

Attached: student-loans-a-generation-of-wage-slavery.gif (600x420, 38K)

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I know more students paying for their own education than not.

How bad is it in the US?
I have total 24404$ in debt for living in another city whilst studying.

>everything shoul be free
>majored in womyn studies, why cant i get payed as much as a software dev
>not reading the college contract before signing and asking yourself "can i afford this?"
Etc etc

Work at Wal-Mart. Do you want to study business or Supply Chain Management? Wal-Mart will only charge you $1 a day!

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Degree at my joke of a "design" school is $90k, but I'm on the GI Bill so I get paid to attend.

Does that 90k include living expenses too?

Is that you, third shift Walmart fag?

All part of the (((plan)))

You can bet your ass

Is this pic meant to be a mashup of the thinker and caryatid carrying a heavy load? Its fucking awful.

Rodin’s finest

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Rodin, but not his finest. Certainly his most well known

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Haha wtf is wrong with u Americans, I pay 2k a year for college and even that is considered alot sometimes. Please tell me at least that the 90k covers at least 4 years with free housing.

Just go into debt and refuse to pay.

They can't put you in jail. Just work a job at a small business, something to pay rent, and refuse to deal with banks at all.

If everyone did this, the (((loan))) and usury economy would collapse like shit out of a wet paper bag.

The banks panic because Boomers can't take 4 vacations to their second homes while holding the job they refuse to give up for the next generation. Nobody is buying houses or mortgages. Then there will be a correction.

Unless the millennial generation straight up refuses to be jew'd, it's only going to get worse.

If you think (((credit))) will matter in 10 years, you're insane.

Use your votes to keep boomers and the (((investor class))) from inflating their diseased economy with immigrants.

In 10 years you'll be able to buy a house for less than 10k and a car for under 5.

Let it fucking collapse.

Average student debt is about 30k which isn't impossible to pay off if you get a career in your field and don't do le minimum payment like some kind of retard.

t. Two months from being completely debt free making six figures

Hookers and blow soon

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>student debt
where are you? in fucking africa?

There are community colleges that offer 4 year degrees that are just as valid as the big name universities but kids fall for the iv league undergrad meme and think they should spend 30k a semester going to a party school and not learning anything that isn't part of the state accreditation boards approved list. College doesn't have to be expensive. People choose to go to expensive schools for useless studies.


welfare nigger

I don't understand your implication. Average student debt in America is 30k USD. Look it up, nigger.

Nothing will get me to take up arms and go directly to war against all millennials in this fucking country than their school debt evaporating because some cunt decides they deserve a break for being stupid.

People go to ivy leagues for the networking and top tier professors who work in the cutting edge of research.

Think of the big companies like Facebook and Apple, they were formed by geniuses who met one another at Ivy League universities, not some po-dunk community college full of niggers.

well, here is 0.
and yes, we are poor and shithole country.

so why do you must be in debt just to get a fucking education?

Just think about it. You could've went to college, gone into debt for a shitty liberal arts and still end up working at Walmart., with debt to boot. People like to put you down for working there, but you are the smart one.

American grade schools suck. American universities are the top in the world.
Only one of them cost money. You figure it out.

I went to a no name college and get recruiters from Facebook coming at me constantly. I agree networking will get you on the door much easier, but it isn't the only way.

I'm sure you did not major in history or english though.

you sound like a chubby neckbeard with a cumcrusted belly. just saying. don't you think it's time to stop being mad at the world.

It is actually very accurate, since college debt went up after the government decided to take eyes of college loan companies. Thus getting students into debt they may never get out of. Plus the fact that there are more people making a dumb decision to get a Liberal Arts, Gender Studies, etc. degree instead of actually needed courses, as we are running out of engineers, electricians, and plumbers, so each of these jobs are getting more money since they are becoming more needed, so becoming this is actually a good choice since all the dirt can be washed off using the money you can get off of these jobs.

>1 post by this ID


>take 100k loan
>freak the fuck out when you have to pay that all back sometime

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Except you don't have to pay it back

If you’re smart and or can get a job you’re fine.

You need like 1.5x your principal if you can pay over 10 years. So if you graduate with 50k in loans that’s 7.5k paid a year. Easily done with a mid level wage. I paid mine off in 5 years and bought a house shortly after.

THIS. Ivy league college isn't about better education, it's about the stringing selection process. The manufactured scarcity of people allowed in basically ensures your success just because you were selected. Your entire social network is also much more likely to be successful because they were also selected to receive a valuable scarce resource.

Almost zero and I'm almost a med radiologist

Most degrees are pretty much useless paper
You can learn pretty much anything on the internet rn, just don't go to college of higher ed if you don't want to do med or engineering
Higher education is not mandatory for a reason, for most jobs it's not needed
Don't complain about your loan if you chose a shit carreer m8

>Go to a expensive university because everyone else is doing it
>Sit through years worth of lectures from professor Goldman and professor Cohen
>Get a useless degree that does not guarantee you a goddamn thing
>Complain for the next decade or two about the student loan debt you can not pay back because you can not get a job with your degree in African American studies

Compsci. I agree networking helps though. All of my hires have been from people I've made connections with. I had other options this last time as far as non network positions but even I feel more comfortable working with people I know which is part of the reason I keep turning Facebook down. That and they're a soul crushing organization fueling the demise of social interactions in the real world.


Mine was about $50k. Almost finished paying it off and it's been about 3 years. Also had some shit interest rates so took a bit longer but I was never living uncomfortably.

What dumb shit borrows money they won't be able to pay back. Jesus fucking Christ there's a lot of stupid cunts around.

And the students are capable of doing college level work upon entry. With community college, many get stuck in jr high level remedial classes before they can even start college level classes.

>comp sci

See I knew it. You chose a major that is in high demand. My friend who majored in English is now changing bed pans at the local nursing home for $9 an hour.

I fell like Gates of Hell is his best work
(even tho he didn't complete it himself)

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I am one of the rare few who has enjoyed success without even going to college

Now I'm 24 & I want to go to college but I do truly thank God that I'll be able to afford my studies out of pocket versus a fucking slave loan.

Heres an idea. Dont be a fucking idiot. Then you wont need college.

I owe $110k

I'm so poor I don't even have debt because have always been so poor that I never had any credit to get in debt with. Don't be born white with autism in Britain, you will be ignored your whole life then die a peasant while the government coddle niggers.. Sorry for whining, but shit, life has not been good, just stop worrying about what you stuck on your credit card people, it doesn't even exist, it's just cyber numbers, and at least you had the chance to abuse such a luxury.

If you cant afford something dont fucking buy it. And id go even farther and say if you cant make or grow or catch something then you dont need it.

I just graduated and owe over $60k in student loans.

Ikr, but the rough finish of caryatid get me every teim. I’m not an art fag either, but there’s something about the unfinished quality of the work... some stuff seems forced to completion, and lack the restrained sumi-e touch we see all the time in classical art. Be it paintings, sculpture or music, sometimes the imperfections make it, like,in braschianellos sonata, I forget which one, where the harpsichord fucks it and yet makes it.
Anyway. That’s my sperg moment for the night

is this a bernie dump thread ?

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>Laught in European

Debt free after school, not a single loan, could buy my brand new car after 10 months of saving, now saving for a house (k this one requires a loan).

I only knew 1 guy who took a student loan, meanwhile his parents finished paying their house, so it was payed back easily.

dumbt cunts i know borrowing so much money for shit no one needs and they arent even 20 yet

the current generation is so fucked. they are totally financially illiterate

Teach me how to make a computer like you.


Nah, disgusting how much the useless bastards are paid in assistance. Kill the lot of them.