I've been here for a year and a half, and I have to say GERMANY SUCKS. The world likes to say that Americans are ignorant? You have to live in Germany to see true arrogance and ignorance, they think they are the best at everything. Always sad, rude, and don't get me started on their aggressive driving. I've never been to a country riddled with so many ridiculous laws, and you call Germany a free counrty? I'll never come back, I'll take American ignorance any day to this nightmare of a country.
Arrogant Germany
Other urls found in this thread:
you are Right, but we aren't all like that
I think thhat is because two lost world wars cucked us
Germans don't mind being unfriendly, pushing another with their carts when grocery shopping, or have a problem cutting in line, or giving you bad customer service, or risking your life on the roads daily.
Germans are strange people. Don't take it personal.
Turkroach pls leave the country
Kek, what a wimp you are.
It is always hilarious to me to see supporters of Catholicism on Jow Forums
>I'll never come back, I'll take American ignorance any day to this nightmare of a country.
Good news at last.
if thats true how did you end up with so many of the lowest of the low of the whole third countries
>I'll never come back,
good riddance
Who are you trying to fool here? Germans are extremely polite and well-behaved.
German traffic is extremely good in comparison. It is fast, yes, but ordered! Go try drive in Italy, where everyone tries to cut in front of you, or Netherlands or Austria where you can overtake cars on a highway on a bicycle.
>It's another Erkan/Ivanovic complains about Germany episode. Go back to your shithole then
>German,Italian,Netherlands,Austrian traffic
Have you ever driven in Russian traffic?
Yeah you also barge in front of people that are queuing at a Spa in Tenerife. Family of G*rmans pushing in front of me, I proceed to push back in front, Spanish female checkout woman is urging me to keep calm when this completely oblivious idiotic G*rman family think it's normal to do that.
It's not fucking normal, you wait in line like everyone else you arrogant pricks or I'll flay and rape your wife in front of you and cut your eyelids off and make you watch as I do it. Cunts.
How do you plan to flay anything in bongland
Im american with german ancestry. All germans are really snobbish and mean, i have to say again. noone will greet you on the street or anywhere... even if you make eye contact and greet them first.
Haha fuck off dumb mutt
stop provoking Germany
Yes, I rush in all traffic
Also checked
holy crap! so im not the only one that thinks this? this place sucks so freaken badly its ulous!! U.S rules and germany needs to burn!!
only if youre a pussy
By doing it in Tenerife, how does a nigger like you know what flaying is? Didn't think Common Core covered the basics, let alone more advanced subjects.
lel get the fuck out of the left lane then faggot
feel free to leave any time mahammad
and dont forget your family, friends and whatever looks like you when you go
>nobody will miss any of you
only if youre a random who no one knows
How about taking your spot in line back, britcuck?
The only time that happened to me was in the Netherlands and I don't go around blaming an entire nation for it.
There's some deep hatred for Germans and an inferiority complex that the Jew has planted inside of your brain
I can't wait to get out. Germany is so full of restrictions, laws, unfairness, prejudice, ignorant bureaucrats, rude and obnoxious "customer service" (it doesn't exist) sour looking faces, many ugly and rude behaving people who surely do not know civility much; I could go on and on, there isnt' much freedom here at all.. I can't wait to get back to the USA.
Good riddance always remember that we hated you first
Why are you greeting random people you don't know? Are you a fagot or something? The people you see greeting each other are mostly
>Acquaintances, neighbors or people from your village
>Someone you see around because of the same train schedule
>Current former classmates/workmates
>All of you share a common group: construction workers, pensionist, people sitting next to you at a long train ride, sharing the lift for >=15 floors and so
>The local Jew shopkeeper
He saw it in game of thrones
So many of the Germans are actually very proud of their ignorance and small-mindedness. You are one of this examples.
every single time germany has "destroyed europe" it has been for the better, prove me wrong
I've been there and it's nothing of what you describe. You are probably a nigger or a mutt.
this has nothing to to with being ignorant
>untermensch gets frustrated when being hold to a standard
What the fuck is that webm?
smile like you mean it
i know its a draft americans can't grasp
>HEY! hey, warte mal...
>das kannst du doch nicht tun, junger mann!
Baldie needs to be taught a lesson in taking justice into his own hand.
if my grandfather and the rest of our grandparents hadn't gone out when he was 17 years old and bayuoneted a few of those godless autists, there would have been a bunch of german assholes raping and pillaging all of europe and possibly the states until someone did put a boot up there arrogant wicked asses. that was only 70 years ago. do you think they really forgot that? do you think that they're different now? they would try to pull that shit again if they thought they could. They are betrayers of the white race.
That webm shows an example why people won't greet OP. Maybe he looks foreign and the older people and roasties are afraid of them
please, elaborate this webm
im white you filthy kraut subhuman.
I've been here for almost 15 years, also from the USA. Our German ancestors endured war and starvation in the service of our Fatherland. They gave their lives on the front fighting our enemies. You would let a few bants over where you were born turn you into a Volksverräter? Were you never exposed to Germanophobia in your life, is that why you're such a weakling? You don't deserve to call yourself a German-American.
Poor Achmed, not enough gibs for you?
>aggressive driving
I don't think so, only in Switzerländ I saw better driving.
I will fucking hunt you down and kill you. Never turn your back on a fellow American while you're in Germany, because it will be me waiting to slit your fucking throat.
This is a lie. Where do you live in Germany?
Fuck off and stay away from Europe you disgusting mutt. Go back to shitting at Walmarts it's the only "culture" you will ever know.
Where do you live, you lying shitskin trash?
>we wuz liberators
That's what you really believe eh mutt boy?
We tried to liberate europe from jewish cancer/communism and almost all welcomed our liberation unlike your invasion
Then you're weak and don't deserve to live.
Sure Pablo. Sure
The chink was arguing with the old lady about him stepping on her shoes by mistake. Thinks got out of hand. And then chinks gonna chink , you know
do you know where this happend?
and thx for the info
or what? we will throw broom squads at you?
Fuck him and his whore mom. I will enjoy gaining his trust and murdering him when the time comes. It will be my pleasure to kill this mutt piece of shit for you.
Is it a chink making pranks in germany?
pic related
The German "experience" is very different if you are vacationing or studying.Many Germans are not aware of how they are. They think that the "mean cold Germans" are somebody else. They don't see that they never smile while walking down the street. They don't recognize that they are rude to customers at their job.
Noone greats you on the street because you greet first you dumb American. Greeting random people on the street is not done here and everyone who does immediately declares himself as snobbish foreigner, who didn't even learn the local customs, or as a retard.
You decide for youself which of the two you are.
do you know who whines?
>They don't recognize that they are rude to customers at their job.
We do. "Service desert Germany" is a meme here.
You picked the wrong part of Germany dude, should have tried landing a job in the south.
If you can't handle our northern autism you shouldn't have come here.
I recall the one of the nigger was in Sweden but I'm not sure
Get fucked nerd LMAO
>Greeting random people on the street
people think you are batshit crazy
I will fucking stab you in the stomach, cut you open, and spill your guts on the street. We will mail you back to your coalburning mom in a fucking box, you half-nigger sack of shit.
its hard to distinguish nowadays
We have some Boomer German millionaire friends of the family. These people live in a multi-story mansion. I was dressed for work, came over to visit, and the German lady was absolutely captivated by my dress socks and cuffed pants. Despite having made all of this money, these German Boomers were only accustomed to sneakers and shorts, and had probably only seen real formal wear in magazines and on television. The lady also got drunk one night and threw my little helpless little Maltese for no reason. They also have no manners, and are very loud and aggressive. There is something very intense and militant in the German spirit that even manifests itself among Boomers.
>visiting friends in business attire
Oh the iron knee.
Euphemismus für "1 Euro-Jobgesellschaft".
Germans lie all the time, especially those in bureaucratic positions, completely unorganized, don't know what they are doing, lazy, not wanting to help anyone even though that is what they are there for, everyone wants money for everything, shitty products that are way overpriced..
I can't wait to leave this horrible country full of dictators and controls...
Every single person who served me was pulite and spoke English (to some extent). Some even smiled. The problem it's you probably.
>"would you like some free mon-" [get's kicked]
>hurr durr I no like Germany
>gibs me dat
Neger, bitte.
Drove straight back from work. She was eyeballing them like she hadn't seen dress socks since she was a little girl. It seems your Boomers are just as bad as any others. And I have no idea how they earned all this money. They never wanted to talk about business.
Oh boy, poor little guy, thats nigger behaviour.
If you want nice people, who are friendly and helpfull, you need to live at least 10 years in a 100 soul village.
Germans only greet people they know.
I moved to a smal town and barely know my neighbours, thats 5 people.
I am open minded to my neighbours and they are also, because we will live for the rest of our lifes there.
Im already a half year here
this is an english board, talk in english with me krautnigger.
Well excuse us if we don't busy ourselves putting on a phoney display of superficial friendliness the way you americans do alongside the general disingenous game of politeness and sugar-coated words certain peoples play for its own sake.
They smiled because they had never seen a spanish manlet.
pic related blocs your path what do?
greeting it?
Germans are good people mostly. Mostly. You lack backbone.
All your true warriors and warrior cults died in 1945 though and you've essentially traded your genes for next to nothing while your women and children are held down and subjected to ethnic brutality at the hands of your government.
If our WWII vets could see the state of affairs in country they'd line up the politicians against the wall.
I can only imagine how the son of a coward who is the son of a coward who is the son of a loser must feel about postmodernism...
You poor bastards
>Why are you greeting random people you don't know? Are you a fagot or something? The people you see greeting each other are mostly
I greet anyone and everyone, and they greet me back. If I'm walking down the street I'll say good morning to anyone that comes across my path.
I'm average for German standards tho. More now that most of them are 1,70 roaches.
I'd say Israel is our greatest ally and start clapping and giving it tips.
Unfortunately this, in NRW only alcoholics and mentally conditioned people ever greet someone they have seen for the first time.
The only excuse to ever start talking is to complain about something that is affecting you both, and even that isn't very attractive.
If you really wanted to just talk to Germans, you should have just visited your local pub.
Tons of old people there just to talk about their shitty lives.
Sounds like someone hates being outplayed. Cya sucker.
Really depends where you are in Germany. In my experience, middle class city dwellers are the most arrogant cunts here. Upper class are mostly cunts anywhere you go. Low class city people are basically absolute scum, but often relatively easy going in rural areas. I thought the UK was often worse since everyone was super fake with their friendliness and kind of smug sometimes. All in all I would say, that people in Germany are relatively open/ easy to read and since life in general is mostly not all sunshine, you basically just get a reflection of that fact in form of "rude" behavior and moody faces.
You're illiterate? My condolences. No wonder you're in search for special treatment. Just don't die by vitamin d deficiency.
I bet they asked you to sing despacito and tap dance while doing it.
Du meinst eineinhalb Jahre in Deutschland gewesen zu sein, da hast hoffentlich auch ein Bisschen Deutsch gelernt, oder bist du ein totaler Amifritze gewesen und hast all die Deutschen gezwungen, in deinem Anglogeplapper zu reden?
Würde erklären, weswegen niemand dir freundlich gegenüber sein will.
>You lack backbone.
sure a part of germans lack backbone, but a lot of us just became tired in the face of the stupidity of this world, its a lack of energy not a lack of bones.
He already called you a faggot. You don't have to give even more evidence.
It’s even more hilarious to see summerkiddies who think Jow Forums has an orthodoxy.
What a moron you are, what happened to your Christianity?
your christianity?
wadda ya mean?