In 2016 the Israel claimed area (abbreviated here as ICA) had 318,564 babies are born each year, 134,239 are Jewish while 184,325 are Arab.
The population of the ICA is 13.2m (excluding non-Jews and non-Arabs). 6.615m are Jewish and 6.582 are Arab, representing a 50.1% and 49.8% share respectively.
The percent share of newborns in ICA (this year) is 57.8% Arab and 42.1% Jewish.
>inb4 less than 56% meme
The Arab population is only just below the Jewish population yet has a 15+% lead in newborns, meaning that in less than 1 year, Arabs will be the number 1 dominant race in the ICA. (Approx. 6,884,048 Jew vs 6,951,635 Arab in 2018 (stats are from 2016))
This means that since the end of last year (2017), Arabs were officially the number 1 largest and dominant race in the Israel Claimed Area!


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Other urls found in this thread:


>According to the report, 181,405 babies were born in Israel in 2016 — a 92 percent increase compared to the year 1980. Almost 74 percent of the babies were born to Jewish mothers and 20.7% to Muslim women. Of the newborns, 51.5% were male and 48.5% were female.
>Jewish women in 2016 had 3.06 kids on average, higher than in 1996 when the number was 2.59. In contrast, the average Arab woman had 3.11 children, significantly down from 4.35 in 1996 and from almost 6 in 1980.
>181,405 babies (2016)
>20.7% Arab
>74% Jewish

>Palestine population 4.75m (2016)
>30.9 births per 1000 people (2016)

>Israel pop 8.855m
>Jews 74.71%
>Arabs 20.7%
AS OF 2016

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The only jews with high fertility are the inbred welfare parasites Haredi that only take and give nothing.

Israel is going to need to import a lot of labor in the coming years to keep its economy growing and avoid stale monoculture. Without diversity Israel will not survive.

Native population reasserting itself. This is fine.

>Without diversity Israel will not survive
Ironic isn't it? Like poetry.

>Also in the area they currently claim for Israel, the population is only 42.1% Jewish, most being the inbred bastards in OP pic

most of those are PNA citizens
the israeli citizens have lower birth rates

Good thing Africa is right there.

check the sources aviv

you could bring 20 million more from arab countries, they're not israeli citizens so it doesn't matter

20.7% of Israeli citizens are Arab and they're growing at a faster rate than Jews are.
Doesn't help that the Arab pocket nations of Palestine is swelling like crazy directly within Israel.

Good luck

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about half the christians consider themselves palastinians and most druze support israel as it is, meanwhile everyones birth rate is in a negative trend expect jews

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This guy is there to stop them....provided they don't attack after sunset on Friday of course.

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again, the "people" with the highest fertility in jewish Israel are the guy in the pic above.

Who won't work or contribute to society in any way shape or form.

>The only jews with high fertility are the inbred welfare parasites Haredi that only take and give nothing.
May God continue to grant them the gift of poverty so that Israel may gain the merit of supporting them

it doesn't matter, they protect israel from being defeated from within using democracy
losing some gdp isn't the end of the world

in b4 100k for every jew baby funded by the Unites States

>losing some gdp isn't the end of the world

Goy confirmed.

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Live by the sword die by the sword.

also checked.

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that's a pretty low number compared to reality

Okay? But in the actual state of Israel the Jews are the majority.

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families they don't receive 100.000 for every birth

arabs always win at the end
even if 500 years later
and i'm not talking about israel alone
i'm talking about all the west

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Yes. BiBi knows this and he addressed this saying he'll put Israel first (code for the Jews first). How exactly he'll accomplish this, I have no idea.

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You don't have Persians to act as your brains this time though. Arabs alone are basically niggers.

>In the area under direct Jewish control?
>In the area Israel claims to be currently Israel?
>Is the large Arab minority growing faster than the Jewish majority in the recognised Israeli territory?

It's all a matter of time, Aviv is getting outbred by the ARAB BULL and the pocket nations within Israeli claimed territory (West Bank, Gaza) are swelling up like fucking crazy. Just wait until the flood gates get released.

The Palestinians want the desert to be soaked in Jewish blood. Once they get the signal from their own, there's no stopping them from swarming Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

persians are mountain monkeys who got civilized by semites
never acted as brains nor have brains to begin with

do you even bother to cook the lizard before you eat it?

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in the beginning of the 20th century there were less than 10k jews in whole Palestine. all other numbers are irrelevant.

in the beginning of the 20th century there were more than 6m jews in whole Europe. all other numbers are irrelevant.

no there weren't... there were people claiming to be "Jews" (which isn't even a real thing), nonetheless read CIA factbooks of pre-war and post-war "Jewish" population, very revealing

do you even bother not being an ugly kurdoid shill before being an ugly dumb kurdoid shill

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