Destroying the black race one nigger at a time

Destroying the black race one nigger at a time.

Attached: 1528439696341.gif (320x240, 2.82M)

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There is only one way to end all of this hatred, violence, and racism.

Also get ready for b8 posters to spam this thread with webms of whites being punched out

Attached: hands in pockets.webm (360x202, 2.83M)

btw my post is not b8. just proof of why you can't relax

yes. please provoke fights and then rek they black asses. also, if you're a cop please harass a nigger til chimpout, then execute them lawfully. we win this way.

Attached: Nigger thinks whitey cant fight.webm (853x480, 2.43M)

Attached: Goldenone.webm (406x650, 1.97M)

i've never seen a more satisfying video. not only does he btfo a nig, but said nig is showboating and being uppity. mmmmmm *smack* noice

i wonder if the nig fighter cried about it later and tried to give excuses for his loss

It's a great summary of whats going to happen to shitskins over the next century.

Nobody's jackin' nobody.

Attached: garrison.jpg (1200x936, 270K)

Attached: spin_to_win.webm (640x616, 787K)

While I don't like that faggot I have to admit this was breddy gud

Damn. That was clean.

Nignogs cant fight alone for shit but they dont cover their face and run away

I hope his shoulder is okay.

LOL I love how you all only have like four gifs/webm to show. Meanwhile blacks destroying whites in fights maxes out threads in like 12 mins.

inb4 this comment gets tons of replies, because you can't handle the truth.

Talk shit get hit.

Attached: talking shit.webm (640x360, 2.76M)

Attached: another one bites the dust.webm (852x480, 2.7M)

Attached: Deep state Bitch nigga Obongo.jpg (1079x983, 182K)

1 on 1's the whites almost always win.

It's not a fight when a group of chicken wing eating felons piles on to a single person you mutt.

People in the past 50,000 years were right, from the arabs to the asians, blacks are little more than animals.

Attached: filthy niggers.webm (466x582, 2.52M)

This one isn’t violent but i love seeing blacks get embarrassed by whites doing nigger things. We’re simply better at everything hahaha

Even coming from the people who have tried their best to help them...

Attached: 1483044851798.jpg (1104x644, 114K)

fucking niggers
goddamn the world is fucked
where can we escape kikes and niggers? where? nowhere.

Attached: 1483044830664.jpg (575x387, 108K)

Attached: black levels.jpg (1008x1260, 315K)

shoot on sight

That German Suplex was beautiful, but yeah niggers can't do 1v1 either weapons or they just out number you.

I've never wanted to like a video so much

Attached: 1496893040704.jpg (650x615, 34K)

>a legend in his own mind

I guess it's time to take a look at the good old niggers folder

Attached: nigger fighting 2.webm (202x360, 1.31M)

Attached: nigger fighting 3.webm (720x404, 2.8M)

im not black but i want to feel the weight of that guy on my back as he fucks my boy puss puss from behind