We are taking over the UKIP (UK Independence Party) as our base of memetic operations in the UK.
The psychic magic of wizards is needed to invoke KEK - the magic is brewing as we speak.
UKIP Is ripe to be picked and used as a center of KEKist energy. The other parties have ignored a dangerous memetically savvy wing of the population for too long now. It is time we sent a message.
Join the latest battle of the Meme Crusade. Praise be to the green one.
>We Now, it's shitlib faggots like you. Go back to plebbit. No one supports you here, niggerfaggot. Sargon is a joke, PJW is a faggot and that abomination of a gremlin is a commie. saged
The Sargon Defence Force is out in full effect today. Imagine being so cucked shilling for an intellectually underdeveloped failed video game creator who just reads news articles and get's paid by paypiggies for it.
Brody Taylor
Extreme oy-veyying.
William Allen
That fascist memeflag has always reminded me of a Jew's nose behind a lamppost. Go and do one, m8.
Luis Lee
Except nothing I've seen him do leads me to believe he's communist at all.
Caleb Brown
you can't meme what a fucking failure just like liberalisticism in fact, you are all such fucking failures you have to join a dead civcuck party to not be a complete joke
Jacob Adams
Why join the party after it died? The party was held together by Farage and without him it collapsed under it's own weight due to poor management, shitty NEC leadership and being sued by Labour. You're about 5-6 years late to try something like this, I joined the party shortly before the 2014 European Elections and left shortly after Batten became leader, it's always been shittly managed and run and without Farage the flaws in it are glaring.
Xavier Ortiz
The sheer salt of your post is too much. You reek of shill. Nobody here but shills foams in the mouth that much.
Colton Brown
We in the UK have a 2 party electoral system. There is no point in joining anyone other than the 2 main parties.
Lucas Nelson
>using the jew meme like a noob Can you shitlibs do something else than stealing right wing terminology/memes and use it in a complete wrong way because you are autistic?
Elijah Brown
That's the fucking game though, isn't it. Left Right Left Right Left Right.
And where has that got us?
Robert Stewart
>calling others shills and jews to deflect classic
Sebastian Cox
I didn't say anything about Jews in that post. You smell desperate.
Nolan Bennett
Your discord buddy did.Maybe change your tactics. You are even more obvious than media matters.
Carson Sanchez
Not on Discord, the paranoia in you is immense.
Tell me, what do you think this is? What do you think i think you are?
UKIP succeeded in it's job of getting and winning a EU referendum.
It served it's purpose, the party died after Farage stopped becoming leader, shitty e-celebs are only pissing on its corpse. The party should of been disbanded immediately after the referendum was won and a new one formed after we left the EU to push an agenda. You can have as many grassroot members as you wan't from these e-celebs but don't expect a change, look what happened to Momentum with labour the last local election, fuck all.
Jason Edwards
It served ITS purpose. But not ours.
Plus the Brexit we are getting is fucking shit and retarded. May is a weak piece of shit who couldn't negotiate a fucking grocery shop.
Gabriel Johnson
>Farage stopped becoming leader Farage is anti-white, so it's good that he is gone.
They're not nationalist which is a problem, Leyonhjelm is pro immigration and open borders.
Our movement is libertarian constrained by nationalism, that is internally there should be small government but externally we should support the military and borders. Basically, fuck you foreign influencers.
With this in mind, one nation isn't libertarian, palmer's United is failed as fuck, LDP is promising but convincing libertardians to realise how illiberal open borders is means a difficult process. I'd start on the liberal party, but they're too large to co opt. Of course the Labor party is a no no, their youth movement is overtly Marxist (seriously, like Mao posters and shit) and the greens are enemy number one.
I think LDP might be our best bet, we'll test Leyonhjelm for nationalism soonish.
Time we started joining political parties and the best of us start taking positions.
Noah Cruz
>110% chance of you being a shill. You'd better become more discreet, or your shekels will get cut ok sargon
While May is pathetic, Sargon, Dankula and PJW all are shitty debaters. They seem smart (apart from PJW who is cringe incarnate) in heavily edited videos but any of their live perfomances are on the same tier as May. The only hope is that one of their fans is actually a good speaker because those three are not proffesional enough to lead.
Nothing has come out of May's negotiation yet, whilst I am skeptical of her success it's too early to completely write her off, but she's certainly stronger than UKIP. UKIP are awfully fucking run and that can't be overstated. While they may have a larger grassroots due to these e-celebs they won't be used effectively, as a previous member I'm just giving you a warning that it's not what you think it'll be like.
Levi Lee
>Time we started joining political parties and the best of us start taking positions. Yeah. The ones in charge now seems more interested in understanding why everything is shit so everybody can see how intelligent and smart they are, in stead of spending their time on how we can get out of the shit.
>Nothing has come out of May's negotiation yet, whilst I am skeptical of her success it's too early to completely write her off, May is an anti-white cunt. Sargon, Dankula and PJW could have been more pro-white, but at least they don't hate white people, and they are for free speech.
>lel lol kek i'm litterally laughing so hard right now
Christ you are tiresome.
Benjamin Wright
You reek of outsider.
Sebastian Miller
fuck off newfag
Jayden Ross
Fuck off liberalist
Dylan Ramirez
haha holy shit a liberalisticist calling anyone an outsider is hilarious. You are the incarnate of plebbit counter-accusing Jow Forumsacks to deflect from being a sargonite shill. Has the s o y father told you to post this in his discord/fb/skype group? You liberalists are pathetic at trolling/shilling. But please stop shitting up this board with you liberal cancer. We already have enough leftist/shitlib shilling/raiding right now.
Isaac Miller
It might be a backwards party granted, but it seems to be the only small tier party that actually is capable of getting cross platform support and that is a big thing in itself. For too long its been the case where the entrenchment of British voters has meant no real political challenge in areas. Let's face it the north is never going to vote for the Tories even if they managed to change their platform. UKIP had support from northern and welsh labor voters for Brexit and so it's an actual opportunity to make a statement, as they were essentially the leave party. The introduction of new voting members if there is enough of them will be able to shape the way that the party is heading and as long as it comes out for standing for British Nationalism, it has a chance of getting somewhere. Admittedly support should have come from before the referendum, but May has essentially mismanaged the Tories so much that if there is a genuine split of the right wing voting block with support from disenfranchised labor voters, then the chances are that in an election a cross party government will have to be formed. And the party will be able to exert pressure like the DUP currently is. That being said the real question is always how will labour fare in another election. If Corbyn comes into power then the UK will be in for a bumpy four years to eight years, while we get a taste of real socialism.
Benjamin Turner
Get fucked plebbitard
Jonathan Perez
i fucking hate sargon what are you even talking about sperglet lmao
Classically the problem that UKIP has suffered in the past in terms of organisation is that it was the alternative to the conservative party. Due to the past the post system that we have, you either have to be an ardent believer in UKIP principals or essentially not accepted by the Tories. Anyone with the choice in terms of a political career is going to go for the party that best has the chance of winning and so you have a massive brain drain in terms of UKIP as the most talented political individuals would join the conservatives. My hopes is that the injection of new blood and interest, as well as a changing political atmosphere as May further screws the pooch on Brexit would lead to a change in positions in terms of the general voting population. I voted for the conservatives in the last election because I didn't want to see a labor win and there were no other parties large enough that reflected my political leanings to get behind and actually have some meaningful results.
>the astronomical surge of membership ...from foreigners
Leo Long
it's afraid
you can't trust anyone, not even mussolini
Lucas Scott
>Anyone with the choice in terms of a political career is going to go for the party that best has the chance of winning and so you have a massive brain drain in terms of UKIP as the most talented political individuals would join the conservatives. The cuckservatives are anti-white and pro-censorship, so no sane white man woluld want to join them. > I didn't want to see a labor win Do you think the Tories are better than Labour at closing the borders or better for free speech?
I don't disagree with a single thing you just posted, but I don't think any of the e celebs who joined UKIP recently have pretensions of leadership.
Ryder Nelson
Dominic King
After Sargon's white nigger rant. I don't see UKIP agreeing to accept him as a member, let alone the future leader.
top fucking kek its the only party in the uk worth its salt anyway that nigel cat is pretty based
Evan Stewart
dankula is a communist and sargon wants to see the white race die out
Cameron Martin
>so I here u like ukips?
Carson Nguyen
yeah what sort of fucking fag would be in favour of the freedom to criticize and insult whatever religion or race they please?
Josiah Gutierrez
Ah, the first and only time i voted in 40 years, was for UKIPs Brexit. I am pleased and proud of what we have done to fuck Europes ((agenda)) in the arse. Our momentum with Farage also helped Trump to win i think. So good stuff so far, but UKIP was designed as a disposable one shot weapon to nail Brexit, we dropped the corpse and it is all pozzed up with Pakis and ((the unmentionable ones)) now, i'm not sure you want to go near it.
The middle end conservatives are anti-white and pro-censorship. The backbenchers are not. And again we are not asking a question of sanity, rather its political will. If you are seeking to be a politician, and you have the choice between 70% agree with and get elected and 100% agree with and not stand a chance. No sane man or woman outside of an ideologue or paid shill like George Galloway would join a meme tier party.
As for thinking to Tories are better on free speech or closing the borders, no I didn't think they'd be any better. But given the choice between literal Communist being elected into office and the Tories I'd vote Tories. I can only think of that quote from Winston Churchill. " I will not pretend that if I had to choose between Communism and Nazi-ism I would choose Communism."
Chase Lewis
>accelerationism Does this mean a massive rise in immigrants? Cause that's what labour want
Justin Cooper
Hello, Sargon. You will never be a member of UKIP!
too marginal and their public image is solely that of nick griffin "being wayciss". i'd appreciate a shifting of the overton window by relentless and energetic argument, but he just comes out occasionally to say something people think is borderline illegal and then slinks back into the shade for 5 years.
yeah you're not a divide and conquer shill at all. try not to get arrested for hate speech while larping as redpilled gentleman.
Christian Reyes
Based liberalists are pushing the needle again.
Spencerites winge in pain as the world moves on without them once more.
Ian Green
Send the "white niggers" and "we have to go around and breed non white women" clips to UKIP.
>If you are seeking to be a politician, and you have the choice between 70% agree with and get elected and 100% agree with and not stand a chance. It's because you bongs think like this, that you are this fucked.
The only thing that matters is opposing the bong genocide, and the new UKIP leader have had signaled that he is against that.
Unfortunately for me dear Yankee, I too have to live in the Shariah Communist hell hole, that you so want me to accelerate. I can hardly stand the Dervishes as it is. Why vote for a party that wants to import them wholesale as a voting block.
The BNP shot it's bolt years ago. It's been painted as a racist far right organisation rightly or wrongly and therefore will not win any votes or open support from the moderate right. It's unelectable.
Matthew Butler
net migration has never been higher than it is now, and the tories have been in power for a long time
also, speech is the most restricted it has been since the (((postwar))) period began, again with the approval of the majority of tories.
another 20 years of the tories and there will be little green land left in this country, and no all-british areas. and we'll all be working in a terrible gig economy.
Aiden Perez
And no you're not reading that wrong, they actually said "niggers" in their response to me.
That's the fundamental problem with the first past the post system. If we had representative voting, then we'd have more parties and more political diversity. But we don't, we have a system that we inherited from a culture where only white free land owning males were allowed to partake in voting.