Is it redpilled?
Kobra Kai
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Decent series.
Jonny is old school.
Teaches kids not to be faggots.
It's worth a watch.
We need Kobra Kai dojos in every strip mall.
Also sage cause yeah.
Youtube knows it's platform leans to the right, it is almost unanimously "anti-sjw" so to ensure their new platform succeeds they succumbed to the market demand. This hopefully sets a precedent and our culture can shift, still pozzed in areas though.
In the end all the masculinity ends up being a mistake, miguel fucks up cause of being too aggressive, same with hawk.
Surprised the groper wasn't white and the good guy was white tho.
Anyway, they released just now impulse which is a pretty blue-pilled show full of left political agenda, so much for youtube knowing its plattform.
It's blue-pilled but it's not a terrible show. Like All in the Family, Romper Stomper, American History X etc. our guys can pick and choose what they like.
I wouldn't say that at all. Most people I know and follow on forums other than this Mingpho noodle scarf weaving site all collectively agree that Miguel was totally in the right and Danny and his family were villains the entire time (except his banging hot wife).
Even my bluepilled Disney addict older sister described the show as "its the first karate kid movie except the villain was the good guy...its like the Maleficent movie or wicked"
It's like Roseanne, though.
>you can like Trump but you need to accept your tranny and mixed-race grandkids.
It's going to show you a strong horse and a weak horse and explain to you that the strong horse isn't ALL bad but that is its trick to sucker you in, what you really need to do is be the weak horse overall.
>all the masculinity
The black hamplanet was pretty masculine. Fucked how you can tell feminists don't find her toxic masculinity threatening.
I liked it, watched it for free. I have a suspicion that next season they will introduce more SJW bullshit and make Jonny become an SJW...
Yeah, and in the last fight instead of accepting defeat she insults her opponent, most people will take it as if Cobra Kai turned her into a worse person.
It's ok.
The dude tries to sell him a Suburu and he says bro im not a lesbian.
Don't buy jewgle red though. Google is the enemy.
I reckon it's going to be like Kreese is Palpatine and Johnny is Vader. Daniel could be the Luke but more like he is the Kenobi to Johnny's kid.
Johnny's kid will introduce Daniel's poz to Johnny and Johnny will take from both schools and develop a "tough guy poz" kind of thing.
>you can like Trump but you need to accept your tranny and mixed-race grandkids.
In other words, reality. If you're expecting white supremacist bootlicking, you're a fucking idiot.
None of my grandkids are going to be queers or non-white.
Highly doubt that grandkids are even an option for you.
i really liked the first two eps but feared this is how it would turn out. I kinda just want to preserve my view of Johnny.
So salty... Not sure where you even got the impression I was expecting a 14/88 series, m8. Of course that is not an option.
>don't want your grandchildren to have lower IQs, be more violence-prone, and have poor impulse control?
>you're a bad person!
>incel! incel!
How typical.
If you're expecting mainstream entertainment to pander to your ethnostate fantasies, you're a fucking brainlet. You can either be grateful that parables are at least returning to rational values, or you can shit your diaper over the fact that the media complex hasn't gone full 1488 in less than two years since Trump's election. My guess is you're going for the latter because a glass of water has a higher IQ than you do, which is ironic considering you have the audacity to discuss intellect.
As for incels, I didn't say shit about incels, you straw man-slinging nigger. When dipshits start telling me how their future generations will think, in my experience, they don't even have a spouse.
It's not a "return to rational values." It's more like a bait and switch. They are marketing globohomo to people that missed out on tertiary education in a way that is more palatable to them.
Miguel "La Raza" Diaz hitting it on with...
emphasis on what mr. miyagi said
>barance daniersan, you must find the barance
Before that she dated the asian bully.
>red pilled show
>My guess is you're going for the latter because a glass of water has a higher IQ than you do
Glasses of water are above genius level IQ?
Why the middle school-tier personal attacks in place of a severe lack of arguments? Why do you chose to base your world view on anti-scientific dogma?
kek i just told my remote control "niggers dying" and it turned to a live pd rerun. We can redpill household applkances.
Calm down lady
>genius level IQ?
>no argument found
Yep, genius IQ. Not all it's cracked up to be, I have to say.
You seem to be confused. I wasn't taking issue with Cobra Kai not being an alt-right wet dream (or however you'd phrase it). Your strawmanning of normal and rational values as being 'white supremacist' was the problem.
Yes and no.
Johnny is set up to be like Archie Bunker from All in the Family - we're supposed to be cringing at his toxic masculinity, hatred of political correctness, and sexist, old-school attitudes, and we're supposed to be disgusted at everything he does which is 80s nostalgia, because Reagan was the Devil.
However, ironically just like Archie Bunker, the leftoids who thought they had set up a villain, have instead propped up a hero unintentionally.
BTW, if you watch the original movie critically, you'll see that despite their attempts to get us to identify with Daniel, the truth is that Johnny is the hero of the story.