Well, this does not bode well for November...


Well, this does not bode well for November. the recent shitshow on the border given a shot in the arm for the Democrats and is turning people against the republicans.

Congratulations, you played yourself.

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>By Jamelle Bouie
So a fucking nigger who doesn't know what he's talking about? Lmfao.

Boomers and working class people of ALL BACKGROUNDS hate illegal immigrants. Sorry, faggot.

not an argument.

Yeah Dems, go campaign for selective enforcment of laws and see how it works out

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Seriously. Duck illegals. Also, any lib who supports them is really just in favor of a slave class people to pick their avocados for cheap. Libs are and always have been slavers

Sure it is, he said X hates Y, no matter what. That’s an argument

IDK the Dem electorate may well be mobilised after this, and there is already talk of the EU sanctioning the US over this.

By 2020 there may well be genocide tribunals.

>EU sanctioning the US
okay, end all trade with the EU, remove all NATO troops, and let them fend for themselves.

Don't cuck. Blame the law on Obama and keep doing what you're doing. Lots of fake asylum seekers and drug traffickers use children (often someone else's) as a calculated ploy to gain sympathy and make it less likely for them to get detained and deported.

Yap. There's no way you can defend child violence.


>Thinks this will last till November
Yeah good luck with that.

And is providing red meat for the Democrats.


Putting children in camps is giving a fucktonne of ammo to the Democrats.

If the US wants to abolish itself over kids in cages, let them do it


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At this point America is heading towards either Syria or Brazil.

Why are the Republicans responsible for Obama's administration throwing a bean nigger child in a cage? Remind me again please.

No it's not. Nobody cares about criminal deviate welfare parasites, young or old. Don't listen to the MSM. Everybody wants them to get a one way free helicopter trip out into the Atlantic Ocean.

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>media contructs a false or disingenuous narrative in order to screech 'fuck drumph' for the eleventh time
>you played yourself
Just lugenpresse being lugenpresse, mate. The leftist only has two effective weapons: character assassination (you're a racist sexist homophobe etc. etc.) and emotional blackmail (muh chilluns). They can't form a cogent argument if those fail because they haven't had to for most of a century.

Jow Forums is not the only electoral bloc. Trump has mobilised people who would otherwise have stayed home.

It's not a valid argument. I am a boomer/working class, I don't hate illegal immigrants.

I'm from Texas and I say kill em all. I know Tejanos feel the same way.

republicans largely don't care

the only wrong move would be for trump to cuck on this

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What Trump needs to do is turn this into a diplomatic win. Like working with Central American countries to crack down on cartel violence and trafficking, which is what is causing this. I think he could turn this into a win
