>be me >19yo >forced to get a job, go out and start job at subway >2 nigger coworkers >think "fuck this" when i see them, i'll have to work with them every day >start talking to them >theyre actually chill and not WE WUZ KANGS/DINDU NUFFIN/BLACKPOWER >can speak about politics >helped me fix up my shit car >nice people with good intentions
was I lied to? having mixed emotions right now bros
>Is the world not actually like what is described on my Chinese cartoon board?
Jaxon Morales
Of course there is good black people, I just don't want to live in an area with a large black pop for many reasons but the strongest is how you would stand out more.
Bentley Foster
Be your own man. We're not here to live your life for you.
Oliver Williams
You met some “talented tenthers”, but that doesn’t mean they won’t still shoot you for your wallet and shoes at a later point.
Some nigs play the long con.
Ryan Scott
Cunt you work at subway What you think about anything matters as much as dogshit Fuck off
Josiah Murphy
>things that didn't happen >thinking anecdotes counter statistics