Ive finally realized the endgame. The purpose behind it all. Internet is propaganda. The Matrix has us.
I know why they are flooding europe with africans and middle easterners. Its to make Europeans angry. Angry enough to retaliate and spark another evil to spill the blood upon the soil.
They divided the parties and manipulated us into have vastly differing views. They are purposefully trying to initiate a (((DOTR))) or purge. They have corrupted us with television and instant gratification to make us selfish so that when the madness of the world spreads around us, we will commit unforgivable atrocities. They want sodom and gammorah everywhere.
Cant you see it? Donald trump in the white house. An actor. Youre living in the truman show.
Theyre going to trick us all into killing one and other. End result, population size down to 500,000. They think the Creator will come back, and take their children, their DNA, into some higher plane of existence.
For those who do not believe me. This is exactly what they are planning. We are talking about hellraiser tier psychopaths who think they are the chosen ones. That if we are tricked by our own selfishness and greed, and end up destroying one and other. The big guy will forgive them for allegedly not being a part of it when they hid in their underground fortresses.
I remember when I first heard this conspiracy theory like 5 years ago. Lurk more newfag
Jaxon Green
how do you do
Juan King
Ive been here for 5 years but okay. Well is becoming an kuru infected apocalyptic baby eater the right answer?
Michael Evans
...Or you guys are just so convinced of your superiority that you still can't accept that a random rich goatfucker/sectarian leader/civil engineer named Osama thought outside the box by turning civil tools into weapons to exploit the failings of your cheapass building standards. I mean seriously, those towers were constructed for easy deconstruction in order to make replacing them viable.
The whole vagueness and cover up crap was just farcically corrupt third-world-tier face saving that left a shitton of traces. "No John we are totally not responsible for this gaping weakness in our constructions, institutions and defenses. Moving on to the war on terror next!"
I swear your entire culture is filled to the brim with excuses for the question "If we're so great, then how come failed at/in/with X?".
Jack Stewart
Your redpilling is complete. Now you will begin the blackpill phase. Tell me, what is the solution? Everyone stop paying into the system right now and shoot any authorities on sight who come to contest your freedom? Just somehow everyone comes to this agreement? Do you think there are multiple triggers they can pull for apocalyptic scenarios where they simply run for their prepaid bunkers to ride it out? I am eager to hear the great ideas. Seriously, not being facetious. Enjoy that black pill. It's the only way to survive.
I have been blackpilling recently. Thinking whats the point. I have a selfish simian vessel that just needs to consume and so does everyone else. But thats exactly how they want us to feel. They want everyone black pilled.
The solution is to rage against the dying of the light. Aka the white pill that takes altruism, courage, and self sacrifice.
Josiah Wilson
>The old Jews are gods trope Nah get fucked.
William Collins
The west will suffer first. Leave ASAP.
Brandon Rivera
The internet now controls the entire democratic party.
Levi Brown
The end of religion as a whole
Josiah Barnes
Congratulations. Welcome to the real world.
You didn't think attomwaffen and stormfaggots calling for race war were actually on your side right? Intel agencencies OWN and control them. There's a few useful idiots members that are just foot soldiers.
If you think things are bad now, you have no idea how bad they will be if a race war actually starts. The purpose was never to gradually and slowly convert societies, it was to force massive radical change in a short time while stroking racial tensions to bring everything to a boiling point and watch from a distance, then step in once the chaos is so bad people just want someone, anyone, to restore order and give them safety. This can still be averted, but remember to call out "racewar now" shills as much as you call out talmudbots. Once the spark is lit it will be impossible to put down. Think World War 1 and how quickly it took Europeans by surprise and how much (((they))) benefitted from it.
Yeah they are basically just making us pick sides that they control anyways and using mimetic rivalry to make us hate one and other. Everything is just exponentially culminating towards Armageddon.
i think they are going to do a false flag dirty bomb to start things off. Martial law will be declared. Lines will be drawn.
Xavier Edwards
What they are doing now is cashing out. They are basically shorting America.
Austin Campbell
This is exactly right, and soon (this week?) It will be blamed on Iran.
It's the opposite, they are doing everything to avoid any big happenings. Everything is under their control. We are slowly, gradually moving towards sodom and gomorrah, you won't even notice it when we're there. Why would you kill your slaves?
Luke James
Is gas going to be cheaper?
I try to use my feet more these days but $4/gallon is still getting annoying
Charles Garcia
Because their slaves are about to kill them. The veil is lifting. This is unacceptable to them. So enjoy your last few days
Jayden Rivera
>It’s all theatre goy Trump was a part of our plan so stop voting >you are too stuipid stop voting >please
Fuck off OP I hate this reddit thread.
William Garcia
This theory comes from the Georgia Guide stones put up by Ted Turner because he’s a Marxist that was buttmad Reagan won. Don’t read into it too much other than do the opposite of what it says and don’t useEmojis
Isaiah Smith
That was the plan. Hyperflation with the FED but you are wrong about Trump. He is trying to save America at the last second and judging by how they are handling it in Europe America is winning. If we become resource independent we can crush these commies easy.
Gavin Ward
Why did Trump's son in law greatly overpay for the 666 fifth ave building? Some occultic reason for it? He's a satanist and so is Ivanka.
Evan Turner
>Theyre going to trick us all into killing one and other. no this show will be the political zionists against the muslim world
All that is appeasement. A King selling his daughter for land/power. As long as Trump has a better relationship with Israel than the Europeans, or any prior POTUS. Europe fucked up and is continuing to fuck up in their support for the terror state of Iran.
Don’t reveal your power level. Looks like somebody hasnt learned any lessons from the Alt-Right. First day off reddit?
Hunter Cruz
>terror state of Iran
JIDF confirmed
Aiden Jackson
That looks like Bbama. Wtf is that?
Brayden Thompson
Have you seen any..people? Do you have any idea how retarded and deluded the average person is? The veil is getting thicker and thicker. Even someone supposedly redpilled like you or me have no idea what's truly going on, if only you knew how many layers of lies we're under. Kill who exactly? Who is killing who?
John Diaz
It's Onigga. Spread this shit
Jordan Jones
Atomwaffen is the most obvious intelligence agency LARP in the history of the world
Tyler Perez
i thought they were just going for a lower IQ population
Isaiah Edwards
Muslim identified. Tell me about your Palestinian “people” and how they have a state.
Jason Morales
What is lost in the statistics is that if white people kick out all Asians, Jews, Arabs and Indians the entire STEM ECONOMY will collapse. These groups together represent 80% of physicians and technology workers.
After the dollar collapses white people will naturally be pissed. They will rightfully blame the Jews for the collapse. However the pendulum will swing too far and the whites will kick out all non Europeans.
The price of commodities will be through the roof at that time. With the American killing machine collapsed and China rebuilding Asia, Africa and the Middle East, there will be huge demand for STEM TRAINED “shitskins” in Africa in the Middle East.
After USA goes ethnostate the economy will collapse even worse. The Middle East and Asia will retake the lead and dominate for the next thousand years until the luciferians running the world decide to switch it up again.
Liam Sullivan
No. It’s just due to white guilt and the desire to continue the economic growth paradigm.
Luke Lee
> >
Jason Collins
Wow, you are a fucking unrestrained genius user, congratulate yourself, now.
Elijah Ramirez
But I want a global race war. It would give a purpose to my life.
Nolan Martinez
Also don’t forget 25 to 30% of educated whites will also flee after Richard spencer or whoever the Hitler Lite is that takes over. With all minorities, Jews, and 25-33% highly educated whites fleeing the us economy will collapse horribly.
We will be just fine without them dragging us down and stealing our science/tech advancements
Hunter Wilson
Race war isn’t happening. You’re stupidly going to kick out all the highly educated people and your technology sectors will implode. Anyone who has studied organic chemistry knows all German discoveries abruptly stopped in the early 1930s after that moron Hitler took over.
Adam Mitchell
Top kek you're so full of shit.
Gavin Price
The entire Nazi war machine was supported by the United States. IG farben couldn’t even manufacture the tetraethyl lead necessary for the LUFFWAFFE and this was secretly supplied by STANDARD OIL AND GENERAL MOTORS.
Austin Howard
Then is there any "good" side to choose.
Jacob Mitchell
Donald Trump is an actor? The dude plays hinself in any role hes ever played, ya dumbass. And go read Rainbow Six - weve known their gameplan for at least a couple decades.
Jose Sanders
No. The best way to deal with politics is to not participate and ignore it.
Brandon Richardson
Donald trump is literally a clown with his face covered in orange makeup. The luciferians running the world have. A pretty good sense of humor if you pay attention. His job is to keep people preoccupied with his bellicose tweets and porn star girlfriends...meanwhile he’s ramping up inflation which will ultimately collapse all fiat currencies (including the dollar). The dollar collapse will be the single biggest event in human history and we get to witness it.
This analysis is too one-dimensional. The actual conclusion to be reached is that there are many potential scenarios that will bring about their aims and that they've decided to try every method at their disposal.
"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." - James Warburg
Ryan Richardson
Oh and Jow Forums is a psyop connected to Manson brand of CIA satanism
A Wyatt Mann
You know, I'm almost inclined to believe there's some truth to the real Israelite tribes being black/colored given how much hate that group gets from everyone
Yes it is. But if you study the picture it’s a Phoenix RISING AGAIN from the ashes of FIAT. THE PHOENIX = gold. Bitcoin is a psyop to distract 50% of the people who are intelligent enough to understand what’s going on.
James Jackson
lol stay mad at my 5000% gains
James Nguyen
FYI anyone that studies what Hitler did at Dunkirk (not to mention the entire Russian campaign) knows he was controlled opposition (with the intention of murdering his own people) just like trump and just like our future Hitler lite that takes over in the late 2020s.
Nathaniel Parker
I could see the mark of the beast being ironically backed by gold to trick the idiot libertardians. But I still think it will involve some sort of digital component too
Oh btw I figured out that the "Pokemon gold beta version" release this month was probably an insider signal about the Phoenix plan
>Late 2020s
Barron when he grows up. That's what all the Barron time travel propaganda is for.
Robert Jenkins
Lol, I made a lot of money on bitcoin but if you didn’t get out at 20k you’re a fool. The thing is more people buy and HODL. You’re like poor issac Newton and the south seas bubble...the luciferians have been playing these games for centuries buddy.
I guess those goatfuckers also learned how to circumvent the laws of physics...
Jackson Jones
Mark of the beast. Unable to buy or sell unless you have the mark of the beast. RUSSIA WAS UNABLE TO BUY OR SELL AFTER WE PUT OUR DOLLAR SANCTIONS ON THEM. This caused the Russian economy to collapse. Oil was exclusively sold in dollars until the petro yuan went online in March 2018.
Russia and China now have systems to circumvent the dollar.
Mark of the beast = 666 6= UNITED 6= STATES 6= DOLLAR
Eli Flores
It’s probably Obama, doing some occult shit.
Robert Hughes
Richard spencer is the perfect age to take control in the late 2020s or early 2030s....he’s quite the snappy dresser (that’s no accident)....people will not follow a 30 year old. The fuhrer has got to be at least 40+ years old for people to take him seriously.
Aiden Brown
I prefer the British-Israeli theory over the DAS RITE kangz one. But either way, I do think about the thing in your pic sometimes. The alt-kike and this board and the whole pagan/christian divide. Oh, Christianity is a desert cuck religion it, abandon it! Oh, let's all be pagans no wait thats jewry too. What about Satanism? Wait, that's just edgy Siege glow in the darks. Is there really any "side" not controlled ,or created by them? They have >SJW/Leftist maoists tearing down the old culture, and changing language >pro israel maga types civnats >boomers/neocons/old school lefties >anarchists, communist, nazi larpers
The whole alt right BS never sat right with me. All the e-celebs on youtube. Its just, I want white people to exist you know? I like us. I don't want a race war or any of that bull shit. Without Jewry, all this racial tension would be so much less. You name the Jew? You're a sperg, or a fed. More people start naming the jew, it goes mainstream? It was planned from the start, more anti-semitism helps them. Nobody names the jew? Plans go on without resistance. Slow boil to third world status? Violent civil war, and destruction? Cultural revolution, and language change? More surveillance and censorship either way. What would uncle have done? Wait, thats right hitler may have been a puppet too. But was he? Do we try and get races of world to try and break Jewish supremacy? I don't know, man. It's all a big headache sometimes.
The people the rule the world are luciferians, not satanists. Big difference.
The people that seize control will seem reasonable at first but their final solution is going to be a purely white ethnostate. This extremism will ensure their downfall and the downfall of anyone dumb enough to follow.
Bentley Martin
The (((alt-right))) has been a nonsense controlled opposition buzzword since it began being shilled 2.5 years ago, and no Richard "Langley" Spencer using it a couple years before that doesn't mean it wasn't shilled
Brandon Jones
British Israelism is Def wrong. I think the black Hebrew Israelites that wear hexagrams and borrow modern fake Jew imagery while screaming about how they'll enslave and rape white women in the end times are false.
but there is some truth to the idea that some whites especially the extra-pale Nordics have fallen angel DNA and are closer to modern kikes than Nazi Blavatsky bs theories want to admit.
Too many people laugh at Spencer though even on the controlled op right . I can't see it working.
Someone with a campaign like Patrick Little (with military background tying into the space force narrative) would work. Maybe Elon himself or even Kanye
John Bailey
What did Hitler do in your opinion?
John Turner
How has this thread not been bombarded by the Jupiter Worshipping Trump shill yet , accusing everyone of worshipping Saturn if they don't praise the frog god , join PLUS ULTRA and suck the emperor's dick?
He must be asleep
Xavier Gutierrez
The only shilling I see are the hundreds of people who absolutely must tell us how the alt-right doesn't exist and isn't a thing or it's controlled opposition. All the reasoning for why using the term alt-right is somehow a fatal mistake don't hold up. Alt-right just means white nationalist, that's it. It's a package of ideas that most of Jow Forums agrees with but everyone must assert that its jewish controlled and not real (it has no leaders anyone can youtube about it)
Austin Murphy
If you want to get a full understanding of hitlers stupidity you need to read the journals of his absolutely BRILLIANT generals. They all realized the war was lost after the absolute lunacy of Dunkirk. Here’s a brief summary of all the massively dumb shit Hitler did:
>. Alt-right just means white nationalist, no It means a pro Jewish white nationalist!
Why should white nationalists support those who are flooding Europe with refugees ???
Ryder Sullivan
>What is lost in the statistics is that if white people kick out all Asians, Jews, Arabs and Indians the entire STEM ECONOMY will collapse. We don’t need a lot of the STEM economy. And since demand for my skills would suddenly far outstrip supply, I really don’t have a problem with this. We don’t need Google. We don’t need Facebook. We don’t need social media or targeted advertising. Get rid of the rentseeking horseshit and focus on the stuff that matters.
Kevin Green
Thanks, I’m going to check it out. So the greatest story never told is propaganda?
Owen Gutierrez
Spencer is a limp-wristed posh faggot. You think him being well-dressed is relevant to his capability as a fuhrer ? I want a strong fucking killer on that throne. I want a man whose trouser legs are stained up to the thigh in blood and bone fragments. If you want a snappy-dressing faggot then you're on the wrong bus. Not the 1920s any more m8, no gentlemen in cocked hats and piped flared trousers making polite speeches and making gentlemanly war upon each cross border. It is going to be raw chavs and crackers in wife-beaters and steel-toed boots stamping on liberal heads in the streets. I won't trust a pretty man.
>For those who do not believe me. This is exactly what they are planning
really compelling. also bringing the population down to 500k is totally absurd, way more people are needed to maintain a society. with a population that size one disease epidemic could basically end mankind