what went wrong? how did this region become so fucked up?
New England
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IDK but!
If we have any hope for a white America the whites of the North East need to start getting redpilled.
For fucks sake they voted further left than white men in Cali.
Massachusetts and Connecticut are dictionary definition of limousine liberals. Rhode Island is their little, retarded brother kept in the basement. Vermont is straight Bernie Sanders cultists. Maine is unfortunate backwoods fatties who make the right look bad. New Hampshire is arguably the most based state in the country but is brought down by all its neighbors.
T. Massfag
Irish ruined it, like they ruin everything
New England is
#1 in infrastructure
#1 in pre-k -12 education
#1 in health care
#50 in amount of gun related homicides
when did New England lose its way bros?
I see merchant with T-rex arms.
seems like these people, especially vermont, are beyond saving desu
Vermont at least respects the 2nd
I can't be the only one seeing the merchant.