Why is nothing being decided? Why did the talks stall? What is going on? Apparently, the EU summit in 2 weeks won’t be able to do jack shit, which means they’ll kick down the can until October/November for no reason.
Anyone still interested in Brexit?
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because brexit was a stupid fucking mistake, that's why
90% losses for 10% gains
It wasn’t about gains in economic terms. It was about sticking it to the tyrannical 1984 EU.
>no more airbus
Haha if it aint Boeing i aint going
Hi mr. Schlomo
>after Brussels banned aviation officials
Brusseles is the fucking problem, the European Council and the European Comission need to be nuked from space, fucking cancer.
Your pic is bullshit.
If that would be true
Then no fucking airbus. that's firing your own french/german airbus compagny.
that meant you would crash all your european compagny without survivor.
pretty much idiotic yeah.
>Your pic is bullshit.
>If that would be true
>Then no fucking airbus. that's firing your own french/german airbus compagny.
What are tabloids? There is, however, some truth to it. In a no deal scenario, parts produced in the UK will not be automatically certified as secure by the EU. As a result, should Airbus use British uncertified parts post Brexit in a plane, that plane could be banned from entering EU airspace. Of course, this is bs, because Airbus only uses certified parts and will not use uncertified parts post Brexit ever.
>1984 EU
What the fuck? The EU is very weak and it's falling apart while Anglos are oppressed in every possible way by their government.
Trade taxes and barriers are cool now? Good, because I love trade barriers
>The Turk user
>The Express
Why do you still post here?