Slippery Slopes

This is not satire. (((Neanderthal))) apologists ahead. The Ride Never Ends.

>If you had to eat human flesh, where would you start? That seems a disturbing question for westernized thought, sure, but cannibalism occupies a consistent position in the evolution of human behavior. With 650 muscles and 206 bones in an adult, there are more than enough options on the menu. Some may carry tons of dietary value, while others are poor pickings. A new study published Thursday in Scientific Reports dissects the nutritional and caloric value of human body parts.

>“This label of nutritional cannibalism really got me into thinking, ‘well, how nutritional are we?’” Cole said. “If we’re labeling these behaviors as nutritional cannibalism, then you need to have an idea of where we fit within the faunal spectrum.” Clarifying this distinction is especially important for understanding the cultural diversity of early human relatives like Neanderthals, Cole said, who have been branded as “thugs” in part due to their unrefined behaviors like nutritional cannibalism.

>So if you want to go true Paleo by adding a little human to your diet, you should start with a person’s fat pads, which carry the most nutritional value on average (approximately 50,000 calories). Those fat deposits are located all over the body, so if you want to reduce the prep time, try the skeleton (25,000 calories), the thigh muscles (13,000 calories) or the skin (10,000 calories).

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It will be important soon to know how to eat human meat safely.

it will be more important to know how to stop sending food and medication to niggers instead of thinking about shit like this

muscle, cooked.
discard organs except for bladder to use for holding liquids.

The real question is: "Would you risk eating a non-white person?"

Obviously the foreskin.

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you know... the more you sit on ass in front of your computer, the more your muscles become like veal.

you'll be tender for the old fucks when food runs out.

For me, it's serratus anterior.

Cock. Oh wait, already doing that


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Whoops forgot the best part.

>And for those thumbing their nose at the general idea of cannibalism, remember that some human cultures today still do it and most mammals eat their own, in one way or another. Plus cannibalism may have evolutionarily benefited humans. A 2003 study argued that prehistoric cannibalism drove genetic resistance to prion diseases in Papua New Guinea.

>“It just so happens that Western culture has frowned on this practice for quite some time and driven the idea of it being taboo,” Cole said, though he has found it “quite difficult” to eat bacon since he began this study eight months ago.

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You might cringe, but I really want to be a vampire. I know they have to exist somewhere. I even look online to find them, but no luck yet.

hi retard. you cant eat human meat, you will literally go insane. thats why only niggers are the ones who have ever resported to cannibalism as a source of protien, and faggot 'explorers' who eat monkey brains.

you will die very quick. people know this. you are a fool and a troll. your family will die.

This is the beginning of the end. Pushing for pedos, now starting on cannibalism.


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its interesting that you're aware of that kind of shit.

show us your BMI. show us your body. i guarantee you're a fat sack of shit in your FAT ASS DO NOTHING prone lazy form saying this. but hey.

show us you doing a thing. we'll wait.

no such thing, and you're a fucking retard.

>thats why only niggers are the ones who have ever resported to cannibalism as a source of protien
I see you never heard of a little place called China. Its an ancient tradition.

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>jews prepare goyim to onions green
Onions was only the first step.

Can I eat all the autistic Jow Forums users?

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This might be a cringy article, but the value of the research is without question. Knowing more about the human body is always a good thing.

Such as does it go with tartar sauce?

wendigos are real though

legs then arms


They did it in the Ukraine too otherwise you starved.

you reached the end of the prepping ladder

Such as which body parts have the most energy stored. How is fat distributed, etc. Might sound weird in the context at first, but stuff like this will always turn out to be surprisingly useful for other researchers in their studies.

testicles, i love me some cowboy osysters

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Wtf is that pic

>The Ukraine
>The the borderlands
Starve pls

Hit a nerve that wasn't even being aimed at eh?

The Chinks have been eating each other long before Marx ever wrote his little pamphlet. Although Mao did his part to make sure the tradition continued.

Attached: Chinese Cannibals 2.png (600x2446, 745K)

>Wtf is that pic
Just another day in China.

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Degeneracy knows no bounds.

Fucking chinks man...

>Why is Western culture so bigoted against cannibalism.

Moral relativism really needs to go away.

Prion disease only has the potential to occur if you eat the brain. The rest of the body is good to go.

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I think thigh is like ham so it must be the best part. But I would eat viscera first, before they rot.

Gorby was a mistake.
I want my Iron Curtain back!

>Fucking chinks man...
How you like your baby user?

Attached: Chinese Babyback Ribs.webm (206x368, 2.59M)

No, just pointing out,
It certainly promoted with the great leap forward of Mao.
If you go to China now you'll see a lot of weird ass dishes like Tortoise soup, Fried rat, bugs, Jelly fish dish.

Which where developed to just survive Mao's time.

You are the retard here

That's a medical/hospital taken out of context... Right?

Flag checks out
> nigger were always into cannibalism

>This is not satire.

It's academic shitposting. You don't understand because you've never seen the inside of a university so you think it's some kind of Alex Jones conspiracy to seed the idea of eating people.

Yes, abortion clinic. Just like everywhere else in the world. But for some reason "its da chinkz dey savages" or whatever bullshit outer/pol/ likes to spout

See uruguayan Air Force Flight 571


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Anyone who has an abortion is a savage.

They're just giving them sun tan lotion so they don't get a sun burn.

Yea but our power only extends to internet culture, rile up some SJW's.
These fuckers can influence laws and irl culture.
Never underestimate an educated idiot.

Soon we will be eating bugs too. There is big bugs farms in Holland

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I'd eat a pussy

>That's a medical/hospital taken out of context... Right?
Does it look like anyone there is wearing a nurses uniform to you? Did you not see the piles of guts in the 2nd row? Some of them have hair on their heads...

Some oldfag here has to have the vid of the old lady stomping on a newborn baby inside a waste basket.

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you can swallow my meat anytime bby

>you cant eat human meat, you will literally go insane


>Prion disease only has the potential to occur if you eat the brain. The rest of the body is good to go.

No. The risk of prions is maximal in the brain and lower in the rest of the body. If you eat humans in an emergency you will probably never have a problem. If you did it regularly there's a small risk over time. If you eat the brain like the cannibals in Papaua New Guinea did, you will get prion disease, as this was where it was all documented in the first place.

Prions are malformed proteins, proteins are essential to your body and unlike bacteria and viruses you have ZERO defense against prions. Once they get inside you they start to replicate their malformed proteins and continue to spread. You don't go "insane" as such, you get very sick and the mental part of that can manifest as

>Rapidly developing dementia
>Difficulty walking and changes in gait
>Muscle stiffness
>Difficulty speaking

Again this is literally incurable but it doesn't kill you right away.

Would it be haram to eat it, since it tastes like pork ? I guess not, since Muslims are forbidden from eating pigs, because of them being unclean, nothing about things that taste like pork though

Have fun raising a downie, christcuck.

Maybe that is the reason they made this Zombie Comedy with drew Barrymore

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bug Eating is Pretty "normal". Majority of world Population eats Bugs and I can imagine trying grashoppers too. Humans is a Little bit different.
Not only ethical but ost likely also in Terms of diseases.
I've heard in countries with canibalism they often get Creutzfeldt Jacob or Kuru

>Kuru is a very rare, incurable neurodegenerative disorder that was formerly common among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea. Kuru is caused by the transmission of abnormally folded prion proteins, which leads to symptoms such as tremors, loss of coordination, and neurodegeneration.

Taking a guess without looking anything up, I'd pick more muscular areas first such as forearms and calves in fact you could do almost the entire arm including the shoulders and most of the legs, eating glutes is an obvious target but it carries the most stigma as it's the ass.
Then inwards to the lats and pecs.
Not the organs.
(for people who know about this shit, how did I do?)

If we were in a survival scenario with some other guys and I had an untreatable injury like I had broken my legs or something I'd tell the guys beforehand to eat me and not feel bad about it, I imagine that would cut down on the "holy shit I ate my mate" factor.

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The butt

You always eat the butt first

Wtf is a lobster? And a crab? Same shit different place.
What about scargots? What about frencg cucua?
Glabaglabaglaba gla

Oh well, guess they're subhuman too.

How do the elites benefit from everyone becoming cannibals?

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>Once they get inside you they start to replicate their malformed proteins and continue to spread.
There's gotta be more to it than that. You're constantly eating and digesting proteins, tearing them down to amino acids and rebuilding them

>How do the elites benefit from everyone becoming cannibals?
Just further destroys the social fabric and keeps people easily manageable. Just look at China and their Insect Morality.

Or look at the Classic Jew Logic with Beastiality. "If its ok to eat animals, why is it wrong to fuck them?". And now apply that to kids.

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They might cross the bloodbrain barrier and shit is different there but that's just a guess.

Normalizing it makes it so they can finally come out as canibals without the attached stigma.

Titty meat.

When the mass starvation starts, people killing people for food will solve both the lack of food and the number of mouths to feed, and speed things up towards normalization.

>The 20th century's industrialization led to overcrowding, pollution and global warming due to the greenhouse effect. In 2022, 40 million people live in New York City; housing is dilapidated; homeless people fill the streets; many are unemployed; those few with jobs are only barely scraping by and food and working technology are scarce with most of the population surviving on rations produced by the Onions Corporation

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Fair. I just don't see how cannibals can be easier to controlled. Isn't it more 'anarchy' if anything?

Will people not just grow their own food like peasant Times?

Yea but we have snails in our culinary dishes too.
My baguette friend.

And that shit is just a niche for already 2 decades

Idk like the thighs I guess? Most meat there

>your family will die
lets see if you have a vpn

>nigger writer
checks out

Prions are scarily resilient user
The only way you can be certain of destroying them is to incinerate them.
Most hospitals after performing brain surgery will incinerate the equipment with brain matter on.
Otherwise, heating to 140ºC in a concentrated NaOH bath is enough to destroy prions, but there's no certainty of removing 100% of them

this is insanity

>read the article
>see the author pic
>its a subhuman nigger
We seriously need a final solution to the nigger question.

There is unironically nothing wrong with cannibalism