I mean, she does have raise some points though

I mean, she does have raise some points though.

Why are you against the childfree life Jow Forums?

I thought you liked money

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Men, imagine this. Its 15 years from now, and you have no kids. You're the cool vidya uncle that occasionally comes upstairs from the basement before leaving for another video game session. You have no responsibilities and a suspicious amount of star citizen ships.

inb4 bait
>something something christian values

But you know this. Stop spamming with the same, stupid shit all the time.

Cool wine aunt posting should be a bannable offense, desu.

Ladies, imagine this. It's 15 years from now, you have expensive ungrateful children interrupting your monthly missionary position sexual intercourse with your husband.

Ladies, imagine this. It's 15 years form now, and you have no kids. You're the one women from your friend group that has no husband. You have regrets and a future of loneliness.

>suspicious amount of money
Credit card debt

OMG she's so right, fuck responsibility and the population's future

>Cool aunt
No such thing
There's a "cool uncle," and there's the grandma who always gives you sweets and spoils you
But the aunt with no husband, no kids and twenty cats is the creepy one you never want to visit but your parents make you pretend to be nice to her

I had a couple of retarded progressive aunts who felt this way. They both lost their minds and went off the deep end. Women are biologically wired to produce children, when they fail or reject that, the consequences are catastrophic. Women have evolved to serve a simple role, make children. Fighting the urge to reproduce is equally degenerate as men who are gay. I consider them both dispositions mental illness

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The cool wine aunt lol, more like the childless alcoholic that everyone wants to stop inviting to family gatherings but nobody has the courage to go through with it because they're worried they'll get named in the suicide note. Spinsterhood isn't a new thing and it's not going to be as glorious as this woman seems to think it will be.

the problem is you guys assume female sex drive is like a mans. even if a girl sleeps with like 5 people every 3months its not how you imagine they don't bone them 247 like you imagine they just have random sex and are not that into it.

you guys don't get it like. even the most slutty girls probably only enjoy it like 10% of the time. while you imagine yourself in their situation and think you would like it 100% of the time and do it at your slightest urge that's not what girls do. they get taken and some times they enjoy it .. its that simple.

also girls loose desire to have sex massively when they are like 25 you have this idea women are sluts for like decades in reality most girls might have like 6months of being a slut tops. in their entire life.

This is the "cool" aunt in my family.
Stripping & roller derby.
You can barely tell she's over 40 and has a dozen cat.

Attached: Dia Blow Literally Shaking.jpg (1280x1070, 817K)

>have gf
>she doesnt want kids
>i dont want kids
>mfw we will be rich and happy and die long before the extinction of the white race

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this. anyone got any cool wine aunt stories that dispel this doubt we have of the cool wine aunts existence ?


Its almost like you can see the repressed suicidal thoughts on her face. I'd be willing to bet shes a man hater too

She doesnt want children with you

Just wait, she will change her mind at the least opportune time.

>the cool wine aunt who constantly tries to tell everyone how great the child free life is yet cries on the inside for literally anyone to impregnate her old wrinkly uterus before it's too late

Becuase you serve literally no purpose unless you pass down either genetic or memetic information. And most people do not pass down a lot of memetic information.

Ladies imagine this. Is 20 years from now and you still have no kids. You are the alcoholic aunt that occasionally comes back home because your brothers wife felt sorry for you and forced him to invite you for a brief visit before making a scene and getting asked to leave. You have no family, and a suspicious amount of STDs.

I see you came to my cookout last weekend.

the cathcet is that ur empty inside and hate ur life, my aunt was unironically like this until she hit like 32, now she has 2 blonde hair blue eyed kids


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Thanks for inviting me again. I don't know what's in your rub but the ribs where legit the best I've ever eaten.

NOTHING OF VALUE WAS LOST. Femanon here. I'm loving every second of childless singlehood and come at me. It's men who need pussy. Women DO NOT need cock. It's a nice thing to have every once in a while...... but men really need to know, for us, cock's a bit like having to go to the dentist. Gotta get that checkup...... oh joy

Give me instead 10 inches of realistic flesh colored latex that'll dig it out right and do it GOOD the FIRST time

Attached: 713rqYDSoiL.jpg (1500x1500, 134K)

xanax, tinder, depression and lots of make up.

Wine aunts hate themselves.

Keep dreaming that dream anonigger

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Laziest larper of the month

I hope wine aunts hate themselves for rejecting my dick for a 10 inch piece of latex that keeps its "opinions" and fucking mouth to itself


>Women DO NOT need cock

It's easy to be lazy with ten inches gliding in and out of you with a big grin on your face. I'd tell you try it but I am against degeneracy. Go to a website from your own country, leave ours alone, wanna be white mestizo

Would you like someone to wipe your tears wept through laughter? Pobre nino

Real cool story bro

The cool uncle always has kids, too. It's part of his secret identity as the rad dad.

You've got too much mouth. Go stuff a dick in it. Meanwhile, logging off to glide 10 inches of perfection and quiet obedience in and out of my tight nondegenerate pussy :) Guten Nacht Liebchens

Hell yeah theres nothing more delicious and valuable than a good old dry cunt

Dry cunts don't drip, nino
Biology 101
You've got too much smart mouth
Go stuff a tranny dick in it

>femanon here
Bullshit post detected. Go back to r9k.

No but seriously, has ANY OF YOU ever seen that "cool aunt" archetype once in your life?

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Can you log out of life while you’re at it

My only single aunt is schizophrenic and is always screaming . I'll be sure to ask her if she likes wine.

women die inside when they don't have babies. The pretty ones can save themselves when they lower their st


If every sister is the "cool wine aunt" then there will be no kids to admire you.

That's why we're buying our similcrum sex bots...and with that, and the advances in artificial amniotic sac fetal development, men will have no need of women...I'm going to get anal sex from my bot erry night...jelly?

My sister is quickly becoming the cool wine aunt.
She's 33, unmarried. No boyfriend, no kids.
I honestly don't see her getting married at this point

These women will go insane or they will remove themselves from the planet

This is what a real life wine aunt looks like

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uhhh user, thats what my aunt looks like

>your niece looks up at your face
>Are you happy Aunt Roastie?

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>coveting earthly wealth above all other things
Yeah she's going to off herself

Ladies, picture this, you live in a reality where materialist consumption and superficial relationships are satisfying and won't turn you into a husk of a human being who your relatives dread seeing on holidays and have muted you on facebook

>the problem is you guys assume female sex drive is like a mans. even if a girl sleeps with like 5 people every 3months its not how you imagine they don't bone them 247 like you imagine they just have random sex and are not that into it.

Ding ding ding ding this Ausanon gets it

They don't remove themselves from the planet though. I don't know how many of you have ever volunteered with the elderly, but it's amazing how many of the crazy old birds pushing 100 are childless. They're terrified of their own shadows but they're even more terrified of the grave. It would almost be sad were it not for the fact that all of them have lived lives of incredible selfishness and have every reason to be afraid of either judgement or oblivion.

>being an only child

You're just a dead branch.

I'm sure that will be far more enriching to the soul than sharing the bonds of literally the strongest form of love that can be experienced by the human species

The middle-aged un-married aunt in my ex-girlfriend's family was essentially their hidden shame. Sadly, impressionable young people are easily convinced that pointless hedonism and money will bring them fulfillment.

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go clean your room, brat.
You don't tell mama what to do.

Or I can take my Sig and log you out of it

Good, carry on

Men blew it
Fuck that shit. Dildos for fucking days, in fact dildos forever

The best part is when one of the young kids says " why aren't you married?" and she just gets the thousand yard stare.

"Because I'm not needy like YOU are, piglet"

Imagine being so resentful that you make all of these posts. Your LARP isn't fooling anyone lol.

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I have absolutely no problem with that. My kids will inherit (a bigger chunk of the) the Earth.


haha what a sad reality she's going to confront a lot sooner than she thinks.

being serious for a minute here, anons: what is fun when you're 25/26 is not fun any longer ten or fifteen years later for a simple reason: you've done it already. after doing something a couple hundred times you're often bored with it. There are 52 Saturday nights every year - go out on each one for ten years starting at 21. By 31 you're bored as fuck and by 40 you'd rather die than be out at a bar on saturday night.

this girl will be fantasizing about a different life when she's 50 than the one she has.

the trick is to quit while you're ahead, at the peak of a period of your life. when you are SATIATED. then move on to the next thing.

Who makes that dildo? Im asking for my gay friend

Cool story babe

Get back in the kitchen

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What's wrong with missionary, faggot?

Guess what: I'm a wine aunt

I've been using Jow Forums for 8 years now. I’m a world traveler and proud cat rescuer. I'm a veterinary medicine and wine tasting champion, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only 42 and have had 7 generations of educated kittens. I'm a member of the ASPCA society. I voted Trump. I fuck based Black men exclusively (its consensual). I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligint than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your Pinot Grigio. I'll probably have a more apropos Pinot than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef named my niece do it. The only plates I pick up aren’t dishes, their my lifts which are bigger than yours. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day, and you'll beg to be my beta "sommelier."

>being rude to kids

Exactly. In about 20 years theres going to be a huge wave of middle aged single woman suicides and the media is going to find some way to blame white men

Where does she get the money from if she has no commitments like work?

fucking this LOL

>they're worried they'll get named in the suicide note
too fucking right on, user.

Stop trolling you know you are trolling

Jesus Christ I know you're joking but it bothers me that some people really are so self-obsessed.

this drunk idiot makes a few good points. the "lose interest in sex at 25" part is of course wrong.


>cool wine aunt
is that what we're calling crazy cat ladies these days

Attached: cool wine aunt.jpg (1280x720, 204K)

I work with this guy. In his 50s, office full of action figures, wears Star Wars and 80s cartoon t-shirts on casual fridays, spent an hour one day trying to convince me to invest like $100 in Star Citizen. The saddest part is he's not totally socially inept, I've seen him chat up women before, he's just too unwilling to give up the vidya and onions boy manchild life to have a family.

Dude she's a famous blogger by then and makes millions off her Instagram account. Duh!

Ladies, imagine this. It's 15 years from now, and you're dead because you killed yourself when you turned 40.

>Women are biologically wired to produce children, when they fail or reject that, the consequences are catastrophic.
Anyone got stories about this?

She forgot the part with dried ovaries and an unfufilled life.

Trappings and fineries can never replace children.

the cool aunt, the real one, has suffered in life and serves as a cautionary tale, but one that has wisdom to impart. her life has not gone well, but at least it was interesting and exciting. she is at peace with the outcomes and is happy to share what she has learned.

but the cool aunt ALWAYS wants better for you and will steer you down a more traditional path. she knows the road you are eyeing is fraught with pain, suffering, disillusionment and disappointment. it's the hard-knock life.

just get her pregnant

>This massive larp

I have a kid and do all those things. I don't get it. Was I supposed to be miserable as a parent?

Like what kind of pathetic person are you that you can't manage your time lol

this is a pretty good post

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>Not recognizing this well aged pasta
C'mon lads

And to add, I guess the super cool thing is: 15 years from now I won't be desperately throwing myself at men and trying to oops them in a race against menopause kek

No, imagine you're in your 40s, still not married, no kids, nobody tells you "happy father's day" and you're looking forward to putting a shotgun in your mouth in about 25 years because there won't be anyone to care for you in your old age. No one to visit. No grandkids to come around.

You're just alone and bitter.

Got to agree with this fellow femanon.
The men just really don't get it, do they?
They think we thirst for dicks and to heave out a watermelon-sized needy mini me version of them the way they thirst for puss and to plant one in.

Let's let them dream shall we HAHAHA

Twitter comment is a chick, so in 15 years we'll get to point and laugh at all the suicides because "forever alone abloo bloo"

The last time this thread was posted I wrote about my sister-in-law, who is my kids' "cool wine aunt". She was once a pretty young woman with a glamorous job in journalism, but now that she's pushing 50 she's not hot or "diverse" enough to keep the attention of employers (and print journalism is dying anyway, of course), she's perennially single after dozens of relationships of varying length over the past few decades, has been raped at least twice and had an abortion, and she's sometimes too sad even to listen to my children's voice when she calls. She's a walking poster child for the destructive lies of feminism, but she still clings to the illusion that the next big thing for her is just around the corner... it's incredibly sad

Works both ways.

Go to a wine bar and see all the "cool wine aunts" in there.

Maybe they were cool one day, now they're over the hill, alone with no kids and reek of desperation. It's them and your old high school football coach in there, pretty much.