This fucking nigger

This fucking nigger.
>this new Italian government cannot be allowed to survive. Even before it has got down to real work, it has already done so much irreparable damage
>In today’s world the notion of a “zero-landing” Mediterranean, where no migrants reach Europe, is nothing short of criminal propaganda.
>Italy has not earned the right to say: “Right, that’s enough.”
>It is Italy’s duty to battle for change for the better, not to descend into the most boorish nativism.

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Other urls found in this thread:

> google the author
> is jewish
Cmon, its ot even funny at this point

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>irreparable damage
>because you didn’t get a boat full of niggers

Jow Forums is always right

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Every damn time.

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It never was, my fellow guy.

Dont worry dude. Italians are jew kryptonite

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holy smokes ... too good

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>cannot be allowed to survive
pretty strong words from a country that just left the e.u.

Getting real tired of these kikes.

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I wonder why the opinions they post are always leftist... hmmmmmmmm

Imagine my fucking shock.

he is a sephardic jew and he writes and live in New York

>"A wave of hatred has been whipped up."
Can you imagine forcing yourself to run this sentence around in your head until you believe it in the context that Saviano does?

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The Roman Vs. The Jew, a battle of immortals

well i didn't even need to google that..every article written in the same style about countries just HAVING to let in immigrants is written by a jew..thank goodness that switzerland is a jew safe haven so we don't get such articles :^)

Mamma Mia!

>notable works: Gommorah

S-saviano is a all makes sense could I be so blind?
it was under my nose all the time...or better...his nose was under mine all the time and I never realized it

cazzo ou..sti bastardi distruggono tutto

>it was under my nose all the time...or better...his nose was under mine all the time and I never realized it

>Son of Luigi Saviano, a Neapolitan doctor, and Miriam Haftar, a Ligurian of Jewish origins
>Jewish origins

Every fucking time, like clockwork.

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>A guy who followed the Camora crime families for years and currently lives under police protection because they have a hit on him is in fear because Italy didn't accept niggers that would destroy the country and even further tighten the grip of those crime families he brought light to.

It's almost like he's a concern trolling faggot who should be shot on site if he ever shows his face in Italy again.

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