If you support or condone children being incarcerated because they simply were with their parents at the border...

If you support or condone children being incarcerated because they simply were with their parents at the border crossing, you are either immoral or a fool. End of discussion. At this very moment, Trump could end this. But we are becoming a country run by despots, and becoming the exact opposite of what every American hero has ever stood for.
Simply put, for those who follow Trump-

Attached: ct-children-border-patrol-facility-20180617.jpg (2048x1337, 869K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Obama death camped more kids than anyone.png (761x658, 363K)

when is the main event

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Honestly I don’t really give a shit. And you posting threads like this makes me cringe and drives me further away from supporting your cries. No thanks Jose. Fuck you and your family. Build a wall, deport them ALL and their fucking kids. I’d rather not waste my taxpayer dollars on housing these dirty criminals in what seems to be a nice holding camp which is most likely 10 x better than their actual homes in South America/Mexico. Fuck you and fuck your whole family, Jose.

>If you support or condone children being incarcerated because they simply were with their parents at the border crossing,
I don't, it's terrible these vermin are being housed and fed. They should be executed.
>becoming the exact opposite of what every American hero has ever stood for.
Yes, every great American fought to keep invaders like these scum out, it's terrible that this country has fallen so far as to allow them entry.

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>children being incarcerated
It's protective custody because the adult they were with is a criminal, unfit parent endangering the welfare of a minor, or a trafficker moving a kid that is not their across national lines.

You shills are not helping yourselves one bit here. If anything, you're making your case worse and worse.

Attached: child-protective-services.jpg (350x339, 50K)

Attached: differenceinmorality.png (197x460, 130K)

Eat my asshole, faggot.