Who is the best leader of this cucked planet? Salvini is, today our great leader has announced a census of all the dirty gypsies who stain my beautiful country. The kids who steal (all of them) will be taken away from parents, and the non EU gypsies citizen will be expelled.
Oy vey goyim what are you doing? Why do you hate the vibrant enrichment of the Rom community? Hitler put the gipsies on the ovens, it's annuddah Shoah!
When do we start rounding up the jews? Feels good man.
Camden Rivera
we should put them in the ovens on the boats used to send niggers back
Oliver Reyes
Daily reminder that Orban is better. He doesn’t use his Navy to fish for niggers to ferry into Europe. He also doesn’t support the proposed African “processing centers” and quotas (rubber stamps designed to accelerate the Kalergi plan and force it on actual based countries like Poland). Compared to Orban, Salvini is just another nigger.
Please sterilize them before sending out of Italy.
Zachary Ramirez
So non EU gypsies will go back, well thats a relief I guess you will having ours for a longer time.
Jeremiah Jackson
God bless Salvini, a leader with backbone who loves his nation and its people
Evan Diaz
I wish this was my prime minister. (((Babiš))) will never get us rid of the filthy gypsies
David Flores
That's cause he's a landlocked country lmao
Anthony Wood
The butthurt this man is causing is so astonishing, I've no words... seriously, so many of (((them))) have come out to insult him it's not even funny, I'm mind blown how many there are in the media. It's unfortunate there is a language barrier between us and the rest of the West, I wish non-Italians could enjoy this massive amount of salt too.
Matthew James
Sorry user, but the kids will be taken away. Read it again, all the gypsies will go away by themselves if they want to keep their kids.
Nicholas Ward
>the gypsies will go away by themselves if they want to keep their kids. ehhhhh I wouldn't make that bet if I was you.
Jacob Anderson
Salvini is a fun guy, also Italy should send a peacekeeping force to Libya so you can take their oil. MARE NOSTRUM.
You'd be surprised..... Thank fuck i got used to a peacefull city i dont want to have to carry a knife on me ever again.
Joseph Fisher
They can make more just like that,so you dont need to worry.
Ryan Richardson
Their kids are the money makers, the more they have the more gibs and money they steal.
Jaxon Johnson
If your government was based you'd just declare them to be Syrians and deport them to turkey.
Communists felt bad for them because Hitler tried to get rid of them, now they are everywhere
Jeremiah Rivera
i hope that the next target will be chinks/asians Prato must be purged
Owen Reyes
Genuinely proud of you Italy. Really great stuff.
Jason Garcia
About 50% of them aren't citizens By the way don't tell left wing parties these stats exist because apparently having a census is fascist or something, i don't even know
We will have two years of that plus anoter 4 years more of a C's/PSOE government in the next elections now that PP has finally imploded (and that's a good thing). The only solution is to start voting for Vox massively, especially if you are in Madrid.
Dylan Hughes
So do you, and at least we kicked them out 500 years ago When was the last time the ottomans were in Romanian clay? 150 years?
We never got conquered by the Ottomans only made a vassal which is a pretty big difference and where I live Hungary never had a claim on these lands and we btfo every time.But dont worry int will take you another 700 years to reclaim it since you lost it already.
Angel Butler
Shut the fuck up, retarded gypsy, nobody cares about your opinion.
Nathan Cook
We beat the Ottomans and regain full sovereignty in the early 18th century.
Luke Allen
>voting for Vox massively, especially if you are in Madrid. Do they actually have a chance here? They getting actual representation would be insane. I don't agree in some things (like being Israel buttbudies but that already happens) but they certainly are better than Cuckadanos
never seen a spain vs romania debate you see the unthinkable on pol
Carter Scott
Only the north and they were helped by the mountains and by the fact that arabs couldnt organize anymore due to infighting.But I will give you this those guys who fought against them were heroes.
Asher Rogers
Asher Gomez
You aren't even a country, just a bunch of clay territories mashed together. The only good part is Transylvania, and it belongs to Hungary.
Christopher Jenkins
Deport them where? Romania?
Why not just rid the Earth of the vermin once and for all.
Kevin Young
There is hardly any visual differences between southern Italians and gypsies
Lucas Reed
This. If italian globalist wrote in english, there would be a Left Salt General 24/7. It's hilarious and astonishing. They're shilling like I've never seen
Nathaniel Taylor
The EU has become an ideological union. It should return to being just a free trade union, with free movement of people and goods within the EU.
Benjamin Kelly
Kek look who talks about not being a real country, tell me again from how many kingdoms you are made of? Just admit it you are repeating the same thing you did before.
William Adams
I'm just baiting, but he keeps falling for it. Next he will say WE WUZ ROMANZ
Chase Gonzalez
shut up nazi
Parker Davis
They are certainly better than Ciudadanos and they help to push the Overton window. They have a chance of gaining some deputies in Madrid, indeed, if they achieve that they will only grow from there.
And it ends there.
Angel Allen
Its all orchestrated >Thesis >Antithesis >Synthesis
Daniel Collins
That isn't bad as long as the ideology fits our common interests instead of being one of demographic displacement and dystopian mass surveillance.
Nolan Ramirez
per favore, stai zitto.
Luis Evans
I guess I could give it a shot. To be honest, there's literally zero parties here that I like, so I have nothing to lise
>Portuguese MEP Ana Gomes called Salvini “fascist” and “racist,” asking: “after the migrants and the Roma, who’ll they come to get next?” She urged Italy to “wake up.” Former Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni tweeted a similar sentiment, writing: “Yesterday the refugees, today the Roma, tomorrow guns for all.”
>Yesterday the refugees, today the Roma, tomorrow guns for all.
Guns for all Italians. Make Spaghetti Westerns Great Again! Can't wait for you guys to be brothers in arms with America Spaghetti-bros. Soon you'll know the great pride that comes with other countries only entitled to a plastic spoon, criticizing you about your superior fire arm rights.
Angel Parker
Nathaniel Peterson
the gigajew of the news already compared it to 30's racial laws
Jonathan Thomas
Jaxson Clark
For fuck sake for the last time, how is a REGIONALIST party promoting REGIONAL AUTONOMY Fascist?
It's the fucking opposite, they even have a Slovenian member
Jackson Nelson
>how is a REGIONALIST party promoting REGIONAL AUTONOMY Fascist? Because they are not promoting open borders and communism to go along with it. Notice that Catalans or Scots were never accused of being fascists.
Gavin Gomez
No sane person is for open borders aside from Spain, what a shitshow the subhuman media is.
Colton Cooper
>Implying the media cares about such insignificant details Either you want your country and culture destroyed or you'ra a fascist nazi to them
Carter Kelly
I guess "Roma"nia will complain xD
Nicholas Clark
Jonathan Wood
>aside from Spain I should stop making fun of Sweden. At this point we're worse than them.
Scots want to give the right to vote to everyone in the country including asylum seekers that have not even been granted asylum yet. Sounds pretty open bordery to me.
Robert Carter
checked and kek'd, digits won't lie the government will distribute guns very soon
There's barely any there, they all get stuck in England.
Gavin Kelly
>modern nationalists like orban, salvini and trump all want to disempower the central government and make it so localities can be left alone and that foreigners leave the greater nation alone >THIS IS FASCISM
because in a society where liberals are judged by the local community and can't use the power of faceless government bureaucrats to dominate local communities it turns out that furry freaks and fags with HIV get treated like the pieces of shit they are
Christopher Powell
>Your whole country is either Ottoman or Hungarian clay. 100 forints have been deposited in your account Ianoș
Nathan Flores
Hunter Baker
pol is back with the digits
Grayson Campbell
YOUR COUNTRY IS YOUR HOME you can turf out unwanted uninvited guests if you want to.
James Evans
YOUR COUNTRY IS YOUR HOME! you hav a right to say who is allowed to stay in your country like your home.
William Brooks
Send them back to India.
Isaiah Robinson
YOUR COUNTRY IS YOUR HOME! you hav a right to say who is allowed to stay in your country like your home.
Isaiah Lopez
Low IQ people are a drain on a Country.
William Sanders
A burden and a strain on the Host Country not wanted here!
Ryder Ward
>Former Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni tweeted a similar sentiment, writing: “Yesterday the refugees, today the Roma, tomorrow guns for all.”