I thought he was gonna force them to denuke. The meeting being referenced in this story was one where Kushner and White House aides told Israeli ambassador and folks to go fuck themselves. EVERY president before Trump signed this deal and we never even heard about it before. I THOUGHT HE DIDN'T SIGN IT WTF. STORY IS BREAKING NOW.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Are people still shocked that Trump is pro israel?
He's publically been in support of the israeli goverment since 2016

Israel is a white ethnostate that we should seek to emulate as much as possible.

He learned from JFK's mistakes.


The "FBI spy" that targeted Stone et al who called himself GREENBERG and pretended to be Russian was said last night on Ingraham to be ISRAELI. The hammer is coming.

Jews did 9/11
The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicans in the streets.
They are on a hellraiser toture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , harderend cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nausious vomiting, had to be restrained from immedatly trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.
>imprgenating underage girls and killing them upon birth
>raping the newborns and eating them
>eating children brains
>drug use , every drug imaginable involved, cocaine, lsd, meth, heroine
>children and babies totured and killed out of Bordem
>eating kids and babies alive
>babies hung from hooks and raped
>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse vald tepes
>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood
>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit
>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones
>children living in cages
>children dismemberd and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age
>children fed other children and babies
>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong
>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids
>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos
>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids
>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed
>if only you knew

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This ISRAELI agent attempted to get 2 million dollars from Donald Trump for "information" on
Hillary but was flat out turned down by Stone who smelled a rat.

He said in one of the interviews, that he's been told, if he want's to make money, he needs to stay close to jews (or something along the lines). So he's been pro-jewish since the day he started making money.

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Neocon Don

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Why doesn't Trump just hand his balls over to them at this point. Fucking hate this puppet president shit that has been going on for decades.

HOW THE FUCK DOES THE ZIONIST LOBBY HAVE SO MUCH POWER? why does no one care or talk about this?!

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your president is Israel's biggest bitch

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>only shitskin countries deserve to own nukes and threaten everyone

>implying Israel is a white country

kek ,donny getting exposed by his allies .

So is this confirmation that Israel does indeed have nuclear weapons?

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Geopolitics isn't Trump's strong suit.

NY Post is virulently anti-Trump even by MSM standards, there's no reason to believe anything they report on him.

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Because 9/11 was a Babylonian coup of the United States. Washington was held at nuclear ransom with an undetonated ICBM launched into the Pentagon, and 20 trillion dollars was reported "missing" the day before. The Samson Option is real and we might as well be fighting an alien force.

Was confirmed in the 80s. The modern media just doesn't mention it.

then how does JFK sucking Monica Lewinsky's lizard dick fit into all of this?

Who wants to literally die trying to do the impossible?
Just let Israel fuck the Middle East up the ass if it means we get the wall and deportations, and they clean up their own mess.



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A Jew calling someone subversive. That along with the Russian collision and the sexual deviancy.

>Your enemy always accuses you of their own crimes - joe

the man is a cheap salesman, what did you expect.

merchants do what merchants do, sell out.

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or was it politicians in general, always mixing things up

>Israel is a white ethnostate
You'll never be white Shlomo.. NEVER.

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>work double overtime for israel
>diaspora jews still trying their hardest to destroy him

Israel has nukes? That must be some false accusation....

I don't have enough time to post all the details.
Lucky Larry, the controlled demolition, NORAD standing down, and of course mounting Pro Palestine sentiment within the International community at that time.

Israel lionizes and champions its' mass murderers, like Menachem Begin. In this sense they are no different than Muslims who love various martyrs and killers. Saudi Arabia was the other axis of this coup and you can see in the meantine, last 2 years or so, they got fucked into the floor and their whole royal situation flipped upside down.

Trump is a (knowing) manchurian candidate fielded by the US Military sector to take down the deep state and its Israeli overlords.

First he gives them Jerusalem and now nukes?

Listen up faggots
Israel never admitted they had nukes. They still stand by this. Trump does this which causes (((their))) own reporters to look into this. They find out Israel actually had nukes.
>mfw kikes investigated and snitched on themselves
Israel gets away with everything because they shut it down.
GEOTUS isn't letting them.
>30D shuffle board

Why do you think they have been talking about how he eats?
Condition you to accept his death via heart attack weapon.
Why do you think they engende so much hatred toward him?
So people accept or appluad a gruesome death.
Why do you think they call him Nazi?
To preclude him openly interfering with the Jews. But it is coming. The dual citizen traitors will be ousted from all layers of government and media in the battle to come.

By "giving" Jerusalem he has weakened their position. NATO (still not subverted) has openly declared that it will not protect Israel v. Iran.

>Jared Kushner Swore at Israel’s Ambassador for Acting Like He Owned the Place
>At one point, in front of witnesses, Kushner swore at Dermer in his West Wing office, saying he wasn’t going to do his bidding just because of his Jewish background. “You’re not going to tell us how to run these things,” he told Dermer. “Don’t try to push us around. Don’t try to jam us.”

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>I thought he was gonna force them to denuke.
Are you one of those retards who fell for the Q modified limited hangout?

If it was secret, why do we know about it?

omg its like Trump is turning out to be some kind of liar

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politics aside, only fools play a fool' game to the end when it is clear it will end only in complete destruction.

let the fools play their last game i say, the sooner it ends the better.

Knowing how volatile the Middle East is, you'd think that the only surefire way to protect Israel's nuclear weapons is by taking them to America and decommissioning them for long-term storage.

we're getting a big fat war kids. time to stock up.



USA has always been the Jew's/Israel's bitch lap dog you fucking retard mutt. Why do you think you're waging all their wars for them?

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Israel seized control of the US government with a successful coup on September 11th 2001.

you want to use murrican nukes to glass mecca after saudi oil runs out?

FYI THIS is why Flynn was ousted.

>December 23, 1913

Who is Alexander Hamilton?

When this story broke a few days ago saying Kushner told Dermer fuck off it was insinuated the papers were snuck in for Trump to sign and we didn't know what the papers were. Now we know it's for Israel's (((secret))) nukes and Trump signs them? Something smells fishy. Fake news or 4d chess?

It may be a case of "oy vey we got exposed, let's pretend we won to hide the fact we got exposed".
Very easily could be, I mean
>(((Yaron Steinbuch)))


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is it 4D chess? If this comes out into the public and creates more anti-israelism, and it's just a fucking piece of paper at the end of the day.

>Yaron Steinbuch

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>is it 4D chess?
it really isn't. He's just another kike puppet.
Besides the world will have to accept Jerusalem as the Israeli capital since the (((Eurovision))) is being held there next year.

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He's a big guy

Have I heard this before?

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>OMG Trump wants to keep a key, strategic enclave in the Middle East armed af !!!!!
He's literally Schlomo!!!! Waaah!!!!!!!
This place can be so pathetic.

>Jewland admitting they have nukes when public opinion is against them and Kim has agreed to give up his
Can't wait to see this play out

le larping le sam hyde amirite

checked. sadly inclined towards that too. Little 2020!

>Just let Israel fuck the Middle East up the ass if it means we get the wall and deportations, and they clean up their own mess.
Our foreign master said we can have a wall if we're really well behaved this year.

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Where is the canadian flag with a dude fucking a dog?

Israel stole the nukes from US, otherwise I wouldn't fucking care.

>Trump does this which causes (((their))) own reporters to look into this.
I wouldn't hold your breath.

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This seems like a great time to remind people:

"Russian Interference" =/= Russia

Russia = Israel

Wake the fuck up and realize who our President's puppet master is and wake the fucking liberals up so they see the true villain.

>NY Post is virulently anti-Trump
You're thinking of the NY Times, friend. NY Post is about as pro-Trump as a NY paper can get.

AIPAC was a mistake.

almost forgot

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How else are they gonna nuke Israel secretly?
>We set them up on the bomb

4D chess! Great optics! MAGA!

Perfect optics, how could the globalist ever recover?

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An expose from The Spotlight in 1986 by an insider into Jewish influence in the US:

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Here is the second part of the article. Trump was involved in this even 30 years ago.

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The jews have been running America for at least 30 years. 9/11 wasn't the start, you dumb leaf.

4D chess goyim, MAGA, MIGA

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