Honest question. How do you find a conservative family oriented woman today? I'm 30 and I'm tired of dating...

Honest question. How do you find a conservative family oriented woman today? I'm 30 and I'm tired of dating. Online and offline. The only women you find when you're single at 30 are single roasties with kids or far leftists online on dating apps and dating sites. I feel like I'm fucked and it's one in a million chance to find a decent woman at my age.

Online dating is literally just a bunch of SJWs and hamplanets who identify as a non-cis queer genderfluid mental illness.

Attached: westernwomen.jpg (720x1280, 110K)

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I met 5 on POF without really trying. What part of America are you in?

I don't know what church you go to but the biggest one here is literally all old people and kids.


How? I've only seen fat women and trashy single mothers on POF.

>I'm 30 and I'm tired of dating.
if you have siblings with kids put some effort into helping them raise and upbring them.
that is if you have money, they would be technically your closest kin

time is running out and honestly only americans can really answer your question to how you can find it.


The only way is to find a divorcee who married a cuckold leftist faggot.

I'm pretty close to you then.

The vast, vast majority are single mothers or whales, but you can filter those out with the search results. The decent ones might only be 1% but there are so many people on the site that it still works out.

It's impossible, you can't. I gave up at age 30 too.

Attached: 1517883485546.jpg (584x530, 216K)

Look into more churches. Many have singles groups.