How can so many Americans support a fascist?

How can so many Americans support a fascist?

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If only

Define this.

Everyone sage until OP is more than one post by this ID

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Odd this Jew doesn't go back to 1918 Berlin. What did the Jews do from 1918-1939 to make them so universally despised by a country that used to treat them pretty well?

he doesn't look like he's in his 90s


>examples instead of a definition
That's not what I asked, asshole. Regardless, all of those are exhibits from any authoritarian regime including Marxist Leninism.

He has inherited holocaust trauma and holocaust experience you bigot.

>I'm supposed to pretend that I care about a bunch of leftists

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Because people like fascism dummy.
The only people who don't are either really dumb, really autistic, or total fags.

Of only this were actually true.

Oh look another survivor. Those pesky Nazis sure did suck at mass exterminating

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Fake and gay.
>The holocaust would have ended in 1945
>its currently 2018
>that is 73 years
>guy in pic looks to be 60-70
>If we give him the benefit of the doubt and say he is 80 he would have been 7 or younger in1945
>7 years olds know jack shit about what is going on.
>he literally could have been told he was a holocaust survivor as a kid and have no actual memory of it.

How can so many people survive "death camps"; seriously at this point there have to be more LARPing kikes than there are surviving WWII veterans

>Oy vey feels like 1929
How about you cut down on the faggotry?
Maybe that will help just a thought.

>How can so many Americans support a fascist?
I did it through a monetary donation and my vote. Are there any other ways I can support him in 2020? I'm in a red state so most volunteer efforts wouldn't help.

trump is a kike-loving puppet and has done absolutely nothing to deserve the based title of fascist

Because you've literally become such a disgusting human being in everyone's eyes that they actively want to holocaust you

Looks like one of those guys that was just a kid at that point so I’m not gonna listen lmao

>America today feels like 1929 or 1930 Berlin
Yeah no shit, and who's fault was that?

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Amazing how we have hundreds of thousands of people who were imprisoned in concentration camps and yet are still kicking. It’s almost like these photos are amazingly well posed for a candid shot.

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>Born 1939
>Remembers what it was like in 1929 or 1930
Oy vey.

>It was real in my mind
>What are you a Nazi?
>Be a good Goy and send us more troops to fight our wars

You know what bothers me? It's that "Holocaust Survivors" fucking exist. I've met like 30 of them, we had like twelve of them at my school talking about the Holocaust and all this shit.

Okay so let me get this straight. The most Authoritarian, violent regime ever to exist had you, and like millions of other people IN CAMPS, and started exterminating you.

Okay. I've met more Holocaust Survivors than I've met Native Americans. Not joking. I've met two fucking Cherokee in my entire life, and one of the Dinay or whatever. That's three fucking NatAms who weren't Mexican. How is it fucking possible that we had a GENOCIDE on these kikes, and yet I've met more people who were gassed four times at Auschwitz than I've met of a race of functionally extinct alcoholic injuns? How is this possible?

How is it possible that there are millions of these people? Does nobody understand what the word "Extermination" means in Germany? Do they have some version of that word that means "kill like 1 out of ten of the group then tell the next that you'll gas them again tomorrow" or are they just incompetent?

This is what pisses me off about the entire fucking Holocaust narrative. It's that if you'd have put me in charge of Treblinka, I would've executed the entire fucking population in one night. One night. I wouldn't have used gas, I wouldn't have used acid pools or rooms full of spinning knives or electrified floors, I would have gotten a box of lugers and I would've done exactly what the Soviets did in the basement of the Yublanka building. One night. It would have taken ONE NIGHT. Yet we are to believe that the Germans were exterminating people in a dozen camps for THREE FUCKING YEARS and they couldn't even do it right.

No. I fucking reject that analysis.

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1929 was 79 years ago. He would have to have been at least 20 to understand the political change between 1924 and 1929. No way that guys 99 years old.

Will democrats and their kike masters just shut the fuck up already, Trump isn't a fascist.

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Why are there so many holoHOAX survivors?

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Fucker has alzheimers.

Fucking this.

How the fuck did Americans and Soviets “liberate” camps, it’s not like it was a surprise they were on the way. They would have shot every prisoner before bailing, not dicked around for weeks and then ditching at the last minute with a million survivors just chilling and waiting for American camera crews to show up.

we should of helped gas the jews

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Ah, yes, every time anyone/anything happens that a jew does not like its "1930s Berlin" 2.0....Fuck off kike

Baby foreskins are great for the skin

Honestly this is only a problem if there's a Himmler to egg Trump on. I know Miller hates the Jews but I don't think hes the genocidal type.

Right, and it's this idea that... Like holy fuck, imagine if this happened to us. Like imagine the USA was actually the evil satanic racist fascist dictatorship leftists pretend it is.

Now imagine that the order comes down the line, "alright guys, kill all the niggers we have in prison. Do it now." And all the racist white cops and wardens switch into their brown shirts and just start exterminating niggers in prison.

How long would it take? We don't have giant industrial gas chambers at Riker's Island. We don't have giant electrified floors at Illinois State. We have like 30 rentacops with handguns and maybe two or three guys with rifles at each of these facilities.

But you know, and I know, that if that order came down the line, and people actually followed it, we'd have ever nigger convict in the country dead in 24 hours. One guy with a glock could execute an entire cell block. This isn't fucking rocket science.

But I'm supposed to believe that THE THIRD FUCKING REICH had YEARS to do this shit and they couldn't even do it right. God damn it this pisses me off so much, it's not just an insult to my intelligence, it's a subtle insult to Germans. How fucking inept do you have to be to fail at genocide?

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this fucker doesn't even look old enough to be alive in the 40's, must be all the child blood

All of that, plus the fact that people got released from fucking concentration camps.

How do I know? Because the fucking commander of the 36th SS Division was a prisoner in the Welzheim Concentration Camp for a few years before being released and going to Spain to fight in the civil war.

Or maybe the fact that camp commanders would get imprisoned themselves by the Nazis for failing to provide adequate nutrition for prisoners. You know... like the “villain” from Schindler’s List was. Yeah they left that out of the movie.

Stephen B Jacobs is 79 years old. So he was born in 1939.
How he can know what 1929 or 1930's Berlin was like is anybodies guess.

> 1929-30 Berlin
Wait a minute, nazis took over in 1933. In fact Berlin was communist central wuere nazis weve very weak initially

>controlled mass media

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>DRUMPF dressed up as Hitler
But Hitler wasn't a fascist, he was a National Socialist.
Do democrats not know basic geography? Do they think Italy and Germany are the same country?

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That’s pedantic. Like claiming Lenin was a Marxist and not a communist or vice versa. You know what they mean.

did they have an Olympic size swimming pool there, too?

well he is right communists everywhere like in berlin back then time for the clea up

Its actually old soviet post 1941 propaganda to call nazis fascists. They feared that if they called them national socialists, average Ivan could activate his almonds and realize that ussr socialism and national socialism are al ost the same thing. Ussr propaganda all revolves around the fight against fascism.
Of course this wasnt the case in the west so Yanks used word "nazi"
If somebody calls them fascists, that shows you how far ancient soviet propaganda percolated

Hahaha Imagine being so fucking retarded you believe in the peddle powered brain bashing machine

motherfucker better be laying down orders when the children of the lie destroy Russian and want to continue on beyond

If in casual conversation someone made a mistake and you tried to correct them, then it would be pedantic, but these people are consistent in calling National Socialists fascists.
It's just dumb. As far as I am aware Italy is the only country in the world that has ever been fascist. Mussolini made up fascism and fascism died with Mussolini.

Yup seems like it

I unironicly support the holocaust of Jews and niggers.

When 0bastard was in office, how did so many support a communist? You people still worship him like a god.

OP sux, yes... But every time I click, it ALWAYS says "one post by this ID" in every thread.

These are completely made up. Communists have been doing all of these as well. Kys

No it isn't fucking pedantic it's accurate. National Socialism and Fascism are only associated at all because Hitler and Mussolini decided not to kill each other over Austrian fascist/natsoc conflicts, which they ALMOST FUCKING DID.

Fascism and NatSoc were competing ideologies, not the same thing, and the difference runs deeper than any Marxist subgroup distinction. Fascism was an actual progressive Socialist ideology involving integrating trade unions into the government. German National Socialism's approach was entirely different, the economic models weren't similar at all. In fact if anything Hitler's Germany pushed in the exact opposite direction.

You're unironically repeating left-wing propaganda from the 1940s as though it were true. The same fucking people who arbitrarily decided that NatSoc and Fascism were the thang thing are the same fucking people who named the Berlin Wall "The Antifascist Protection Barrier" because they saw no difference between Capitalism in general and Fascism.

The entire artifice is fucking laughable and like a good fucking goyim you swallowed the bait the hook and the fishing rod because you lack the ability to think critically.

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>kill like 1 out of ten of the group then tell the next that you'll gas them again tomorrow
Coincidentally, to decimate means to kill one in ten, and people seem to think it means wiping something out, these days.

Everyone knows that right wingers are idiots. Trump is a failed businessman.

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>Yeah I'm sure (((akton and the Weimar republic))) had nothing to do with it you slimy kike. Thank God Jews aren't actually capable of changing their ways. Because this time there's no where on earth left for them to flee to other than their gold vaults and ethno state. When the flag finally does go up and they stop being able to "shapeshift" between being white and a kike at their convenience. They are going to find a cold vengeful world staring them down with a singular hate in their eyes.

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Holocaust did not happen. We need to organize and not make the same mistake Hitler made.

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thanks shill, it gives me optimism.I hope Jacobs kike is right and we may see glorious times soon.

he kicked the shit out of your ugly cunt's ass, faggot.

>Holocaust survivor doesn't know the difference between fascism and national socialism

I very much doubt this man's credibility.

>Embarrassing low-information post

Let's go down the list.

>Trump Airlines
Every single airline in the United States is subsidized by the federal government. None of them are profitable.

>Trump Casinos
Still exist. The only significant failure was in Kansas City and Trump was praised in the international finance community, including by Forbes and the Economist, for avoiding a larger disaster.

>Trump Marriages
Not a business.

>Trump Mortgage
lmao what?

>Trump University
Frivilous lawsuit.

>Trump Vodka
Licensing deal that expired.

>China Connection
You don't know what this is.

Donald J. Trump has never gone bankrupt. Businesses that he owned declared bankruptcy when they stopped being profitable, which 100% of businesses eventually do.

Thanks for the cringepost, BTFOing you in front of your friends has been educational for others and will win more support for my faction.

>Jew tells me were at 1929 Weimar German level
I don't believe him because it's a desperate plea to shift people back into the ZOG approved thought patterns
>Pol tells me the level of degeneracy we see and the rate nationalism is picking up is like 1929 Weimar republic
I don't believe user because I think we've lost against the globalists and he's desperate for data to fit his delusion - That we might win.

I don't know lads I try and take everything with a healthy dose of scepticism but now I have both sides telling me the same thing. When does the roundup start?

1. Literally nothing wrong with this, why do you faggots consider this a bad thing.
2. Trump's not the one who is trying to ban free speech and firearm ownership.
3. Cis White Males
4. How are you supposed to protect your rights without the mechanism created for protecting your rights?
5. You mean like feminist blaming men for everything wrong with society?
6. Trump now controls the media that constantly attacks and lies about him?
7. This is a good thing.
8. This shill thinks protecting religious freedom is the same as church and state collusion.
9. Because of regulations and welfare that is voted into power by the left.
10. Because of mass immigration devaluing labor.
11. (((Intellectuals))) and (((Art))) (Art is a pragmatic and laws shouldn't be based off of abstract ideals)
12. The left unironically thinks its bigoted to live in a safe area.
13. DNC
14. DNC

0/10 Try harder.

they really do have such a limited play book that just gets repeated ad nauseum.

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Divide and rule

>thinking fascism is a political ideology at all
You fash up when you have to

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So he was old enough to interact in 30s Berlin, which was almost 90 years ago.
Wow, he's looking good for a 100+ year old grandpa.

1) He shouldn't have been stupid enough to start airlines in the first place.

2) Marriages. If he can't satisfy his wives, how can he satisfy 300m people?

The man is an idiot and an anti intellectual. Also a loser who no one likes.

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oh look, someone doesn't like the president so they're comparing him to a dictator, my utter shock. these same people will act like the past 16 years of admins were wine and roses.

>Also a loser who no one likes

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what a cuck.....kys and start making America great again, clearly are too fucking stupid to live - it's people like you that are what's wrong with America today


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Oy vey

Good job outing yourself as a liar.

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>implying the holocaust even happened

Hey rabbi

Lmfao at this shitty tier b8 m8 - that bloke wasn't born until 1950 blatantly, better cuck next time

Easy, people supports fascism, when the jews and the radical left become too dangerous for the fabric of society.

i dont know how did you sleep at night supporting obongo?

He looks amazing for being, geez to remember what his city felt like, he must have been at least 12 years old then. That makes him 100 years old today.

>Born 1939
>was in the Holocaust
>at Buchenwald
>a noted death camp
>So he had to be around 5/6 when the war ended.
>According to 'survivors' being under 13 was auto death
>Elie Wiesel's sister Tzipora was apparently auto gassed and she was seven at the time

So America feels like the Weimar Republic?
>Is basedjew /ourguy/?

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How old is this guy????

If he was born in 1930 he’d be 88 (kek) years old. But how would he know “how berlin felt” when he wasn’t even a year old??

If he was 20 around 1930 (which would be old enough to understand what was happening in his country), that mofo would be 108. In which case, why would you listen to his senile ramblings anyway?

CASE CLOSED: total bait


Keep pushing.
I used to be a go along get along kind of guy, but you faggots pushed me into a corner. One day I woke up and I had enough of the fags, trannies, jews, and all the shitskin bullshit. Nothing is ever enough.

I hate you, and want you dead. Your filth needs to go, how I don’t care, but I do have a few ideas. Reap it.

>Just lie down and accept your demographic replacement, goyim!

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3-4 years lads. 3-4 years left.

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when was this made ? you would have had to be born in 1920 at least to grow to the age of being able to understand what hes talking about in regards to the mood in Berlin

i have suspicion

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>Things that couldnt be said 5 years go
That was the fucking problem you assholes

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>9. and 10

Yeah, the global corporation just loves protectionism.

>Fascism was an actual progressive Socialist ideology involving integrating trade unions into the government. German National Socialism's approach was entirely different
That's precisely what Hitler outlined in Mein Kampf and achieved with the Deutsche Arbeitsfront. Kike.
>(((Egor Alexeev)))

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If you survive a death camp it's just a camp

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I'm not any kind of major trump supporter but.

1. There is nothing inherently wrong with this. Nationalism is the glue that binds a nation together.
2. I assume you are referring to immigration at for this point. And whilst some things can be kind of argued to be the case for this such as his so called 'Muslim Ban' and tough stance on immigration. I would just say that any sovereign nation has the right to decide who does and does not come into their country, and the manner in which they come.
3. Yeh the DNC are generally a worthwhile enemy to unify against.
4. I havn't really seen Trump do anything out of the ordinary with military spending or military expeditions compare to any other president.
5. Says a bunch of whacko victim loving feminists
6. Trump controls the media?! The MSM have been launching salvos at Trump every day for the last 2 Years! ever the most ardent anti-Trumper would have to admit that the vast majority of the media hates Trump.
7. National Security is a good thing it keeps people safe from foreign threats.
8. Seriously? Trump is wanting to dissolve the separation of church and state, where? when?
9. Trump is a Capitalist. In this context Capitalism is essentially the dissemination of decision making/power across a multitude of hierarchy's throughout a society. Fascism is the centralization of decision making/power towards one hierarchy. He's the exact opposite of a fascist in this regards.
10. I don't know what this is even referring to. you are going to have to elaborate.
11. Haven't really seen any evidence of this but it would probably be towards all those far-left wing artsy fartsy people and DNC backed think tanks groups. And its getting really difficult to respect those people.
12. Actually enforcing a countries laws is a good thing.
13. I'm almost of the opinion he has been one of the least corrupt and most transparent presidents yet.
14. He won the election fair and square dude get over it.

"Magda, dahlink, vee vill tell zem its a syghoop from our voonderful Rhineland vinyards, ya? Do not forget, mein fraulein, I am a man who oondeshtands veghy veghy vell how to peshwade people to believe... er... many things. Many things. Fur der Fuhrer. Fur der Reich, und fur der Volk. Undt now, vee must make ze leetle vunz believe..."

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He is saying that free speech is unacceptable,