What kind of heartless American President breaks up families?
What kind of heartless American President breaks up families?
But he did.
Fucking kys spic MAGA
The kind I like
I say put families back together
In mexico, where they belong.
An asshole named Trump.
The kind that has zero tolerance for people that disregard the law because they think theyre needs are above other peoples.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Not only that but sold you to child traffickers, who raped you and sell your organs, :^p
Why don't they simply send the entire family back?
Reunite the families and send them the fuck back.
>2016 : I will build a YUGE wall no one can climb ! And mexico will pay for it !
>2018 : Our border still looks like swiss cheese but hey at least we imprison the ones we catch and separate their children with an unnessecary cold hearted bureaucratic policy. Paid by american taxpayers ! B-but it's the l-law ! Yeah don't worry about the millions of illegal spics getting appointed at public offices in Commiefornia, nothing to see here goy. Defunding commiefornia ? Deporting all illegals ? What a strange idea ??!! MAGA !
They do. The temporary separation is while the adult is in jail (we don't jail kids if we don't have to) or being interrogated to find if they are indeed the parent or a trafficker. The law that covers this was passed in 1997 by the way.
What kind of parent chooses to put their kid in that situation?
Obama of course
Shitty sub 80 IQ third worlder ones.
The best ever.
What kind of heartless democrat refuses to work with Trump to get rid of the law necessitating it?
>What kind of parent chooses to put their kid in that situation?
The Third World-types from Central America, apparently.
What I want to know is: Why don't they stay in Mexico if they're already there? I can only surmise California gives more 'gibs' than Mexico.
its almost like the president doesn't have unlimited powers or something
Mexico literally kills illegals.
Smelly dumb Beaner scum.
It would be awesome if Trump showed up at the detention center and beat the kids to death with a baseball bat.
The one thing that seems to be missed in all this is the laziness of these Mexicans, and the arrogance. They had years and years to do something, to try and attempt to become citizens. If they were so worried about their children, they could have done something, anything to see to their protection. Instead, they like to wave their flags, shit on the united states, squeal about "make america mexico again!" and continue to pound out kids actual citizens are supposed to support for them.
And then, when the ride stops, it's tears and outrage. They're not upset because it's wrong, they're angry because they finally got caught. If you want to see something great, just ask "why didn't the families of these poor children do something to protect them?" and watch the outrage and mental knots leftists sink in to.
Mexico is not a war-torn country so there's no legal obstacle to deport them all. Also i don't see any reason why the federal law is not enforced in California. Why noy use the money used to house and feed these illegals to fund immigration law enforcement agencies ? If Trump was really serious about it, we would see ICE patrols all over California, breaking doors of every house, at a military scale.
The kind that supports divorce.
I don't understand what peoples issue is.
In any other situation where both parents are in jail and no other family member is available, any children get put in the care of the state.
Nobody get's up in arms when it happens in the other 99% of cases, why should one group of criminals be treated differently then the rest? Just because of the color of their skin?
I thought that was the definition of racism.
you forgot to turn on your meme flag again.
Ask your Dear Leader Obama...
Immigrant children trafficked and worked as slaves under Obama administration
based chosen
>actually acting like greatest ally
Agreed, we have to reconnect these poor families back together in Mexico.. FORCEFULLY. Nothing is more important than bringing families together
C-can you have the IDF train ICE to do so so that anyone who opposes them is antisemitic?
There's no logic to any of this at this point. The noise machine is in high gear.
My kind.
Lookin like a bitch !
I agree completely. Just send all immigrants to Israel.
I was thinking abiut this whole immigration and refugee situation in the US and the EU...
I'm a liberal and I'm left leaning on pretty much everything, and I am all for multiculturalism and legal immigration.
But can someone explain to me why is it ok for people to go live in another country illegaly? I mean, my country is poor and shitty, so why can't I just go live in the US without a visa or a green card just because I feel like it?
It's a weird logic that I can't get behind... ok, if your country is destroyed by war like Syria and those middle eastern shitholes, you're a refugee, and the EU should provide help. But through a process. You don't get to just illegaly go somewhere, there have to be rules.
But Mexico isn't a war zone. It's not even that bad as a place to live. So why should illegal immigration be thought of something normal? It's called illegal for a reason.
One day when there are no borders and nations we can hopefully go live where ever the fuck we want, but until then people need to get their shit together and follow the rules.
What kind of horrible people simply leave thier shithole countries instead of improving them, only to turn said host country to shit?
The one that respect the law
Left logic is racism and the age old statement of, "your ancestors came to this country as immigrants, why can't they?"
When do you close the fucking doors?
Simple deport them all. We keep telling you and you still don't get it you mongoloid.
Exactly it's so autistic when they come to this country illegally then act like they are the victim when they get kicked out I don't understand how there's an argument against deporting illegals
Look, some countries are just broken beyond repair. Trust me, I know.
Of course, they can return at anytime. ( at US taxpayer expense ) This will be the last gasp at trying to con the US people, galvanize Hispanic votes at midterm. # lying press
>i don't see any reason why the federal law is not enforced in California
You have no idea how corrupt California is.
Sounds like an excuse. A country is just a collection of people. Maybe the people are just broken beyond repair, which means we shouldn't be importing broken people.
This guy does, all through his 8 years.
But.......not a peep.
These fucking slide threads and media bias. All to distract the people from the IG report
COME ON NOW....everyone has to be seeing this?
the IG report got super close to becoming mainstream news. Which would have been very bad for hillary and crew.
So they threw a dart at the board to see if it stuck IE...the children camps.
WHICH THEY SUPPORTED all through 8 years of obama's presidency.
They do not give a shit about the children
It's all corrupt. A bloated, rotten corpse of former glory.
Kill your self
>beating mexicans to death with a baseball bat
Most American thing I've heard all day.