Whatever happened to this dude?
Whatever happened to this dude?
Probably got AIDS.
drowned in a sea of gay cum
People finally realized he was nothing more than an obnoxious faggot
haha right
He is gay. He doesn't matter
He was just a male tradthot making money off of boomers and incels and when his twitter got banned he retired
people realized the "gay identity" is just a larp used by homosexual pedophiles.
He got banned and fired from everything. I'm sure he still writes for some f-tier """news""" site
The jew tried to use him as a tool to make the far-right more relaxed to their pedo ways. Didn't really work so they pulled the plug.
The jew pill for people that have right wing views is now Jordan Peterson. Much better return on that guy.
Just goes to show how powerful twitter is. They kick you out and people forget about you
Whatever happened to his "Privilege Scholarship"
That’s crazy. I swear he used to be all everyone here ever talked about for a good while and now I never hear his name
He hasn't gotten anything since his apologetics for kiddy fiddlers. He forgot that the one thing Americans of all political affiliations care about above all else to a pathetically autistic degree is muh age of consent.
> this goy is 1000% right
15 minutes of fame ended.
>jew people all the time
>people stop liking him for jewing everyone
and he's a kiddie diddler. a jew through and through.
If you watch his appearance as that "Day For Freedom" it's clear to see why. He just brags about how much money he has and is just pretentious without any reason to be
Went from sassy guy in a suit to full blown stereotypical faggot that put his content behind a paywall
He raped a kid and is in the Philippines awaiting trial last I heard.
You can't be a faggot and a conservative, rubin decline is next.
This, I was a fan of him, but then he became more and more degenerate as he lapped up more and more donations from billionaires and by the time he was on the second half of his university tour I gave up on him. He genuinely used to be /ourguy/ and even browsed Jow Forums, but he sold out.
Just like the rest of the conservatives who went anti-trump, he was forgotten.
He apologized.
This. I watched a couple of videos of him and thought he was alright, but every time my opinion of him went down just because of how much of a dickhead he is.
I agree with him on a lot of things, but fuck I'd love to break his teeth.
Made comments about age of consent, a McMullinist group edited those into a video and took him out.
Publisher dropped his book, he sued them and released it himself. Court filings reveal the former publisher edited it into anodyne milquetoast, and he released that version anyway.
Then his privilege scholarship fell apart, making it look like it was a scam all along.
Got gay married, ruining image of conflicted gay Catholic.
Started a paywalled subscription service and no one has seen him since.
Married happily ever after.
He was temporarily useful during the election campaign, once the election was over, his backers cut him loose.
Why not? He’s a one trick pony.
If you're on the right, NEVER, NEVER, EVER apologize.
He admitted to being fucked as a kid.
Then he tried to justify it by saying that relationships between young boys and older gay men is a necessary step in helping gay boys accept their homosexuality.
A shit storm happened as he basically, inadvertently admitted that fags are pedos.
Liberals didn't defend him like they normally would because he is a right wing provacateur.
Right wing abandoned him as well because even moderates know that pedos are degenerate filth.
He disappeared after being fired/quitting Breitbart during the shit storm.
Then he came back a while ago married to his nigger lover and started his own podcast/went full time with his podcast.
He is essentially still out there but he isn't being invited to the "cool kids" events anymore because even the cucked alt light know he's poisonous due to what he said.
He'll probably never get much noteriety in the future because he'll probably keep getting knocked down any time he begins to gain traction again. Kinda like how Cosby got all the sexual charges brought up against him again once he came back to stand up after going underground for a decade because of earlier sexual accusations.
This. Faggot should’ve stood his ground
He made a comment vaguely arguing that pedophilia is a normal and necessary part of the gay community. Career over immediattly.
He should have played the long game but instead he wanted to be a blaze that would burn bright for all to see. Well the world saw him for the fag troll that he is and the world did not want.
The guy has serious mental issues. I'm not joking if you haven't find that out by yourself u too have problems...
In France nobody would have show up at one of his stupid rally, I mean come on, if your a real man how can you support a fag ?
He actually was Dangerous, so they destroyed him.
I think he has a show that's hidden behind a paywall. Probably a sly jew that created the show as a containment for him to prevent him from reaching the broad audiences.
he got POZZED.
Nothing to do with his comments. Sugardaddy Mercer cut him off.
I never liked this guy and don't understand why anyone did. He looked and acted like the stereotypical pretentious faggot that you wouldn't trust around your kids. Guy was a hardcore drug addict too. Just all around degenerate and not someone I'd want to be associated with in any way.
Very quick rundown:
>Engages in combat with Leslie jones and gets banned
>Makes a comeback after election and was on the cusp of ultimate success and political power (especially after antifa riots)
>Goes on Bill Maher and tries a piss poor comedic routine about how ugly Jones is to a completely silent room
>Tells a black CIA agent that he's low IQ
>The rest is history
He's not going to come back. Anti-leftist niche is now completely owned and dominated by Peterson, who is a better speaker. Anti-Islamist niche is dominated by another guy who can sue the SPLC and over 3.3 million.
that was just the final blow, his downfall started earlier
he trolled libtards epic style praise Le god emperor
He was never with us you dumb fucks.
>Gay pedophile jew
3 things combined, even one of them should be a warning. If this doesn't ring a bell to you then gas yourself, or even get Poz'd.
what a fucking fucktoy
id smash his ass harder than an oil drill
little cockloving cockboy
damn id fuck him till my dick came out his mouth
He did a lot of good mindfucking the left (this is an end in itself), but he really, really shit the bed, running his mouth about being diddled as a kid and what a wonderful experience it was for him. It was never the same.
Everyone enjoys watching a flaming homosexual catfight with fatties. Nobody enjoys listening to a faggot reminisce about being fiddled as a kid.
> he was never with us
Actually no one was ever with you. Nobody wants to have something with nazi craps and stormturds, you know. Go pray the single-balled bastard now.
i thought rubin was a liberal
paid for his coke habit
Why would I ever associate with some shitty e-celeb? Those who have power level hide it, if you see them brag about it its more than obvious that the cereal has pee in it.
Yeah, I heard he came down with a case of the AIDS too.
Fuck that. He was fine without twitter. His base turned on him when he seemed to endorse pederasty and speak fondly/lightly of his abuse by a priest or something on Joe Rogan. The fallout was huge and Breitbart accepted his resignation.
He lost all his glam and platform.
AJ put him on but it fizzled quickly. He then shamed the right about being weak when we didnt get outraged enough at Pam Geller’s kids getting doxxed, and all remaining good will flew out the window.
He just didnt bring enough to the table.
ruined his face and teeth with all sorts of cosmetic surgery, and now he's afraid to get his picture taken.
classic narcissist downfall
Honestly for me he had a "mystique" type aura around him, was the "ultimate weapon" against the left because he checked so many boxes that they couldnt throw their normal "isms" at him. Then came the whole pedo thing and while it wasnt exactly his words about that, but the backlash and his reaction to it. He went into victim mode and the mystique was gone. I tried to stay supportive for awhile simply as a "F U" to the left but it grew old after awhile. He looked weak, and that went directly against his shtick. It ended him.
I hoight they revealed he was a fake persona created for a Harvard experiment
He used to be edgy and a gateway
porn and video game addled right wing fantasists have short attention spans, and much like left wing whackadoodles, are very willing to eat their own
Dude was literally riding the Jow Forums/alt right cash wave and attention that you faggots gave him.
I would not be surprised if he ever gave two shits of a fuck about any politics. Dude only wanted to line his pockets.
What's this thing with the SPLC getting sued by mudslimes?
The alt-right tried to redefine what it meant to be conservative, and that failed hard once (surprise) the JQ popped up. They no longer care about finding a sweet spot between conservatives and liberals, they realized there is no compromise.
Now they are all going further right while the e-celebs risk losing everything by following their crowd.
I have also heard about his severe AIDS.
I'm glad no one cares anymore about this faggot
jews went after him for not being a zionist jew
notice nobody goes after the """""""conservative"""""" zionists
also he has his own show like crowder now - you need to go see it
he wishes, also fuck off FYROM
corporate overlords banned him from every platform
I still like this guy. He's funny as hell
got banned from twitter then became irrelevent
this year- successful aussie tour, obliterates their media, invited to their parliament; self-publishes a best-seller; invited to speak at uk free speech rallies; invited to speak in hungary...
guy's magnificent.
>cucked on JQ (because he's a kike) and slowly went from being edgy to just being another cuckservative
>started talking about pedo shit like a retard because he thought he was invincible
>put everything behind paywalls and doesn't do interviews or anything like that (not surprising, no one wants to listen to him anyway)
Sucked a BBC so hard he slipped into an alternate timeline.
Became a full fledged shekel prostitute. His Jewtube videos rarely surpass 2 minute mark. Gib, gib, gib shekels. Nevertheless, his contribution shall not be forgotten.
Same. I still think he's /ourgay/, but the way he speaks is fucking annoying, and he argues like a liberal.
>as a gay person, I think
>as an extremely gay person, you're wrong darling because
>as the gayest gay I can muster, please give me black dick, and Islam is bad mkay
He became more unbearable the more famous he got.
Assassination is so last century. Now all you have to do to eliminate someone is strip them of social media.
With social media playing such a pivotal role in society at large, silencing or invalidating someone on two or three platforms is tentamount to removing them from the discourse entirely.
Don't say I didn't warn you when China's 'good citizenship' system shows up and people have to tow the line or lose their connection to everyone and everything.
fuck off milo stop sliding Jow Forums. relevant thread here
i hope he dies
those were paid shills promoting faggotry in america
ya, fuck peter thiel and that whole alt kike faggot sleeper cell
>I swear he used to be all everyone here ever talked about for a good while and now I never hear his name
All the internet cam whores come here to advertise for free. I'm surprised Jow Forums doesn't run these asshole shills off for violating the rules.
Hit a major speedbump with the whole age of consent scandal and never really recovered because:
>religious conservatives and the alt-right want nothing to do with a flaming homosexual who is a borderline pedo apologist
>Trump's already been elected, so his usefulness has ended
>he doesn't really have any content to say and "LMAO I'M A CONSERVATIVE FAGGOT" gets old after repeated for too long
Basically, his reputation was ruined when he admitted that he had been molested as a child.
>The jew tried to use him as a tool to make the far-right more relaxed to their pedo ways
he's actually a self destructive faggot who destroyed himself and everyone around him
but us smart people knew that, why didn't you?
when is he paying back people he stole money from. fraud charges?
He started r/t_d. Was one of the major go-betweens for Bannon and Internet Research Agency.
sage this faggot every damn time, and may he die of a thrashed aids infested ass
Anybody can BTFO SJWs nowadays, even normies know they're a laughing stock.
What does he do other than be gay?
>What does he do other than be gay?
hires shills to post about him while he's doing blow and fingering little kids' assholes in hotel rooms
discord gg/A2Gu9a
add a .
Best left forgotten.
he got oversized veneers and slipped into obscurity
hopefully Anally Inflicted Death Sentence