Why doesn't the government just force these old hags to marry inexperienced virgins?
>inb4 I deserve a virgin gf when the incel itself has nothing to provide a virgin woman.
Why doesn't the government just force these old hags to marry inexperienced virgins?
>inb4 I deserve a virgin gf when the incel itself has nothing to provide a virgin woman.
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they're as old as my fucking mom.. the good men their age are already married. I'm dating an 18 year old and I'm 30.
omg I just love a sassy old hag ! don't we all tho lads ! don't we all !
mi negro!
Me too, women over 23 are useless.
>they're as old as my fucking mom
>I'm 30
Your mom was 12 ???
Because you couldn't pay enough to fuck these hags.
Haha so true I’m 24 and I date 18-21 year olds. When they are older I’m slightly turned off
>Stacys tell decent men to fuck off
>get cummed and dumped by Tyrone and Chad
>”where have all the good men gone?”
Lol if I was her father I would legitimately contemplate shooting you with my M110. Depending on your level of competency as a man of course
not most but I want a housewife and most women over 23 have a lot of debt from college. They also want to work until they're 30 before starting a family. That's not going to work for me. Her dad introduced us after getting to know me first and we fell in love.
they're in their 50s (ops pic)
I'd keep Julia there full of my cum, granted she can't get preggers.
Yeah these cunts are delusional if they think they're going to get some super rich A-list man at their age. They should just accept the milf thing and marry some young schlub
it was her dad that introduced us. He knew me for a few years.
i'd take a mommy gf if i can neet around the house all day and fuck her brains out when she came home from work
>Why doesn't the government just force these old hags to marry inexperienced virgins?
Believe it or not, but a woman's needs for resources actually increase the older she gets.
Do you actually think a 40-50 year old woman is going to settle for a less wealthy guy than a 20-30 year old would? You're crazy if you think that.
The number 1 reason these women are single is because they cannot find a man who has money that actually wants them, since all the men around their age with money all have 20-30 year old girlfriends, not 40-50 year old ones.
That's a definite no.
I’m 42 and banging a 24 year old Vietnamese girl. I’d sooner lick and ashtray and slam my dick in a door than lower myself to one of these grannies.
>Where have all the good men gone?
You all ignored them why you were busy chasing your careers, it's actually quite simple. The only men you are going to find are ones that have had marriage breakdowns, or men obsessed with cougars
Have fun with your 25+ women who have already hit the wall. I'm 27 dating a 17 year old
It's not about being less attracted physically because there's very little difference between 18-30 year olds. It was about the circumstances and desires for us both. Marriage and family. She wants to be a homemaker and mom soon.
To be fair all women worth marrying are married by 25; there is something wrong with literally every one to an ever increasing degree every year following this age. Change my mind
t b h ..what you're doing is worse and extremely degenerate.
Didn’t say I was procreating with her
Young cock is honed on old cunt m8
Ha. They are single because no one wants them, except for an easy pump and dump
I'd assume about 50% of unwed women past 25 still have a lot to offer in terms of marriage and children but they also have a lot of debt that makes starting a family difficult (new home, kids etc). If you're set financially and she's a good woman 25-30 with some debt it could work out.
the other issue is once you're accustomed to answering to no one for so long, they will become very reluctant to co-operate on decisions.
it's still very degenerate. you should have found a wife.
Sassy and solvent... high bar
>Believe it or not, but a woman's needs for resources actually increase the older she gets.
Can we call it "needs?" I guess you can but the bitter mgtow part of me is like:
>you're a dried up old cunt, you're useless, you should fucking settle for your useless male equivalent.
The more sensible part of me knows that this is entirely predictable female psychology and that they've socially engineered this to happen so that less white children are born.
>Still have a lot to offer in terms of marriage and children>90% of eggs are gone by 30>user wants to pay sticker price for a Porsche with 200,000 miles on it
Who’s to say I didn’t?
I'm 29 with a 21 year old. Gets so easy to get younger women when your career is in full swing. Sometimes I feel our interests are too distant though since I'm well past any college tier bullshit.
I'd rather stay a virgin than fuck any of these diseased old hags
...the fuck is wrong with you; I can't go any lower than 21 because they are actually too stupid to deal with for longer than 3 days at a time (29 yo user)
>90% of eggs are gone by 30
Literally not true. You most likely mean 40.
>Lucy Verner, 46, Lesley Roberts, 52, Julia Van Der Wens, 54, Laura Hall, 42
gee, you old smelly bags, wonder why competent successful men your age who can get women that are literately half your age dont want to look at you. seriously wtf.
Fuck off racemixer
This. You will notice with all old couples (like 80 year olds) that have been togeather forever there is usually an age gap of 4-9 years. Tldr you should be her age, minus 7 X2
>Vietnamese girl
Literally true; also the kids you make in your 30's are not of the same quality as those you make in your 20's abcnews.go.com
Are they honest, thoughtful, and smart though? Shit if I'm sophisticated and successfull my self and most good men are. I'm not looking for some untouchable "high class" cunt to show to my parents I'm looking for somebody to make me happy and build a future with.
Yes goyim have babies in your 40's >Being this fucking delusional
Perfect age. Consummate in a year?
Why 21? That's already past AOC
The study probably doesn't take into account the shit tier health that 30, year olds hit when their metabolism decreases. If you both take care of yourselves nothing is at risk at 30.
this is what stuck out at me too. Since when is sass a good thing?
She'll grow up, and I can mold her into a high functioning woman
It's funny because basically all of my female friends who are still single (30 soon) are delusional basically up to this degree...I know one roastie who "found Jesus" at 36 and doesn't get that good guys her own age don't want to deal with her old ass, and guys in their 20's she thinks she's "dating" are literally only doing it because it's a fettish, see
Her parents love me, and even joke about "if you get pregnant, you're keeping it" age of consent here in 16 in Georgia, so We've been fooling around, her parents would never sue me in civil court.
>I would legitimately contemplate shooting you with my M110
leave the schoolyard threats to us 'Murricans, we're better at it Paco
...because I don't want to deal with a chick who's still mentally a child you dumb nigger
They're 45 years old a single for a reason.
Relationships/ love isn't a fucking job interview.
user if there's one thing I've learned, no matter how much "book learning" a woman receives, they will ALWAYS be PERMANENTLY stuck as mentally teenager. I was told this when I was 15, and scoffed at the idea. Now that I'm 30, I've realized it was profoundly true. Even the 2 attractive girls I know who both received masters in computer science, are emotional wrecks dominated by their emotions. They are barely less shallow than the other women their age who are still waitresses.
>actually thinking this is a good quality
Lol if you live inawoods; more than likely she's just going to cheat on you after 7 years because (((they))) told her she needs to know what it's like to be sexually experienced; might consider moving to Saudi Arabia if you want it to work out user (they don't look down on pedos there either so you'll be with good company)...seriously dude, I fuck 20-21 year olds all of the time but dating a 17 year old at your age is god damned creepy
Nobody wants their used up cunts and faded looks.
You can have the women in the pic, I’ll stick to young Vietnamese girls who crave my white cock.
For a woman to be happy she has to see the man she is with as her superior. And who is superior to whom is relative.
If you took the women in OP's pic when they were young and stopped them from finishing their education and getting careers - they would be able to be happy marrying a bricklayer for life. The exact same women. Because the bricklayer would be perceived by them as superior to them.
This is why our society is bent on uplifting women in education, giving them jobs, promoting them ahead of any merit they actually have. Because this effectively sterilizes women.
It's not even worth being angry at these women because they're just dumb snobs with no agency that don't realize they have been gamed. These are mental children that were not managed by society, society was supposed to put them in their rightful place.
You can't ever expect it of women that they will realize any of this, it's above them.
I've got a 140 IQ, the only women I've met with the same or higher are no shit sociopaths (one was Dexter tier)
so you're going to let that same girl make life altering financial decisions, have half the child bearing years remaining, while taking on average 2 dicks a year until she supposedly becomes "mature" enough for you, ...only then you'll marry her?!
that's your choice, I'll live with mine
nothing except their psychological state from living a yolo life for 12 years
That factors into a shitty health factor.
43 have 27 y/o lover.
if she's interested in you, she'll be on your level within 6 months. The naivety is an act to fane responsibility.
...till she's 21 yeah that's exactly what I'm going to do. Also a slut is still a slut at 17, my ex was 18 and had already been with 14 guys so I don't know who you think you're fooling but yourself. A 21 year old who dates a 29 year old= respectable; a 17 year old dating a 27 year old = more suspicious than a nun doing squats in a cuecumber field
they also been on birth control for 12 years which causes cancer and other problems. Stop making excuses and playing coy.
T delusional roastie. Honestly I don't even give a fuck what (((science))) says this is an observable phenomenon. I've been pumping and dumping single moms my whole 20's (as I'm a degenerate and like to sport fuck) and not only do the ones who had kids in their 30's all on average seem to have allergies, add, depression, etc the ones in their 20's who had kids were usually poorer/dumber than the 30 yo ones and basically all of their kids were ubermench
Government assigned MOMMY GF
If the woman hits 37 and has not married, it is decided she will become a MOMMY GF.
well obviously a slut is still a slut. No one's arguing against that. The purpose of why a 17-18 year old is dating a 27-30 year old is key. If she wants marriage that perfectly normal.. if she's using him for drug money that's different.
I'm out, good luck
Only based if you knock her up this year
>where have all the good men gone
This sassy, sophisticated, solvent woman says she's struggling to find other halves that can measure up.
You know you're lying to yourself; and yeah I wouldn't be surprised if she's partly doing it for your money like no shit right? Make sure she does her homework before you give her the old Woddie Haroldson you creepy fuck
I've said it before, and I'll say it every time this stale ass copypasta gets microwaved; I will plow that redhead to infinity and beyond.
because it's unnatural unless the inexperienced virgin is 40 years old.
A young inexperienced man should try to find a woman at the same age or younger. And a woman should try to find a same age or older (at least not more than 5 years younger) man.
because the mentality and life energy levels are too different otherwise.
If anything you should force old wealthy men who aim for young women to marry them so not wealthy young men have a better chance on getting a young woman.
You can't force shit anymore. That's the problem.
Yes because an innocent young man with his life ahead of him really needs a menopausal woman in his life
They're dried up barren old hags. Nobody but fetishists want that.
Just remember this photo is shopped and airbrushed its the ABSOLUTE BEST they can make them look.
Enjoy yourself
You must be fucking high, cougars are amazing when you're young but that's the thing; they are a fettish. These women's problem is they think men are going to see them as anything beyond a cum dumpster now that their eggs are dried up. Delusional roasties are delusional
>being 20 and having a 50 year old wife
90% of women will only marry a man who makes more money than her. Seriously, every girl I've talked to about the issue would only consider dating a guy of equal or higher employment status.
By pushing so many women into the workforce and especially high paying positions they've created a class of women who will likely never find a suitable partner. I'll bet these women have met plenty of good men over the years. Just none that fit that criteria.
>being 20 and having a 50 year old wife
But user, they're "solvent"! Think of the money and property she'll leave behind when she kicks the bucket! We could be reverse gold diggers, inheriting their money and property in our late 30s or early 40s and living the NEET life in style.
> unmarried 24 year old women subjected to forced recruitment into marriage draft
> male incels over 26 who have at least (Median + 10%) income able to choose and marry any of the aforementioned drafted maidens
> unmarried women over 25 and unmarried men over 27 subjected to modest but not insignificant tax
> remove family court bias, cash and prizes from divorce
> birth rate goes up
> degeneracy goes down
> fewer single mothers
> more nuclear families
find the fault
tip: you can't
They don't look old
>because there's very little difference between 18-30 year olds
With white women there is. It's a large difference too, they age like dog shit.
Photoshop and professional makeup are a hell of a drug.
is that why they're melting
Top kek
Yeah. There will never be as many stay at home dads as there are stay at home moms because women generally have much less incentives for this arrangement. Men generally have to work much harder than woman to attract a partner and there's no changing that. It's mostly due to biology.
I don't really see a way out of it at this point desu. It seems too late to fix it.
I’m 29 and have a banging Asian milf who’s 39...
All my friends are jealous of how hot she is not even joking.
She works out twice as hard as the girls my age and younger, fit as fuck, cooks cleans, and pampers me...
Shit bitches in their 20’s won’t do because “muh vagina”
I went and got a Slavic gf after reading Jow Forums and I found out that Slavic women are traditionally controlling and sadistic. Even my Maldovian and russian friends say to stay away from them...
I go and meet this Asian girl through some friends.. she’s married so she’s already got someone else’s approval.
You Aussie posters are why I stay up, fuckin hell m8
Yeah Slavs are fucked but Russians are worse; I unironically believe that Lenin and then Stalin killed all of the good blood lines a century ago. The only ones left that aren't poor or riddled with HIV are the gangster class
AUS posters speak the truth
A virgin male over the age of 16 is psychologically damaged and can never be trusted to be a steady provider or a leader in society.
Found a problem right there nigger.
No wonder they’re old hags and single. No real man is going to put up with that shit.
Why? Actions have consequences Mr user. We must all live with our actions and our past. There is no "reset" button to force others to change their minds about people.
Woman chooses career path over men. Women become old and men find younger women attractive. After a certain age you're expired. Past due date. You can't just expect a man to say hey look it's a super successful 40 year old. That's hot.