hear that incels?
your favorite soýtoys are one step closer to being banned
hear that incels?
your favorite soýtoys are one step closer to being banned
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I don't care, video games are boring now
>they use a ps4 controller
haha xboners and pcmustards BTFO
But if I'm disabled, that means I get gibs.
Aren't libturds supposed to be compassionate?
Video games were subverted by jews around a decade ago. Modern games are designed to be addictive with micotransactions to chip away at the wallet of the player and end up paying far more than the $40 a game used to cost new.
You must be joking. They'll never be banned. They'd try to recommend you get put on "medication" for your "illness".
Business rules the world, kid. The sooner you learn that, the sooner things will make more sense to you.
i have yet to buy a dlc for my ps4 however that ghost recon wildlands year 2 pass seems like something id be interested in hmm talk me out of it /v/
Only in good decent places. In shitty places like Europe, communist governments rule the world.
Just remember, transgenderism where you have a desire to have your genitalia mutilated isn't considered a mental disorder, but spending too much time on a hobby is. Kinda tells you all you need to know about modern western academia.