified crime statistics to undermine right wing arguments against immigration
>but you relied on data so you have to accept our falsified data

Dude, if you google "German Crime", fucking google is trying to hide any news that doesn't fit the counter narrative. The first two pages is all Mainstream media shilling, about why Trump is lying, why German crime is down, blah blah.

So actually yeah, this is telling me the media is running hard on this to try to "prove" (yet again) that Trump is a liar or a dolt.

Sadly, I decided to look at the German crime numbers from their department of the interior ( bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/pressemitteilungen/DE/2018/05/pks-und-pmk-2017.html ) . I didn't peruse all the documents, but merely took a look at some year before the migrants swelled in (2011 for example) and 2017's. The numbers aren't vastly different, but that doesn't seem to quite add up. I'd like to say "they're hiding the stats" , but based on "official" numbers I don't see much in the way of proving Trump right.

This is like the "last night in sweden" tweet all over again

>500 accusations of sexual assault at the 2016 New Year's celebration in Cologne
>Only 25 reports filed by police
Cops aren't going to file a report because he looked at her in a rapey way.

Yeah I hope that's the case.

People manipulate statistics. When Sweden claims that "we are now taking sex crime more seriously", they are watering everything else down in an attempt to average more native Swedes into the figures. With "marital rape" occurring at the woman's dubious testimony for 1yr and adding 365 cases of Lars Erikssen committing rape, they can swing the statistics away from Afghanis who commit a random rape of a 13 year old.

They don't do this in the USA with sex crime but they do it with other things in how they classify nationality. They probably do it in Germany as well.

So somewhere between picking strawberries and inventing products that spy on White people in their own countries we have the cumulative effects of mass immigration. Sounds legit for a commie faggot.

>our president
>implying you're american with your meme flag

German sources are quite clear.
Nobody is trying to hide that fugees commit more crime than Germans anymore.
It is apparent to everyone.

Violent crime is up 10% since 2014 and fugees make up 92% of that rise.

In direct comparison, they are about 30 times more likely to commit a crime.

>Name one contribution to any White country
Immigrants created this country. Without them it would still be a bunch of indians, trees and wild animals.

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germans just dont go to police anymore
its only time consuming and brings nothing
you do it only if you have some insurance
for the insurance

lower crime numbers doesnt mean less crime

>Immigrants created this country.
Silly faggot Whites created this country. There is nothing here without us.


the same thing was reported here one week before the beautified version came along

The left wing media does it in the US when it comes to reporting gun violence. Random and gang shootings between niggers and spics are counted as "mass shootings" when they need to get some big inflated "X mass shootings per day" number, but are suddenly discounted when they do a racial breakdown so they can claim that all mass shootings are committed by white people.

It was purposeful to get you look into the stats thinking you won and then wind up getting a fucking redpill you fucking idiot. It's been his tactic for over two fucking years. God you are idiots.

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They were settlers, not immigrants. Fucking NA education at work.

i saved this for the 2020 vote

Trump messed up, he should have said according to sources familiar with germany then closed with
>and thats a good thing.

>data from germany

they love to manipulate that data, see diesel crisis

>What an embarrassment. So sick of having this idiot as our president.
go pound sand on the far side of the border wall freak. you can wave to all the children on your way out.

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>Overall crime is lower
>Still a 20-50% increase in rape,theft, violent assualts and robberies
I couldn't care less how many grandmas steal grapes in the supermarket,but I do care about the massive increase of violent crimes. Last few years have reduced the quality of life dramatically in cities it's too fucking dangerous to go out after 7-8pm.

youre right! he was playing 8d chess this whole time. my god, how could i be so blind! #maga #praisekek thanks fellow based magapede!!1!

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What's the difference? They came here and entered native american nations, lived in enclaves of all their own kind, and did what they could to repel the indians' attempts to get rid of them.

what the fuck are you talking about? I live in Berlin which is the most multikulti and everything's fine. du Lügner

you're the liar Achmed

>my personal anecdote outweighs all physical evidence

Just look up the police report for nrw you retard, we literally had a high double digit increase of rape etc. right after the refugees got in. Also despite being only 10% of our population (all migrants) they manage to commit more than 30% of all crimes.