German left wants to use migration for socialist revolution

Left also eats itself because Sahra Wagenknecht is now seen as rightwing because she argues that Unlimited Migration is unrealistic and will destroy the Society and will make Workers easier to exploit because there is an Unlimited oversupply.

Katja Kipping said in en interview with the Magazine Spiegel:
>Open borders for work migrants? Sure. We want a solidaric migrant basediety. We stand with all People who got taken their Rights away, in front of jobcenters, in companies and on flight routes

Riexinger said

>Open borders for all is a matter of our identity as internationalistic Party
>We have many demands in our program which aren't feasible yet. We know we can't make it but still we want itären.html

Marx said mass Migrantin is capitalistic accumulation. By establishing a worker army you can Keep the demands of Workers down (15$ per Hours for example)
It builds exploitable human ressources for the capital.

they want to use the unemployable Migrant masses for that

Trotzki said
>the socialist build up is only thinkable on the Fundament of class fight in national and international frame
Under the circumstances of the necessary overweight of capitalistic relatons in the world this class fight must lead to explosions. Civil war on the inside, revolutionary war on the outside That is the permanent character of socialist Revolution.

Attached: Katja-Kipping-Die-Linke-fuer-das-Sommer-10.jpg (1024x1001, 147K)

Get on Hartz and let them ruine the country. The result will be ruined companies, raped lefties, total lose of trust in democracy and a genocide.

>and a genocide.
of everyone against everyone
sounds great.

>„Our doctrine does not pretend to be the intellectual vision of a great plan or of a design, but it is merely a method of research and of conception. It is not by accident that Marx spoke of his discovery as a guiding thread, and it is precisely for this reason that it is analogous to Darwinism, which also is a method“.

>Method of research
lol. Just stop paying taxes and quite your job. Let them have their anarchic paradise

>not taking in basically the whole population of Africa?
>what are you a nazi?
Why are germans so brainwashed

Are you just deranged or is there any point to your sad thread lol

Speaking of, Kraut, what is an actual policy of Die Linke regarding borders? They were antieuro, at least some time ago.

Based Sahra

>Are you just deranged or is there any point to your sad thread lol

being this retarded

You can do it with open eyes what the socialists are up to

Due to the demographic factor in Germany, a minimal welfare state would have been sufficient

>most of the families the children have are conservative, conservatism is genetically predisposed for the most part

>Germany would soon be conservative and fully employed, ergo socialist policy would be superfluous, so you had to bring a new class unemployed peopel in to the country in order to continue to operate on socialist policy.

then I will starve. I Need Money to buy waterfilters and canned beans and shit.

Hanz you're going to need to shoot these people at some point.

fuck off shill

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>genossen und genossinen
rough tonfall at the parteitag.
i think i have to vomit

future canned beanz confirmed

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I found the faggot.

>We know we can't make it but still we want it
Socialism in a nuttshell

>we want open borders, everyone can come
>we also want a welfare state, everyone gets what he needs
Only a complete FUCKING RETARD DOESN'T SEE THIS CANNOT WORK, there is no point arguing with them, just round them up and shoot them

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They want us to take the humanitarian way and out breed them but the problem is if we are true to our politics will never have the time or the money to do that so I tend to agree with you I pray that the Great Awakening happens but until then that might be the last option on the table and by last option I mean Plan B Because Trump is planning a I'll give him until 2020 but then I'm going to start publicly calling for a revolution

its not supposed to work and because it is not working, more and more socialism will replace the welfare state, until they fully put on the red lights.

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They hang in their little eu fraction in the far left side and criticize the "neocapitalistic" eu.
They are open borders. There radical core is too.
But the Wagenknecht fraction within the party isn't completely bat shit crazy. They see how the merkelgold helps right wing Partys and I think some of them are genuinely tired of refugees

the Woman in the pic also wants the Right for Holiday journeys for everyone

Imagine your ideas being so shit that you have to import an entire voting base just to implement them.