I'm going to be sent to prison for a long time and I have no idea what to expect. has anyone here done hard time...

i'm going to be sent to prison for a long time and I have no idea what to expect. has anyone here done hard time? what is prison really like? I need advice and stories

I am scared shitless

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What country

Its important to stick with your race in prison, be sure to ask everyone on the block what race they are so you can stick to the rule

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what for fag

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Look up the after prision show on youtube.

united states, alaska to be exact

murder and I did it but I had no choice

i like smearing animal feces into my eyelids and letting the bacteria mix with my eye fluids and seep into my bloodstream
sometimes i go out into the forest and look for a big pile of animal shit and just digging in and start eating it by the mouthful
Sometimes after eating all that animal shit i throw up all over myself then wipe the vomit into my anus and shit it out on the ground

Joe is a real nigga. I fucks with punk tattoo guy

Get in with any white gang (aryan brotherhood, ETC.) Any conception of the "based black man" you might know or the "conservative redpilled mexican" will all be thrown out the window. When you're in there, you're with your own race. That's rule one.

This is a slide thread. They know young suburban men have a morbid fascination with prison and threads like this are guaranteed to distract them. (along with threads that have hot girls or fetish material in the opening image)


sage and stop replying.

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