Stop masturbating and get a quality gf
>Become based
Why haven't you done this yet, Jow Forums?
Stop masturbating and get a quality gf
>Become based
Why haven't you done this yet, Jow Forums?
Doesn't exist.
Varg is love, Varg is life.
i quit caring
I look like a 15 year old basedboy faggot. Women don't like that.
That's where the woman comes in handy.
Lol gtfo of the UK first
I don't see how it is worth it. They're obsessed with social media materialism and ZOG bullshit and will cheat on you in a blink of an eye.
Sex isnt good enough of a reward to deal with listening to Beyonce or talking about Snapchat stories unironically
"quality gf" is important here
you do know there are women who aren't retarded, right?
self bump before i go to bed
>quality women
>He wants to imitate a snownigger
he's not the type of guy i look up to
why should i follow his advices?
In America?
This. Granted the only girls I've ever met were from school or college, but every single one of them was a goddamn bitch.
>get a quality gf
Because that's easier said than done, women's standards are way too damn high. I'm not saying they should go out with every ugly, autistic, short and fat nerd they see but they should at the very least accept men on their own league and they don't. Can't say i can blame them though it's actually our falt for having such low standards, even the Chads fuck ugly girls and even settle with them so women see their fat and ugly friend with a fit and handsome man and they think to themselves "if my less attractive friend can land a man like him so can i" and she won't date a man any lesser than that
What's the alternative [for us men] though?
The same thing we've always done: keep pushing, all we can do is try to become as great as possible. Also don't drop our standards lower than our own league because that incentivize women to stop working on themselves
A great way to get a woman is to wholeheartedly believe you won't get a woman and never ever try to get one because of said belief. Trust me.
Because the last one is trying to get me put in jail...
This is true to a degree, one shouldn't be actively try too hard to get pussy because women can tell and there's few things dislike more than a thirsty man. But then again you should give a fuck when it comes to self-improvement, women should start popping up eventually
I've stopped masturbating... 34 days here. idk. no "power level" or amazing attraction here. is it all a placebo?
i'm married with children
At that point you don't care.
masturbation can condition you to be more lazy but not masturbating isn't going to make you into some kind of blue-balled dynamo.
how do I find a decent gf though?
go to church (catholic).
I want a gf though and not an old woman
well there are plenty of attractive young women at my church, germany must be different. maybe try a mosque.
t. incels who don’t leave the house and think cherrypicked tinder screenshots in le ebil wiminz xddd threads are an accurate representative of all women
I'll give it 90 days. I think I just need to cut the drinking and lift more.
I've been hit up for some booty calls and I've denied them. I don't even feel the urge to fuck some random THOTS.
I'm kinda busy right now.
Yeah, tried it for a bit. Lost all libido after a while. Upside is you can actually focus on something else and getting shit done instead of playing with your dick all day.
lurk your local church you piece of garbage
If only it was that simple.
How do i fix years of anti social autism and lost social skills?
The only things that seem to help temporarily are cocaine or alcohol.
How do you stop feeling detached from shit? I'm not even autistic but I can't relate to the bullshit everyone talks about at uni. Are people really this dumb and carefree or is it all a ruse?
Because I'm selfish and self centered.
Exposure helped cure most of my autism, I still can't find myself caring about their trivial bullshit but at least I can carry on conversations well
I FUCKING WANT TO but i cant at the moment.
stuck at home atm for a few more years as im studying for archaeology.
i fucking WISH, i dont know if their are decent ladies in AUS nowadays
>studying for archaeology.
how is it like? pls tell me moar i might do that myself
I have yet to see a reason embodied in a female that makes me think saving the west is worthwhile.
Definitely not one worthy of beginning a family with, and I doubt I could raise a kid even if I wanted.
bit of both.
Some people live in the moment and don't thin k about anything else,
some people have a mindset that everything will be great just because they have faith it will
and some just fake lives with media to convince others that they're living their own lives to the max
dumb frogposter
im heading off to university next year, im doing several subjects like history and whatnot. i generally like to read up on archaeology when im bored, did like 1-2 digs or so. i love it.
biggest draw for me is the desire to unearth stuff forgotten by time and whatnot. i wish to find things so that we can learn from the past to better the future
stop giving brittain a bad name terrorist and go back to the deserts
what's a german eagle doing on a Dutch flag?
living with a woman is not based, it is degenerate
A...are you an archaeologist??? Asking for Jow Forums.
I am a Jew and I just love this guy. I agree with over 90% of what he is saying. He is a guy you can reason with, if you give him the right incentives to continue his fight.
Incels was a mistake
The only way Germany can be great is if the dutch lead them.
...Or something.
It's probably just anglos being clueless about history/culture/language/geography/the world in general.
Recently went for 30 days. 10 firstly days were hell, I realized my standards were getting lower. After 30 days, I lost libido and began to have a constant feeling of anxiety and uneasiness.
>It's probably just anglos being clueless about history/culture/language/geography/the world in general.
sounds logical enough
>get a quality gf
>why haven't you done this yet
Because I don't have social media and It's a massive fucking hurdle. Every single girl I hit it off with gets all weird on me when she finds out I have no social media.
>feeling of anxiety and uneasiness
Maybe you should have that feeling?
What if that is supposed to be how you should be normally feeling in your situation? What if you used vices to numb that feeling? Maybe you should use those feelings as motivation to help youself .
this so much.
when i tell them i have no twitter, facebook or an mobile phone and the only way they can talk to me is through steam, seems to confuse them. they usually lose interest after that.
>no twitter
>no facebook
>no phone
absolutely retarded
What about those of us who do neither?
Social media is used by females to stock your past.
If they can't openly view your past they are weary of trusting you.
What if I already have a quality gf and I still masturbate?
i simply dont need a phone. i have no one who calls me and i dont need to call anyone. all my friends are on steam or teamspeak. i simply dont need it.
A lot of dudes here don't know their self worth. They're often punching above their weight without realizing it and think "wow women aren't quality" because they often hate what they can't get so they turn MGTOW and start sucking eachother off lmao
(((nofap))) was always a meme
you are retarded. fapping is fine. if it was bad then you wouldnt be able to fuck either.
whats important is that you dont fap to porn, because it fucks with your brain.
if you have to fap just do it quickly and stare at the wall.
whats the matter commie?
cant get a gf?
dude phones are quintessential nowadays. they have so much utility simply outside of calling and texting, get survival applications, books, music, a flashlight and etc on a phone, its more of a tool than a method of calling people
Where do I stand if I have a quality fascist gf and I masturbate furiously?
I have too many people in my life, once im able to be alone i might get gf. Fuck people. I work with people come home then i have roomiento deal with ifni had gf on top of that id go insans
Do you give the reason that you don't wanna give Zuckerberg/Twitter your personal info? Half the girls here seem impressed by this and the other half react kinda like you described.