Czech Republic is very good country.
Let me tell why.
>No niggers
>No sandniggers
>Higher level of food control
>Good education system
Czech Republic is very good country
Alright I'm coming
I do like your guns. I own a P-07 and a P-09 and they're my best shooting handguns.
Its a bitch to find holster's for them though.
Congratulations, you've found a gap in the market, exploit it.
Depends what type of material.
Nogs and sandnogs are in great numbers around universities. Theyre almost all from england and study medicine. They fuck off after their studies so thats ok. Unis let them pass with terrible grades because they pay top dolla. But many of them are almost retarded and I wouldnt want them for doctors. Poor Brits
Guns are kinda slipping on us. EU is tightening the screws and we are too small to fight them alone (most of EU is nogunz and they outvote us easily) so the gun part may be gone in some time. Otherwise its comfy country. Also pls dont come here. Czechs are rude and racist. They will hate you and make you cry
I don't personally hate niqquers but I don't want to become muttloid country.
Can you explain it a little more?
It was partly memeing, but generally ppl dont like obvious foreigners. Although people generally dont express it that much like in the past.
I lived in bumfuck town in moravia some 15 years ago. There was a surgeon from angola in our hospital. He studied in prague as part of commie block help to colonized nations (aka scheme to get more allies against USA) and he stayed in czechia. Eventually local moms found out that niBBa cuts open their kiddies and staged major protest, petitions and all different displays of citizen disproval. Eventually niBBa was sacked and had to move away, possibly back to africa
You also got your pal Serbia here
I visited couple years ago and i have to agree
Come home Eastern European Slave.
What's the taxation rates over there? Is it business friendly?
Are you a doctor in Czech Rep? Moravia is beautiful. You guys have it so good.
Please, please, do not let them take away your gun rights. Remember the soviet tanks on Vaclavske Namesti in 68.
Poland basically had the same thing but with the Catholic culture
Poland is nogunz
Get ready for globo-homo
>women on the street will fuck you for money
epic dude
also this. poland is a nanny state
Taxes are not too low, but i guess its mich better than in countries that support welfare migrants from their taxes. As for small businesses, there has always been this problem of insane amount of red tape person needs to go through to run a bussines. For years, politocians have been saying how theyre gonna fix it, but you know politicians. Big companies can just throw money at the problem and pay local lawyers to solve the bureaucracy part for them. Locals can get through it if they have nerves of steel or sacrifice part of their sanity. But i dont think its realistic to just come here without knowing the lingo and the system in general and just start a small company
Im affraid its not in our hands now. EU can dictate some laws to us and since most of EU parliament are liberal nogunz, our point of view is deep minority. There were some shennanigans planned by our politicians (like write into constitution that right to bear arms is matter of national defence. And EU constitution specificly says that EU cant meddle with state defence of the members) but i believe they chickened out. We have a lot of hazgunz ppl so hopefully they will push for something in time. The problem is that there is almost no overt gun culture here. Gunfags keep to themselves and nogunz mostly never seen a gun and dont know how easy they can get one. So gunz is really no issue to them and they dont give a fuck
Czech Republic is soiboi country let me tell you why
> Divorce rates
> No family values
> Atheist
> weak men
> Beer consumption
> lefty public education (private schools 4lyfe)
You must do something. If you sre a doctor and have money open a club to teach junior shooters. Whatever it takes to get the word out. Czech Rep is centrally located and theres a reason why it has beem invaded so many times in the past. When EU Army tanks roll in do you want to protest by lightning yourselves on fire, or with your guns? Godspeed Czechbro. You may be atheists (big cultural weakness in the longterm sadly) but may God protect your country and its people. They will try to crush you as the germans and soviet scum did before.
> I own a rifle, tanks and military BTFO
yeah no lol
we sure have decent gun laws tho
I lived in Praha 3 for a little while, right off the Jiří z Poděbrad stop. Cool place, but downtown Prague is full of immigrants and flashing neon lights for bars. The beer was cheap and great.
I made an attempt to learn the language and for the most part people were nice to me. Older people disliked me from the get go but I could talk to the younger ones. I'd imagine paying into a communist system your whole life only to have it ripped away once your pension age would piss you off.
literally costs you less than 500$ to start your company which you dont even need being an entrepreneur
You also forgot to add
>atheist country
>biggest porn production in Europe
>the main makers of interracial ones also
>german bitch
nope, older gen is just much more nationalistic, my bro dated Ukrainian hoe and his grandma was against it to the point she was calling his parents to do something about it.
I forgot some thx for adding porn
helmets don't wo-
more reasons:
> lowest unemployement in the world
> most stable economy in eu:
> hot perverted girls (lot of girls like piss, bdsm, anal,...)
>is very good country
through Feldkurat Katz.
>hot perverted girls
>piss, bdsm, anal
Those aren't the hot perversions. Call me when you have gentle femdom and mommy milkers, then maybe I will learn your language.
>lowest unemployement in the world
Look at US per state, some states go full 1.8%
also implying perverted girls is good thing if youre older than 24
oi thats more Russian perversions
czech took a lot from germans ukn
Well you should know about czechs that we really arent fighters. Our survival strategy is to bow to the invader and then kick him while he is down and join nis enemies. It may not seem honorable but its better to stand against guys with 10 times the manpower. In the end we are still here and all empires that swallowed us are gone. If we fought all out against every invader there would be no czech nation.
If EU tanks rolled in tomorrow it would be the same as when germ tanks rolled in in 1939. Not a shot would be fired and people would try to outwait the enemy, hatching plans on how to hurt him when he is down. We are maybe too peaceful for this world but the good part is we have no blody civil wars, deadly coups and massacres.
As for the gun issue, its still too hard to tell how it turns out. Even nogun fags dont like when eu dictates something but eu is tighting the screws too slowly for ppl to get really enraged. Recently eu banned high capacity magazines and you probbly know best where this leads. But i dont believe for a second that straight out gun grabbing is possible. That would be career suicide for any party or politiciancto suggest this and they wouldnt be ever able to pull that off. Only if our politicians feared eu more than domestic backlash. But at that point eu wouldcbe full blown empire and there would be little sense in fighting back
this also allowed Czechs to keep architecture and culture for most part (usually most damage is done by liberators instead of invaders)
But to be frank I see little history or culture here, its either cherry picks from somewhere else or a fake story that was kept in history books cuz why not
>Czech Republic is very good country.
Agreed. If you communist fuckers would drop that law where anybody who speaks german can be disowned without due process, I'd probably consider moving there.
If you consider this a positive you really need to reevaluate your moral standards.
Nah m8, its because you live here and dont really see the beauty anymore cause its just normal thing to you. Foreigers are cumming buckets when they see our old building, art, nature, culture etc.
I would say west is better 15 years ago, but right now we are in the perfect equilibrium when we are less cucked than west and less poor than east
Lol mate that will never go away. Stealing of sudetenland is basically our muh shoah moment. Sorry if you expect to get grandpas estates any time soon
Theres only more progressivness to be cucked with, Czechia is cucked beyond belief already, no family values, whores, beer, degeneracy left and right, leftism at schools, if you think were doing better than Sweden we do not, gommunism was keeping this country frozen and once it got unleashed we dropping into the abyss full throttle.
There are building, theres is art, nature but thats not culture, its history and sure I do enjoy looking here and there from time to time thinking "nnnice, good job on keeping it" but I see no depth I see no nation behind it
>good country
Pick one faggot
Nah youre painting too bleak picture. Dont let the blackpill swallow you our your will feel like snit even if you could live a good life.
Progressives are trying to show their power by shouting louder than their actual numbers are, but they face severe backlash. I dont expect czechia to start some conservative revolution but neither i expect people to just take the progressive dictate from brussels. Try lookimg on the bright side of life and you will feel better yourself
I am, my finances arent dependant on being here so I will move second state of cucks becomes impossible to look at or I decide to settle down and have a family.
In no way I can see raising kid in this shitshow and I live in center of Prague, not even talking about rest of country.
CZ is amazing place to live with as formed personality, its disaster for forming personas
Except that now you face a different enemy. They hate your culture and history. They want to destroy your society from within and replace your people. They will not do it with bombs but you will experience more damage than during ww2 when most of your country was spared from bombings.
No fuck off, you ruined everything.
Heil Hitler
Agreed OP. Czekia and Poland are the only two european countries I would ever consider visiting. Maybe Italy because they’re starting to get their shit together but Italians are subhuman.
I'm chef, unfortunately.
I can't own a gun yet, but if you president says "it's best to shoot the terrorist yourself" I don't think we need to worry about that.
Yes commies need to fuck off, they are responsible for our shitty economy.
Nice try Br*nofag.
Have you heard of memes?
>Btw Americans piss bucket's were only against shrapnel.
Yeah, there is like old grandpa on some clouds. That is responsible for millions of death people.
You wanna use memes?
Sure, I can play this game to.
no it's absolute shit, typical eastern european shithole. I wouldn't go to Czech if I were you guys, you're gonna regret it. Just stay home
This seems pretty unbaned, were is your evidence?
>implying this is a bad thing.
>killing people=good
Based Jap will hopefully save this great country
Remove the atheist and it could be actually good
Faggots, trotskyists, kikes and shitskins are not people and will be skinned alive and redistributed as public street lights
>Czech republic
>Help Israel first war
>great ally nation and true friend
>not cocked
no coincidence. let that be a lesson to the rest of you.
Okay, but what about Gutalax? They come from the Czech republic
i graduated in the university of life
>no it's absolute shit, typical eastern european shithole.
Kek. Brazil with the bants
Yeah, also students with different opinions, it's fun to drive over them with tanks :D
All the bad things done to Israel were from communist party.
And don't forget lots of hot straight guys that will do gay shit for cheap.
They represent pop rock bands accurately.
If you gonna call out on anything, you should show some evidence of us being "eastern European shitholle"
>nice try
well would you like to prove me wrong somehow ? Oh wait you cant cuz its true and we both know it
I have to admit this one, I bought a CZ Scorpion last year for €1500 and it's worth every cent
Burger guns are shit (my s&w pistol jams ever 50 shots)
I know, I wasnt being serious.
I know its hard to believe, but not everyone here is out to get eachother.
I really want a slav bf...any of you Czechs interested in a green card? We've got guns too!
Parasites do belong underneath a tank.
You see, if you don't put the parasite to a wall and a firing squad, or run them over with tanks every so often, they start to get quite bold and brave with expressing and enforcing their degeneracy.
S&W are shit now, and their autoloaders have always been shit.
Ok, real talk.
>Divorce rates
I don't really understand why is that happening, and it's most apparent with older couples. So it doesn't affect families with kids, but there are lot of single mothers.
>No family values
No idea where did you came up with that.
Very subjective
>weak men
Idk, that's bullshit. I don't see wimpy men or whatever.
>Beer consumption
Beer nation, what do you expect? It rises your testosterone and makes you fat
>Lefty public education (private schools 4lyfe)
I live in Prague and I only went to private school out of 20 people.
And if you think it's like in California, you are a retard.
Please user don't make space between meme arrows.
honestly i dont know why we suck up to Israel so much... Like, it makes sense from the "fuck Germans" point of view, but still, i don't get it
when you see articles about Israel on czech websites the comments are literally full of love for Israel
Y tho? no one knows...
>Running collage students that disagree with political party
Your morals are twisted.
You shouldn't kill people just because you don't agree with them or can't stand a different opinions.
Any other libertarian regime will let you do what ever you want.
If we were right now under communist control(and you would have different options)you wouldn't be here, probably in some reeducation camp.
uuuuuuuuugh I dont like piled up no space between arrows posting I know people thik its reddit but redditers post piled up shit same way
>I don't really understand why is that happening
I do, Ive seen a lot of families break and legit no kid Ive been in contact with from childhood has parents living together OR have step mom step dad. Legit none. Surprisignly they arent doing as bad as Americans statistics but still I know very few strong families. I also have never had only one GF with parents still together and she was from wealthy German family
> No family values
thats actually my explanation of divorce rates. Because if I look at broken families or ask friends from broken families, its usually just "eh I dont fancy being together anymore". "ok". Theres no core between people and noone cares about (not) having Father and Mother figure together for their children.
>Atheist - subjective
fair enough but to me it reinforces first to points even though objectively theres no connection between it so lets skip this one
> weak men
lets say its also subjective
> beer nation
and what is good about it? I dont see much men having big balls desu they act like cucks and rarely have tight grasp on their women. Not to mention it makes you american, no thx Im gonna pass on pisswater
> education
I also live in Prague and I was fortunate enough to go through public mid school for 2 years. It changed my POV quite a lot before I swapped to private forever.
We're not in Cali yet but theres definite bias towards everything I hate about modern left and I am not right wing in heart.
He is literally our only hope
> getting same amount of votes as P*rati
theres no hope
Unironically dont mind Babis in the lead
Students do not hold a valuable position in society that contributes to the economy or the State. They are Inexperienced and maintain their position almost always on public funds, whether by scholarships or loans, or otherwise by the expense of their guardians. They should continue to learn and gain experience. Running their mouths with what society needs to change, let alone even having a say in it is parasitical, and deserves a tank running over you.
>You shouldn't kill people just because you don't agree with them or can't stand a different opinions.
No, people deserve an opinion and a voice to reason it. However, considering how tired and stupid the average person is they become very easy to manipulate, and their opinions that were based on some other actor's ulterior motives should not be taken as State Policy. Feedback is excellent, mob rule is not. People who once again have not in any meaningful way contributed to the society they wish to have an opinion on can voice it in private, but otherwise need to shut the fuck up and continue to learn and gain experience.
Foreign agents with loud opinions should be executed on sight.
>Any other libertarian regime will let you do what ever you want.
Which is why they don't exist and hold any meaningful power on this world or the course of human civilization.
>If we were right now under communist control(and you would have different options)you wouldn't be here, probably in some reeducation camp.
No, intelligence requires adaptability. I am not stupid enough to be completely rigid in my beliefs, and neither am I naive that I have some natural rights shielding me from harm. Blending in with the status quo and working your way up is how you survive any regime. Unless you're a kike, then you kys and turn into a lampshade.
>Ive seen a lot of families break and legit no kid
If you are talking about it. I know a lot of friends that lived in disfunctional family me aswell. I have still no idea what's the cause.
I had only bad experience with public schools.
Teacher's don't give shit and are lazy.
I also got bullied a lot, so I went to private one, it was really good. Teacher's went out of their way to help you and stuff.
I have learned a lot of stuff that I wouldn't learn otherwise like: constructive criticism, actual cooperation, work planning. We also had student council,
We had actual power to change something like, canteen food quality, getting donations building improvement (for garden).
I thought you said very good?
Czech republic is basically the slavic half of greater Germany.
well like I said my explanation is theres something wrong with how small people care and how family doesnt really matter hence my butthurt about family values being non existent
traditional Czechia would be such a beauty
Instead we are EU porn production
>no niggers
not true for Prague. also lots of chinks and pajeets, especially in the centre.
also streets are kind of dirty.
rural area is so beautiful though.
beautiful culture, beautiful Volk. i hope they don't get ruined by multikulti leftist scum.
Students are you future period and kids are very important, no matter what.
Stop being stuck in your ass.
No everyone has their voice and stupidity is very subjective. I personally find you stupid and I wouldn't take it from you.
Communism never give shit about opposing opinions, my country is the proof.
>Which is why they don't exist and hold any meaningful power on this world or the course of human civilization
What the fuck did I just read?
Like capitalism is nothing.
>No, intelligence requires adaptability. I am not stupid enough to be completely rigid in my beliefs, and neither am I naive that I have some natural rights shielding me from harm. Blending in with the status quo and working your way up is how you survive any regime. Unless you're a kike, then you kys and turn into a lampshade.
You clearly don't understand(theoretically change your role), if we were under communist rule, there would be no space for other options look at Easter German.
>>No niggers
>>No sandniggers
>>Higher level of food control
>>Good education system
sounds like here but our education system is something between moderate and shit
It's capital what do you expect?
Especially at Prague 1,2,3.
Yeah it's dirty in the center specially previously mentioned.
Vietnamese people are great, they work hard opening businesses. Not trouble some. (But they've been in some hygiene troubles)
>no sandniggers
>what is east germany
People are waking up brother, thats always a good thing. Last election was great blow for old post-socialist cliques that established themselves as political behemoths after "revolution". Pirates are just lesftist counterpole for SPD, filling void, but mostly voted for out of recession, unlike based Jap, which was voted out of conviction. I believe base of his supporters can only grow and ridiculous kikery in press trying to undermine him only reinforces this.
I dont particularly like Babis, but I do enjoy him stirring shit up and causing all that butthurt
I don't like SPD they were factually wrong most of the time and Tomio Is bad at debates. And pretty retarded sometimes viz "den obětí holocaustu".
Babiš is just stupid populist that is only there to gain even more money.
I'll go for ODS because there is no better political libertarian/right wing party.
Man you got the BRUTAL ASSAULT and OBSCENE EXTREME by your home
But they are based, they did it epic style
Fucking based
Rest of the Europe is gonna take you down with them.
I've been thinking of getting a gun.
Do you know a good range and how to start the procces? Can I leave them there after shooting?
I still live with my parents until I have a more stable job and they are fucking nuts when it comes to weapons, typical boomers who believe everything the government/tv tells them.
Problem is he's not that experienced politician as those dinosaurs, some surviving for over 25 years in this dirty bussines. He would do just fine in polite conversation but political debate is exact opposite of that.
Babis sure is in for shekels, but as I said earlier he is obstacle for those fat commie fossils and that brings me joy. Same as him most of ODS are only interested in profit at expense of state but thats definition of Libertarianism which you like that much, right?
Shoot at
They told me about a local club near the area where I live and I did my exams there (so you can change clubs later if you want to).
And yes there are certain clubs where you can rent lockers to deposit your guns
>No niggers
i cursed group of them at jzp tram stop last year in prague
The stock is made of fiberglass, not wood.
>atheist fedora niggers
>good country
Nice bait