No fucking way any men had gyno like this just 10-20 years ago but now most of the guys I see on the street have some degree of bitchtits.
How do we realistically deal with shit like this?
Male milkers
Beyond fake
and sage
Photoshopped pictures are everywhere, we have to deal with it.
this is a thread for on Jow Forums you fucking meme flagging dog.
stop hanging out with tranny's you faggot
This came from Jow Forums
I don't really care either way if this particular shit is shopped, the issue is real. Even my teeange nephew has mantits and he's not even fat.
Push ups, benches, and flys
The board you meant to post this on can be find on your left side.
...and dips
Seriously, tho.
I went to family Memorial Day picnic, and formerly fit guy that married my cousin (two kids),
Had Bitch Tits.
He just wore a t shirt, like not even trying to cover them,
Maybe he doesn't even know.
They sprang up figuratively in the last year.
It's a very real and serious thing that is happening.
stop eating carbs and industrial foods
that's what causes it
that is NOT normal
i have been taking testosterone blockers and estrogen for years and i dont even have man boobs like that
Doctors needlessly prescribing people anti psychotics.
Seriously, stop falling for the psychology jew you stupid fuck!
Some meds also. Like antacids.
That doesn't counteract the hormonal imbalance that young males have. Professional body builders who juice for too long eventually get gyno because their body's hormonal balance is all fucked up. No amount of exercise can fix gyno, only surgery.
Dude has better tits than my gf
>Most of the guys I see on the street have man boobs like that
Where the hell do you live user?
sad day. at least you have the most models per capita so her face is probably not a trainwreck.
only white men have this problem, they started getting so sexy i might have to just become a bisexual. the globalists turned you all into trannies
Estrogen is entering the diet from a lot of places.
Water bottle plastic contains estrogen.
Water has estrogen in it because of all the contraception that gets flushed and peed into it.
Onions is becoming trendy.
The list goes on and on.
Eat a raw meat and raw food diet. Only way to ditch the processed food Jew.
>raw meats (well sourced obviously)
>raw eggs
>raw dairy (milk, cream, cheese)
that's literally all you need to eat. you don;t even need water because of the milk. if you eat only raw animals foods like this you'd probably get Jow Forums even if you didn't work out and just walked around a lot
I went from 22 percent to 18 percent body fat in a few months and gained an additional 10 pounds in muscle eating this way.
>inb4 im gonna get sick!
pussies. if the meat is well raised its not a problem. this is why we need to return to our farming roots. modern (((society))) is cancer, literally.
So how come there are plenty of manly men who haven't got a clue and drink tap water with no problems?
I honestly just put it down to sedentary junk food lifestyle that many of us had as kids. The brain probably inhibited test thinking we'll never need it since we nver use our muscles and are pussys so might as well raise the oestrogen and turn us into effeminate cucks
Those are implants
Whats his kik grandpa
>raise the oestrogen and turn us into effeminate
good, you make better fuck toys than the women
>How do we realistically deal with shit like this?
Umm... brassieres?
>E V E R Y T H I N G
It's a fucking toxic epedemic, i'm not joking.
>Non-Organic food is sprayed with endocrine disrupting chemicals constantly the whole time it's growing - by the time it gets to stores, it's fucking saturated in chemicals that directly fuck up your gender hormone system
>Most plastic is bound together using xenoestrogen and endocrine disrupting chemicals - it leeches into everything the plastic touches; food, drinks, your fucking hands, even more so on a warm day/in a hot car etc...
>Receipts are soaked in BPA which is, you fucking guessed it, a HUGE endocrine disruptor
>Teflon in frying pans
>Aluminium in cooking instruments and foil
>Microplastics in 80% of tapwater and 90% of bottled water
>Microplastics in every single fucking part of the ocean
>Microplastics are inside you right fucking now
>Excess estrogen from women on the pill (i am not fucking joking here) CANNOT BE FILTERED OUT of the water supply by current filtration methods - every time a woman on the pill takes a piss, it increases the amount of raw estrogen in our water supply and it cannot be removed.
>General obesity - fat encourages estrogen production in men
S o y - it was just the fucking tip of the iceberg dude, just the fucking tip.
We are all being fucking poisoned and feminized, it's chemical warfare.
It turns men into scheming sweaty sóyboys and trannies, and it turns women into hulking schizo nutjobs, and that's before we even get into the fucking daddy-issues epidemic from state-funded single motherhood.
Such a god damn sandy the squirrel lookin' bitch
Just let it show.
thank you for redpilling people for this.
Happy to help, we all need to be warned about this shit.
Let the sóycucks grease the pan, the rest of us need to sort this shit out and sort ourselves out.
My tranny tits aren't even that big.
close bobs
oh fug