Devs June 19 >NE Daraa; SAA with artillery support attempted to advance at Air Defense Base s of Harran, unconfirmed reports state it has been captured >Turkish PM says Kobane, Hasakah, Qamishli are next targets after Manbij >Pompeo tells Lavrov the US is committed to the SW Syria ceasefire aggmt put in place between Trump/Putin in 2017 >Al-Sweida; HTS launches missile/mortar attack for first time since 2015 in retaliation for SAA attacking their positions at Busra Al-Sham >SAA activates sleeper cells in SW Syria, one target was an FSA commander, he lost both legs to a roadside bomb planted by these assassins >US ambass to Iraq tells Iraqi VP US did not launch strikes that killed SAA/PMU troops near Albukamal >SAA claim advances against IS in NE Suwedia, capture Tel Aldabab, Tel Dahaya, Khirbet Alambachi >Yemen; Houthis claim to have cut off UAE forces in 2 more locations along W coast >Gulf troops take control of Kilo 16 Junction in Hodiedeh, unconfirmed reports state Yemeni RG entered provincial airport again >Taliban resumes operations despite Afghan govt extending ceasefire addtl 10 days
thanks for baking, based ameribro death to america
Nathaniel Davis
I thought Egypt is with KSA and Israel as far as the region is concerned? Also why would they act in the east, when their problems are in the south, with the Ethiopian dam and the Sudanese instability.
Alexander Cox
>In rare move, Egypt said to keep Gaza crossing open for 2 more months
>Egypt had already opened the crossing longer than any other time in recent years, after last month it granted access in both directions for the entire month of Ramadan.
>Since 2007, Israel and Egypt have enforced a blockade of Gaza, which Israel says is necessary to prevent Hamas from smuggling weapons into Strip.
>The Egyptian army has launched a major operation to withdraw its troops from North Sinai, northeast of the country, in preparation for the end of Sinai 2018, the military operation which has been ongoing in the peninsula since 9 February.
stop /soc/ so hard newfriend, save that please for slow hours.
Justin Roberts
Don't waste pity on sluts
Jaxon Rodriguez
>Israel’s national security adviser secretly traveled to Moscow on Monday, an Israeli TV report said, where he met with Russian officials regarding Iran’s military presence in Syria.
>feeling pity for a literal happa whore who threw her high society life away just to star in Facial Abuse There is no need to feel sorry for her. She currently curates some kind of art gallery, which I'm pretty sure is the modern day version of a slut noblewoman becoming a nun.
>begs the question, what were they doing there? Do you ever pay attention or is that another thing the weed smoking is preventing you from doing? They've been in an ongoing operation against the Egyptian ISIS branch Wilayat Sinai, and it's currently winding down
Easton Morgan
Thanks m8, you tried
David Green
I am aware of the official rationale
Henry Russell
Oh that's right, you leaned toward tinfoil conspiracy when we discussed this before.
Sisi is a good goy, and wilayat Sinai has been a huge problem over the last several years that needed to be addressed.
Daniel Long
>More Afghans, Pakistanis, and Iranians sought asylum in the European Union last year, despite a sharp decrease in the total overall number of asylum applicants, according to a new EU report.
Plus your theory makes no sense, if they were intending on launching an attack on Israel why would they begin pulling out? Wouldn't it make more sense to maintain a large military presence under the guise of "maintaining security" in the event of an ISIS resurgence? Unless you are assuming they are bluffing about removing Egyptian troops.
Jayden Edwards
>Egypt >hostile to Israel Egypt is one of the biggest good goy nations in the region
Anna news has another dank documentary. Aleppo Earthquake. I wonder what they will cover when this is all over.
Kevin Sanchez
>Plus your theory makes no sense, if they were intending on launching an attack on Israel why would they begin pulling out?
see and >what did they leave behind?
Nolan Price
Whats strange is that they are good goys regardless of which faction is in charge. Ever since their failed military solution, they've been goying it up hard in policy, while shoahing in speeches.
Logan Diaz
Weather Local crime Policies News shit with occasional investigative reports thrown in. These years of war have likely given them an enormous amount of shit to work with
Caleb Williams
Ground troops are necessary for securing territory, the drones meme can only go so far. An invasion of hostile territory without any infantry support what-so-ever will fail, 100%.
Dominic Davis
The situation is comparable to Jordan where they're pretty heavily reliant on both Saudi and US "aid" in order to prevent revolution/collapse That probably won't work for much longer though based on their population growth and economic stagnation, Sisi's reforms have only delayed the implosion
Evan Sanders
zero hour soon
>Taliban fighters headed into cities across Afghanistan over the weekend as they celebrated their Eid cessation of hostilities with feasts, hugs and selfies, raising questions about what happens when their ceasefire ends at midnight (1930 GMT) on Sunday.
>Moldova has expressed concern over what it says were unauthorized movements by Russian military forces in the breakaway Transdniester region.
>The Reintegration Policy Bureau, a government department that handles the Transdniester issue and is led by one of Moldova's two deputy prime ministers, said on June 15 that the Moldovan government had notified the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) about what it called the unauthorized deployment of military trucks and equipment in the region controlled by separatists.
>Three sources said Russia’s forces around the Black Sea Crimea peninsula had been put on a state of high combat readiness.
>The sources said the mobilization involved deploying extra vessels to the Azov Sea, an arm of the Black Sea where Russia and Ukraine share the coastline, and naval aircraft flying extra sorties.
>Attacking while the economy is in shambles >Attacking while at an all time high with Israel How many chromosomes do you have ? You lot are overdramatizing a retreat after a major offensive. If Egypt really wanted to attack,we would keep troops there for "security" + Israel knew there was an attack coming but were too retarded to respond
Sebastian Thompson
We have been extra good goys since Sadat started sucking American dick
Chase Lewis
>securing territory
a war with Israel would be nuclear at the very minimum. The Egyptians know that. they probably plan to hide out in bunkers and then waltz in once things cool off
Egypt most likely has nukes too, for that matter
>the North Korean government has helped train Egyptian scientists to produce their own missile systems
>the Egyptian government’s continued refusal to accept comprehensive international inspections of its nuclear energy program, has increased concerns in Washington that Egypt could seek its own nuclear deterrent
>This theory is substantiated by the IAEA’s discovery of highly enriched uranium at Ishas in 2007 and 2008
in shambles probably because sisi has been spending how many billions on war materiel instead
nobody serious is planning for a normal future
>If Egypt really wanted to attack,we would keep troops there for "security"
Robert Flores
And Eygpt would want to start ww3 why?
Aaron Bell
complex answer
there's the rationale then there's the underlying motivation
the rationale is they expect to win quickly
the underlying rationale has more to do with Shiva and thanatos
Grayson Kelly
hello /sg/
you are my chosen form of media for taking me through this new offensive in Syria. I expect many home made maps, many gains, hills both strategic and tactical, koteling... I want the works, I want the "dinner and a movie" of warfare. Do not disappoint me /sg/, I can be very influential.
>strange huh that "ISIS" is on the strategic border of Israel's two most persistent hostile neighbors Had you been following developments you'd realize this shouldn't come as a surprise, ISIS doesn't attack Israel, it's in their stated doctrine that Israel will not be touched until the heretics are purged, the Saudi monarchy is removed, and the caliphate is officially put in place. This puts ISIS in an "enemy of enemy is my friend" position in Israel's perspective, plus ISIS against Israel would be easily crushed if the Israelis went all in, ISIS have much more success against Arab armies.
Bentley Harris
>the underlying rationale has more to do with Shiva and thanatos >Shiva and thanatos
what's your opinion about Persion trannies? So we know wether you are one of us
Carson Martin
Levi Morales
good for a quicky, not wife material.
Camden Russell
>How many chromosomes do you have ? He's a weed smoking Israeli shill who defends po' black people and thinks rap is unironically "good music", you won't get anything from him that makes much sense.
Nathan Foster
>missing the point
isisisisrael in these cases
isis is plausible deniability; elsewhere, could be anybody; Iran, Russia, USA, even radical Islamists
Kevin Ortiz
He had to,after GoodestGoy Mubarak kept the army in a state of decay.
Thank you for the clarification. I shall dismiss his words as autistic ramblings
>The analysis by IHS Jane's Terrorism and Insurgency Center (JTIC) also found that just 14 percent of the strikes were against the Islamic State group.
probably delayed whatever's coming now. best defense is a strong offense, etc.
Tyler Price
>But we’re sorely lacking in imagination if in 2003—long after the civil rights revolution proved a success, at a time of vaulting opportunity for African Americans, when blacks find themselves at the top reaches of society and politics—we think that it signals progress when black kids rattle off violent, sexist, nihilistic, lyrics, like Russians reciting Pushkin.
>Claims about rap’s political potential will look equally gestural in the future. How is it progressive to describe life as nothing but “bitches and money”? Or to tell impressionable black kids, who’d find every door open to them if they just worked hard and learned, that blowing a rival’s head off is “real”? How helpful is rap’s sexism in a community plagued by rampant illegitimacy and an excruciatingly low marriage rate?
>The idea that rap is an authentic cry against oppression is all the sillier when you recall that black Americans had lots more to be frustrated about in the past but never produced or enjoyed music as nihilistic as 50 Cent or N.W.A. On the contrary, black popular music was almost always affirmative and hopeful. Nor do we discover music of such violence in places of great misery like Ethiopia or the Congo—unless it’s imported American hip-hop.
Chase Hall
>Russia says stopped reading there
. . .
okay fine, I'll read some more... >RUSSIA CLAIMS stopped reading again
Colton Bell
do it lad be a absolute mad lad
Wyatt Wright
I do not see how this make whole "there will be ISIS" invalid.
Austin Nelson
I am going to do it. I am getting up right now.
Brayden Martinez
Lets believe what Israel and US says instead, they never lied about middle east amirite
Jaxon Cruz
>Lets believe what Israel and US says Bookmarked this post to continue reading it after I finish my coffee.
Austin Howard
>violent, sexist
rap reflects more than it shapes. society is fucked these days regardless. ww3 soon, hold people down for what?
gangsters/rappers do work hard. they do it on their own terms tho, freely
what kind of man wants to wake up to an alarm and go get told what to do all day?
Eli Sanders
welcome to the apocalypse. it is honest music. society is fucked, no amount of college degree, fancy clothes, nice car, nice house, etc. will change that. jumping thru hoops is for domesticated animals, live free or die
you don't want to be tied down now, it's about to be destroyed
>black popular music was almost always affirmative and hopeful.
there is plenty in rap that is affirmative and hopeful
loyalty, faith, courage, strength
at the same time, it is a depressing, bad time, and honesty reflecting that will be negative too
>"there will be ISIS"? It is reference to "there will be dragons", my bad. Idea is that ISIS isn't cover as you paint them to be but real threat. >ISIS is mostly just a cover for x, y, or z
Michael Williams
>/path of light poster/ so many articles, so few arguments I've seen this all before, all you're doing is citing an information war being waged between 2 superpowers trying to achieve opposing goals in the region, this doesn't address my original post about ISIS' military doctrine in regards to Israel. You're ignoring the main point by focusing on autistic rambling from both the US and Russia, and only calling out the known fact that ISIS is being used as a boogeyman for both countries as a tool in this information war. By doing so you're ignoring that ISIS is a relevant organization with clearly stated and documented goals. Put down the blunt.
Parker Lewis
>Moldova has expressed concern over what it says were unauthorized movements by Russian military forces in the breakaway Transdniester region. seriously. How did Russian forces get in to that encircled tiny region? not certain if you are one of us or not now actually.
Thomas Carter
yep, that's ight, h*uthis BTFO again (not a surprise) hudaydah airport captured today by the yemeni ARMY (not a rag tag mercenary militia like the subhuman h*uthis) after killing hundreds of drug addict kh*mmie subhumans (that's quite a lot). your BS about muh cut supply route proved FAKE and FALSE (lying is bad) for the 6th time in 5 days C O M P U L S I V E L I A R S U B H U M A N S
you can shut your eyes and just jiggle along once or twice, but sharing your life with another cock is going to become hard to ignore.
Caleb Barnes
If it werent for mexico the american continent would be as bad as the african rn tbqh >but sharing your life with another cock is going to become hard ;^)
Jaxson Fisher
>How did Russian forces get in to that encircled tiny region? Long story short, we were asked to. But honestly, do not pay attention to anything Moldova do or say until their next parliament election, people just throwing feces right and left.
Adrian Wilson
>Israel attacks SAA in Al Bukamal >ISIS starts an offensive in Al Bukamal at the same time
>Idea is that ISIS isn't cover as you paint them to be but real threat.
I said mostly. there are Islamic terrorists too, but what difference does it make what you call them. it's not about a name or organization, it's just forces aligned this way or that
>ISIS is a relevant organization with clearly stated and documented goals.
and a convenient honey pot too, while we're at it
>Put down the blunt.
I haven't smoked since late May, actually. war soon, ain't no time for that. need to be able to breathe free. no caffeine either. caffeine squeezes your blood vessels, it's yin in nature. free your mind too.
probably something there Russia wasn't willing to relinquish, or just strategic; either way, they've been there since the cold war. I don't know that much about it, 2bh
Andrew Robinson
Mexico and Colombia are the two worst countries in Latam.