The true winner of the election appears. Confirmed we are in the wrong timeline.
Oh shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>satanist quoting Jesus
this psychopath never ceases to amaze
Based Korean best Korean.
why not kick out the children too?
"Smuggle the little children out of Haiti and traffic them through a hub in the Arizona desert."
“It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
He said that when he was asked to heal children that were not of his tribe.
Sounds like Jesus would have fully supported this.
My God her still total control of the media is so blatantly obvious. This past week the shitbird outlets starting thumping the bible and here she is invoking Jesus.
surprised she didnt burst into flames.
Thought the same
Hillary clinton acting like she's the defender of children.
> The world turned upside down
Jesus told Hillary to stop selling children
Since when did she ever care what Jesus thinks?
Why isn't this bitch in jail yet?
This psycho bitch stood on the debate stage and said she would deport children back to El Salvador. These people piss me off so bad.
so this is the new narrative that the left is using against trump
Just don't talk about the IG report.
confirmed for satan
The Facts:
Criminals who endanger their children by breaking the laws of another nation deserve to have their kids taken away.
These policies were in place under Obama.
These children are victimized when they arrive in the states. Some of them wind up in gangs. Some of them wind up working for drug dealers. And worst of all, some of them wind up in sex trafficking rings. It is far more compassionate to detain them while they await to be reunited with their families in their home nation. It is criminal, cruel and irresponsible for their law breaking parents to bring them to our nation in the first place.
Illegal aliens come to the United States to work as slaves. They are paid slave wages. They are not given basic health care. And if they dare to complain they get deported. These people and their children are exploited savagely and the best thing for any of them is to keep them from coming to this nation in the first place.
Democrats are upset they are losing their steady supply of children to abuse. Can we meme this somehow?
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
Classic satanist strategy.
Jesus would probably tell them not to do illegal things like cross a border
>Jesus didn't say, "Let the children suffer"
If we're following Jesus' example, when can we start beating the shit out of (((merchants))) and (((money changers)))?
kek how soon they forget
>liberals right now
That evil old bag need to keep Jesus name out her mouth
I believe it's pronounced "poetry" you newfag.
>"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Daily reminder that Jesus said to kill those who turn children from him
Yep. I was listening to NPR on the way home from work and they wouldn't shut up about it. They keep saying it's the Trump's administration's choice to be zero tolerance and thus it doesn't matter that Obama's administration separated children as well since they made exceptions for asylum seekers.
You mean, this came out of the mouth of the woman who employed child traffickers in her NGO, in Haiti. Tell me, fucko, where’s her reticence for the children that went missing and never again found, via her NGO.
Fuck you, your mom and the horse you came in on. Eat shit, ass spelunker.
fuck him
>the ironing
Based chink.
Fuck Jesus.
There we go..
NOW Lefists love to quote the Bible
Hillary should stick to her Moloch child sacrifice, don't get JC involved in this.
(((Ron Perlman)))
>the same stuff happened when she was in the government
i guess its that time again to meme about when hillary protected that woman who smuggled 30 kids out of haiti from being prosecuted and getting what she deserved
Tweets like this are so phony it's laughable. I can't believe people are gullable enough to fall for that shit.
Isn't that amazing coming from the woman who made homeless orphans of thousands, if not millions of brown Libyan muslim children in her un-elected, mafia-obtained political positions? Literally destroyed multiple countries at the behest of the ZOG, and her war apologists sweep it all under the rug.
Jesus said to the Israelites to obey Roman law
You are a terrorist supporter. I hope Trump keeps his promise and kills your family.
Any time I see a jew try to evoke emotion, outrage, or tell me what my values are, I can't help but notice how plastic and forced it seems.
Everything is just another transaction, another swindle to these fucks.
>bate like these is a diamond dozen
why did he capitalize pussy?
In the Christian texts, Jesus was quite clear about obeying the law of the land.
Guess what, if those illegal fucks hadn't decided to break the laws of a foreign country, their kids wouldn't be "suffering".
If parents bring their kids along when they commit arrestable crime, guess fucking what, the kids get taken into state custody if there's no relatives for them to go to. This would happen to american citizens too, the fact that these are beaners is irrelevant
What a faggot.
Remember when she had her aide kidnap 33 children from Hati? Jesus does.
What's the difference between parents going to jail, thus separating child/parent and this situation?
Isn't it exactly the same?
Her thoughts on children:
Fucking doggy dog world bro.
You sick monsters like to hear children cry? Let them stay with their parents. Who the fuck cares where they stay.
>Jesus didn't say secure your email server
BASED best Korea
Holy shit, the libs keep invoking the name of Jesus. Such pottery.
Didn't Hillary get a convicted child predator off the hook by saying something to the effect of "she was asking for it"?
Hoping someone can help sauce this
You should had said that to podesta years ago, NOW ITS TOO LATE
That's much more human that what their own home countries would provide for them if they broke the law.
>Literally feed, clothe, bathe, house, and entertain kids while their retarded lawbreaking parents get processed
Maybe we should just hand them off to human traffickers like the dems did. Cuz that worked out so well.
fucking THIS
God told did say to dash their heads upon the rocks though, so we're not going far enough?
Why do I get the feeling he didn't shed a single goddam tear and only mentioned this subject at all because it is currently trending on Twitter and washed up actors feel compelled to virtue signal like a televangelist in an infidelity scandal?
>1 post by this OP
>i'd have never posted this picture that disproves my point
>i am a good liberal, i will always be loyal to the narrative!