Will Donald Trump, "the Nerevarine", take down the sixth house cult and its evil leader Dagoth Soros before he creates the Singularitinium and conquers all of Tamriel?
Will Donald Trump, "the Nerevarine"...
That's a small fry.
This is a God
The Heart of Lorkhan is the Technological Singularity, the Dwemer disappeared because the Numidium or Brass God (artificial superintelligence) calculated all physical properties of the universe and determined a way to escape it to some kind of utopia.
Trump's a N'wah!
Dagoth Ur was the hero of the story.
The Tribunal lied, broke their oaths to Nerevar and Azura, used the power of the Heart to make themselves gods and shared none of their power, had access not only to the heart, but also the Brass God, and yet did nothing when the Empire invaded. Instead they used the Imperial Legion to shore up theor borders and deal with outside threats while the Tribunal used their unlimited power to send ordinators to round up and kill anyone who showed any signs of dissent. The Tribunal were the true villains.
Azura was a liar and manipulator who cared only for the worship of the Dunmer and cared little or none for the problems of her worshipers. She did nothing when Baar Dau came crashing in, destroying vivec city and all its inhabitants, she did nothing when the Argonians invaded and conquered the entirety of Morrowind, she did nothing when Red Mountain erupted, destroying Vvardenfel and effectively exterminating the Dunmer.
Then look at Dagoth Ur: He said Nerevar should destroy the heart immediately, but was ignored. He broke no promises nor oaths, he lied to nobody, he did not demand the worship of anyone, and actively spread the power of the Heart to his followers, making the most devout of them Immortal like him. He spread the Divine Disease, which despite everything we're told about Corprus, was considered by Divayth Fyr not to be an actual disease, but rather a divine blessing that granted it's carriers agelessness, as well as greater physical capacity, but at a cost to those too weak to bare it. He wanted to destroy the false gods of the Tribunal, throw out the Empire, rebirth the Dunmer race and Morrowind and usher in a new age using the Heart to recreate the world.
And not once did he demand or order the Nerevarine unlike the Tribunal and the Deadra, he only ever offered choices.
The Nerevarine was an unwitting fool maneuvered into place by the Tribunal and Azura, and the Dunmer face extinction because of it.
This guy deserves a (you)
I have a bunch of these, I just hope the thread stays up so I can find them all
TiL that Bethesda was actually supper redpilled dropping this parable in their game.
+1 Speechcraft.
not bethesda, it's that crazy cracked out writer that locked himself in his room for like 2 weeks while he wrote morrowinds lore
So in essence the dwemer got to go to a utopia while the Chimer turned into niggers?
>Dagoth Ur did nothing wrong
posts like these are why I come to Jow Forums
You mean the few people who worked on Morrowind and are dead now and have nothing to do with nuBethesda
So i see youve played morrowind
Dagoth Ur uses MK Ultra mind projection helmet to project dreams into the minds of YOUR CHILDREN
Came to post this.
TES is literally Game of Thrones without SJW bullshit and "Mary Sue" characters.
kirkbride is still alive tho?
>without SJW bullshit
>He hasn't seen Zenimax's version of it.
It's better that you don't know...
I guess if your god is a kike puppet... sure.
Noone give a fuck about spinoff shit.
Even Skyrim had the beginnings of Jewdism in it even if that was partly due to laziness. That is, all the faggorty in the hearth fire dlc. Seriously, why is a conservative, warrior nation completely open about homosexuality? Especially after it had been determined in Vivec's background lore that sodomy was illegal in Morrowind.
This is why after almost 2 decades later Morrowind is still my favorite game
QRD on Vivec?
pic unrelated
Have a cap friends.
Impressive collection.
Sry here's the cap
Wow i need to go to bed. Here's the cap.
He is Fargoth. Or a Cliff Racer. Or Adoring Fan.
Putin is Nerevarine.
Best thread I've seen all day.
Obvious Empire shill, go back to Cyrodiil n'wah
The chimer were always niggers