Millennials Are America's Worst Tippers

According to a new study from, 10% of millennials do not tip at all when eating out. In contrast, only 3% of the older generations don’t tip.

Even when millennials do tip, the study found that the median gratuity is just 15%. This is under the national average, and significantly less than Gen-X, baby boomers, and the ‘Silent Generation,’ all of whom leave a median tip of between 18 and 20%.

The same attitude applies to tipping those who provide services, such as Uber or Lyft drivers: 18% of millennials don’t tip them, even when provided with an option to do so.

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One thing I find annoying, is the way those new ipad cashier systems ask you for a tip at a fast food restaurant.

Now correct for ethnic background faggot

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Or doing take out

Good. Tipping is such bullshit.
The minimum wage was recently increased to $14/hr and these fuckers have the audacity to ask for a tip for carrying plates

>Muh millennials

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I understand why they used this data to do this study, since it has massive troves of preprocessed data readily available, but fundamentally carrying out a hypothesis with this method is questionable.
Many waiters prefer cash, as credit tips get automatically taxed and some restaurants don't tip out credit tips until you receive your paycheck, which is unpreferred to cash. Also, credit card data obviously does not account for cash sales, which make up such a significant portion of actual consumer spending that it's hard to defend that conclusion without bias. I wouldn't be surprised if that hypothesis is true, but truthfully it's hard to know if I'm looking at this with a statisticians mind.

It should be broken down by race.

>t. millennial thinking he has the right to criticize anybody

Nope, all huwhite
Millennials cop "the economy" and nigger straight out the door

t. millennial

Blacks are terrible tippers.

Asians and Jews second and third.

>t.boomer who infested colleges with communist jews

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I tipped a waitress a dollar today, first time in forever. Only reason was because she was good looking and we were talking for like 10 minutes. Fuck tipping tho

nothing in the article mentions race


>t. millennial who got everything good in life handed down to him by boomers and now complains that he wants more

This is literally the complete and total opposite of the truth.

if your employer does not pay you enough find one who will.
stop trying to guilt the customer into it(its clearly not working).

A tip from me is usually in the form of constructive criticism.

The real reason the MSM keeps shitting all over millennials is because we aren't falling for the Jewish tricks our parents did.


Tipping is crap. The law entitles them to $15 an hour here now even if they don't get tipped. Fuck 'em, not paying for unskilled labor.

> oh but I got my tits out and all
Fuck off and work in a strip club where you belong.

t. 28 year old boomer

A fuckin' boomer

I'd tip her
Into a yogurt filled sleeping bag

American tipping practices are a direct result of restaurant owners not paying a living wage to their servers.
Cant blame millenials to basically gift money to strangers, when they do not have a lot of money to spare in the first place.

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I know dis meme

I'll be honest, I fucking hate eating out most the time. If you go to older restaurants, they are usually "themed" to the food they serve, so it makes eating out an experience. But every fucking new restaurant now, no matter what they serve, are literally all the fucking same: bare wooden and metal walls with communal tables like it's a fucking prison, edison lights that don't fit in, and the place is all non-sound absorbing materials so you gotta fucking yell all the time AND on top of that they always play shitty hip hop. So that's why even if the food is good in places like those I just order and pick up, no need to tip and no shitty atmosphere, I would rather just eat home or at a friend's place.

Who cares, I just paid 14 bucks for a fucking meal and I'm supposed to tip this waiter bitch just because she is wearing a miniskirt with her ass near my food? Fuck those restaurants btw, and fuck tips. Bring me my fucking food.

>ruined housing market
>ridiculous state debt
>millions of shitskins

Gee thanks grandpa





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"tipping" is the reason I don't eat out anymore
much better to prepare and cook your own food rather than someone charge you insane prices to do it for you, you know a restaurant is shit when something you can make for less than $1.50 costs $15 there
>salads are expensive
>omelettes are super fucking expensive
>the portions never match the price
FUCK going out to eat

This nigger faggot the other night made me wait 10 minutes at his door for him to drive down the road and then didn't tip after all that. I don't normally even get mad at niggers for not tipping anymore though. What do you expect? They just don't have empathy really. Or are able to put themselves in others' place.

millennials have the highest population of beaner illegals of any other generation. beaners are poor and dont tip even when they hvae money because thats how things are done in their country and they are classless. so it makes sense. also we have a huge portion of nigs on the dole, probably more than any previous generation

>just 15%
so you DESERVE more for writing my order down, fucking it up, and walking my plate over to me? fuck that and fuck you entitled cunts.

thank you. another critical thinker here, are you by any chance a lawyer?

>the study found that the median gratuity is just 15%. This is under the national average,
I remember when 10% was an acceptable tip, and 15% considered great. There's already talks of servers wanting 25% becoming the norm, which is ridiculous.

Here's a tip, kiddos: Instead of complaining about why you have to tip because you are so poor, maybe you should not be eating out all the time, oh and maybe you would not be so poor if you didn't always buy the most expensive Iphone every time a new one came out and also insisted on subscribing to a dozen streaming services at anytime.

Give it 10 years, the average is going to drop when the 2nd American Civil War starts.

It's one thing to take advantage of low pricing education it's an entirely other thing to keep smashing government money into it and making it unaffordable for the middle class. It's also an entirely selfish thing to import millions of third worlders just for cheap labor as landscapers and poolboys who fuck your wives.
Dirty boomer cunt,
Gas the boomers, agewar now

jesus fuck really? I top 20% almost all the time unless the service was really shitty.

>Even when millennials do tip, the study found that the median gratuity is just 15%. This is under the national average, and significantly less than Gen-X, baby boomers, and the ‘Silent Generation,’ all of whom leave a median tip of between 18 and 20%.

I never eat out without tipping but damn, I usually tip around 10%. Y'all are crazy tipping so high.


It better be starting during a democrat presidents term. If it starts during a Trump term, he will just dronestrike his own citizens. I do not wish this fate upon anyone.

A higher proportion of millennials shitskins.

*citation needed*

I start my tip at 15% and add and subtract depend on how well the service is.

Automatic tipping is for faggots. Earn your tip waiters

protip: don't go to restaurants, make food at home. let's see if not getting any customers at all is better than getting no tips.
i mean they charge 4,50€ for 0,75 litre of water in restaurants and if you don't tip YOU are greedy? wtf man.

is it so shocking that poor people tip less than people with money

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I always tip excessively well, but then again I have a lot more disposable income than most millennials.

I always get the sense that most of these anons arguing so vociferously against tipping are just really cheap motherfuckers.


Most stuff is easy as fuck to cook at home once you actually take the plunge. Cooking is fairly passive as well, you can have something on the stove or in the oven while you watch a television show/browse internet and then periodically just go check the food every 5-10 minutes and things will turn out great.

I made an incredibly good omelette this morning for breakfast, better than any I'd ever eaten at a restaraunt, and the total cost of all the ingredients was made $3-4 at most, and it took me maybe 15 minutes of actual attention and another 5 minutes to clean up. No tipping required.

Eating out at restaurants is a meme at this point.

>is it so shocking that poor people tip less than people with money
then why are they eating out in the first place?

sorry boomer, your time is over and I hope your grave is looted

Holy fuck you're a persistent faggot. Can't find any other threads to shit up? Must be hard to navagate Jow Forums at your advanced age, huh?

I tip, but I don't like doing it. That's why I don't eat out.

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>t. SJW millennial

I work too hard to just give my money away.

... immigration act of 1965... hmmm right around the time boomers started protesting and being politically active.

I would be more afraid of hackers drone striking :^)

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Wow, what a surprise, the numale faggot could not defend his position with actual facts

What exactly are you implying. This woman clearly has no ass.

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Really activates the almonds

>boomers at the oldest were 20 years old
>the act was sponsored by and voted by men in congress who were older than boomers
Holy fucking shit your a retard, kys

Tipping is a stupid practice. Employees should receive a livable wage from their employer. And the failure to tip is not a millennial thing. My grandmother, a woman who keeps statues of the virgin mary in her tiny house, claims she never knew she was supposed to tip.

My generation has the burden to FIX the SJW problem that yours created. S to spit on your grave then L to loot it

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Shut up nigger

No time to cook between college classes full time job and sleep

Inability to cook due to growing up with parents that are out all the time and tipped gratuitously because they could afford to do so

There are no SJW's over 40 you retard

is this another boomer plot so boomer restaurant owners don't have to raise the wages of their employees?

Voting age is 18 cunt
And everything since 1965 has been a nice slide into oblivion thanks to your generation. Now that you are starting to die off things are starting to go better

The leaf is right, though. Tipping is bullshit. Stop subsidizing their employer's profits. They can pay a livable wage or they can do the waiting themselves. Fuck tipping.

25 here. I tip a standard 20%. But I do not see tips as obligatory. It is voluntary. If my service is not satisfactory, I don't too as much. This includes food as well. I'll tip, but I expect the service for it. Don't like? Get a real job.

>study from
>probably got the info from a bunch of credit cards
>they'll never know if someone didn't tip at all or decided to tip with cash
>they'll just label them all as non-tippers anyway

excuses: the post

Go to the grocery store and buy fucking buy raw veggies and eat them at home, boil water in a pot and make mac and cheese, is that beyond even a child to do?


I will not shut up and I will not tip no matter how slowly or reluctantly you hand over my change.

>Still ignores the fact that boomers had nothing to do with the 1965 act

you taught them, you coddled them, you enabled them, it was YOU that created them boomer filth

Voting age is 18, it only takes 10% to swing a vote. This is why wedge issues like the 1/4000th of the budget spent on planned Parenthood consumes massive airtime while economic issues take a backseat.

Blacks never tip.
I once sat the black waiter all the black customers.
He was pissed lol

once again, it was all congressmen that dealt with the act, the public had no input


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Fuck tipping t b h. It's why you learn how to cook, when people realize its just sweaty mexicans in the back of joints doing the same shit you can do in a kitchen for 3 bucks an hour they stop eating out. Also, every restaurant has roaches and mice.

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>A portion of a population that roughly corresponds to the amount of niggers in that population behaves in a way we find displeasing.
What a startling revelation! My almonds are now fully activated!

interesting, could this be because more people in the millenial generation are non white compared to the boomers

Eat at McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, Chik-fil-A etc... (you DON't have to leave a tip at fast-food places)

can someone explain why niggers love cheesecake factory so much in particular?

Eating out more than once a week or even less frequent than that is a joke. Never gonna make it. I'm a server too...My bosses always seem offended when I don't buy food there and even at 50% off its still over priced compared to making my own and less nutritious to boot.

I'm with you, nig- i mean... brother.
Fuck (((tipping)))

How much is it even?
Over here I can get a good meal for about 3-4€ if I eat out, and yet I cook at home.

Tipping is for exceptional service, not expected service.

I don't tip the cashiers at the grocery store for doing their jobs.

>tiping Uber
Wtf kek

>.My bosses always seem offended when I don't buy food there

what a bunch of pussies. it's none of their business what you eat. fuck them for even emotionally reacting to your personal matters.


Don't be a pussy man, you're on Jow Forums. You stupid oxy-addicted leaf faggot.

I never tip the Uber unless they are *really* nice. I'm scum, aren't I, but it's a utility i use everyday.
Any Uber/Lyft drivers here, what should i tip?

Why is it legal if you pay for a meal with a credit card for them to automatically include tip? What if the waitress was shit? Do we not have the power to give less for shit service?

entrees start at $12-15 USD unless it's fast food, if you get a beer or a drink, add another $5. This is like a denny's or something too.

Breakfast tends to be cheap, bacon eggs hash browns toast waffles and the like. Lunch and dinner sandwiches or entrees are where they get you.