Lliberals will actually believe everything said in this video: youtube.com
Lliberals will actually believe everything said in this video:
Other urls found in this thread:
so? liberals also believe in the wage gap, in institutionalized racism, that race is a social construct, that islam is a religion of peace and that one can change their sex.
I'll give the guy some credit for making some attempt to learn about this.
The answer is this:
>low recoil
>rifle trajectory
>easy to customize and build
The point is that crime will still happen, even if they get their bs assault weapon ban in place. Because they don't want to do anything with unstable people and hope that this issue of violence just goes away with handing people more gibbs.
It doesn't. And if someone doesn't believe this, they would only be kidding themselves and throwing everybody else under the bus.
>cheapest, decent, semiauto
>looks cool
only 2 reasons
>they don't want to do anything with unstable people
...Er, the current "it's a mental health issue, not a guns issue" majority is also the one that drags its feet on actual healthcare reform. Gun control is just about the worst solution to this problem, but it is a solution, which is why so many people find it preferable to the current strategy of plugging their fingers in their ears and hoping it goes away.
Forgot Otherkin and fat acceptance are civil rights issues.
Liberals are moving to defend fucking pedophiles now. They'll believe fucking anything put in front of them as long as it makes them feel a certain way.
I dont give a rotten fuck what liberals believe. I'm in this fucking game to convince moderates of my position because they're the majority of Americans and they're the ones that fucking matter.
He doesn't say anything that's untrue? Wym by this
Left believes there are more than 2 genders and semantic errors about guns. Right believes the world is 5,000 years old, a microscopic pack of cells is a living breathing human being, there's a vast jewish conspiracy controlling everything while simultaneously whites are the master race somehow
>STD shaming