I know supporting a stormtrooper front like ICE is MAGA and oh so edgy and cool, but why do you condone their physical and sexual abuse of immigrant children?
I know supporting a stormtrooper front like ICE is MAGA and oh so edgy and cool...
>why do you condone their physical and sexual abuse of immigrant children?
Immigrants are legal. These children are being taken over the border by illegal aliens. Furthermore, dragging a kid illegally over an international border is child abuse.
So it's okay for Based Trump's SS to rape them? You're apologizing for actual pedophiles now you sick freak.
Bait better
You can't sexually abuse an animal.
But he's right you know...
>have you stopped beating your wife?
>loaded question
get bent, subhuman
>Why do you guys support pedophilia?
>durrr stop trolling
>the actual state of Jow Forums
So fucking funny.
Don't worry, they'll find you too Alejando.
>So it's okay for Based Trump's SS to rape them? You're apologizing for actual pedophiles now you sick freak.
It's funny how taking children away from human traffickers is supposed to be to be child abuse. Who do they think they're convincing?
Is that really happening? If so I will be very opposed to the current policy
Running a patrol vehicle over a kid is just protecting them from human traffickers?
Pedo shill stop advocating for child trafficking so you can rape them. People like you need the rope
>this much mental gymnastics
Instead of doubling down like a retard because you hit a snatch in your primitive capacity for moral reasoning why don't you apologize for supporting a pedophile organization and kiss my fucking ass, bitch?
>When your biggest problem is children crying
illegal alien children have no rights so if they're going to physically and sexually assault some children it might as well be illegal alien children
Because I don't care about Mexicans.
They're not immigrants. They're trespassers.
And I support only the death penalty for trespassers and their children. Anyone who dares to violate or challenge our national sovereignty should be treated as an invader and shot on sight.
I don't condone child rape, but I also believe your argument is a strawman. If this abuse was rampant the libs would be jumping on it like flies on shit.
>>Why do you guys support pedophilia?
>>durrr stop trolling
>>the actual state of Jow Forums
Do you really not understand how this site works?
>You post article
>Anons say offensive shit
>ICE is somehow pedophilia
Stay out of my fucking country. Simple as that.
The irony is palpable
>Criminal making excuses for other criminals
This is why I feel no pity. You're a criminal and you want other criminals to enter the country. We are your moral betters. Sorry kid, we won.
>they sexually or physically abuse children
Now you’re just making shit up libcuck
Fucking sauce "evidence" of this
I love your sneaky and manipulative tactics such as crying for the poor immigrant children in order to push for open borders.
They could have left their Children in their native country, and brought them over when they settled like any normal illegal alien does. This is all MSM theatre, and this shit has been going on for a long time. Nobody wants to see kids hurt, and this is one of many reasons why we need to fix the illegal immigration shit.
We need to stop people coming over the border. Open borders and also using massive immigrant waves as a tool for demographic change for political ends is wicked, more wicked than anything you are accusing people here of.
You made a fucking illogical leap of people supporting ICE to people liking kids getting sexually abused. Fuck off.
Dont separate them. Repeal DACA. Deport them all together.
what I can't condone is Trump not teaming up with Nike to have these kids make shoes to earn their deportation ticket back to Honduras.