Ripping children from their parents

Ripping children from their parents. Ripping children from their parents. Ripping children from their parents. Ripping children from: their parents? Ripping. Children. From. Their. Parents.

>ripping children from their parents

Ripping children; from their parents. #RippingChildrenFromTheirParents. Ripping children from their parents. Ripping children...from their parents.

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I am sure democrats would love access to managing those camps, I bet lots of kids would get misteriously lost

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i seriously see this on the media nonstop everyfuckingwhere. i get its not a meager thing, but is it really such a BIG thing? its all i fucking hear now like some mass contagion.

War propaganda repurposed

The Facts:

Criminals who endanger their children by breaking the laws of another nation deserve to have their kids taken away.

These policies were in place under Obama.

These children are victimized when they arrive in the states. Some of them wind up in gangs. Some of them wind up working for drug dealers. And worst of all, some of them wind up in sex trafficking rings. It is far more compassionate to detain them while they await to be reunited with their families in their home nation. It is criminal, cruel and irresponsible for their law breaking parents to bring them to our nation in the first place.

Illegal aliens come to the United States to work as slaves. They are paid slave wages. They are not given basic health care. And if they dare to complain they get deported. These people and their children are exploited savagely and the best thing for any of them is to keep them from coming to this nation in the first place.

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Obama did it too, since it was a Bush policy.

Ripping children from their parents. Ripping children from their parents. Ripping children from their parents. Ripping children from: their parents? Ripping. Children. From. Their. Parents.

>ripping children from their parents

Ripping children; from their parents. #RippingChildrenFromTheirParents. Ripping children from their parents. Ripping children...from their parents.

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Forgot to add, the Bush policy was put in place because of liberals.


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How can he keep doing this???

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This is a political loser for Trump and the Republicans. It humanizes illegal immigrants which is the last thing we need. Women this November are going to vote for the Democrats in huge numbers because of their maternal instinct kicking in.

Ripping children from their parents.

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and then kicking them over the wall into mexico.

They've played it like 6 times on the news here in Australia.. how Trump is separating all of the children from the parents.




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Wow, just like we and every other nation does to their actual citizen criminals. Imagine my shock when these fucking people demand citizenship because they managed to illegally sneak into my country yet want to not be treated like a citizen in how they're punished for that crime.
Really fucking percolates my pistachios

Dumb pieces of shit. The Mexican government and mexicans as it is do a whole lot worse on families. Being detained to be later reunited is the most humane shit we can do.
Ib4 let's give them free housing and more Gibs (fuck that)

ripping tearing holocaust midterms rape murder republicans

Who cares? I mean even if this was a side effect of big bad bully Trump (it’s not, it always happens and it happens when people are arrested too) who the fuck in real life even cares? The desperate media thinks their psychological warfare propaganda has struck gold with this one but it will backfire and zero fucks will be given

If you're pretending that women should be allowed to vote, you should kill yourself.

Someone fill me in whats happening?

Maternal instinct only works when they’re the same race

Does anyone really believe that blue checkmark Twitter outrage is genuine since they all ignored Obama's immigration policy and now want to cry a river?

It's all about using these illegals kids because of their united hatred for Trump


They don't belong here and they broke the law

the MSM has become a screaming match between opposing ideoligies

Literally the worst thing the US has done since Hiroshima

Is having a kid a get out of jail free card now? If I adopt some kid (probably brown for best results) and commit any crime can I just claim they're separating me from my kid?

> putting children in cages
> putting children in cages
> putting children in cages

At this point, if it turned out Trump really is Hitler, and threw your shilling butt in the gas chamber, it would be justice. Like when the boy who cried "WOLF!" got eaten by wolves, while the guards he kept tricking ignored his screams.

Children have been being taken away since illegal immigration was a thing, meaning that Trump didn't cause anymore "damage" than Obama.

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Illegals are getting there children taken back to where they came (a age old practice).

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Those were unaccompanied minors. What Trump is doing is new.


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>Implying shitskins are people.

Good. Rip them all away and throw them in the sea. Fuck the illegal spics, every last one of them. We fully back our president. No more immigrants period!

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What IS the deal with this? You cant trust the media, but there is something going on. Whats happening to these children and where are they going? What is the truth?

>What Trump is doing is new.
What? Not letting an adult that endangered a minor continue to endanger a minor?

It's standard practice that when the parent(s) go to jail, or are otherwise deemed to be unfit parents, the state takes protective custody of a minor that was in their care.

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>1 shill post by this faggot OP

Planned Parenthood?

They are burying the IG report from last week with this hobbled-together news cycle.

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jews have no soul, literal DEMONS

Dont make us start posting dead white children courtesy of diversity you liberal piece of shit.

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Guys, I think we broke the left.

Ripping children from their parents

Sorry you have over extended my feels lefties. I hope eventually a white nationalist dictatorship throws you all in concentration camps so we can get back to living the way God intended without your degeneracy. Also jews in ovens

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>1 post by this assblasted faggot

Why are they so shit at hiding this shit?


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good luck ever having your ethnostate in trudeauland

What's the alternative? And no, just letting them waltz in and live here illegally does not constitute an answer to that question. Should be incarcerate the children in real jail? Should we send them back to Mexico or into southern texas alone?

Meme flag is confusing shill. Maybe try a snek flag?

abortion clinics do it all the time and you dont give a fuck about them...

The media will do anything to try to shit on Trump and get a president they can attempt to manipulate.