In 2016 the Israel claimed area (abbreviated here as ICA) had 318,564 babies are born each year, 134,239 are Jewish while 184,325 are Arab.
The population of the ICA is 13.2m (excluding non-Jews and non-Arabs). 6.615m are Jewish and 6.582 are Arab, representing a 50.1% and 49.8% share respectively.
The percent share of newborns in ICA (this year) is 57.8% Arab and 42.1% Jewish.
>inb4 less than 56% meme
The Arab population is only just below the Jewish population yet has a 15+% lead in newborns, meaning that in less than 1 year, Arabs will be the number 1 dominant race in the ICA. (Approx. 6,884,048 Jew vs 6,951,635 Arab in 2018 (stats are from 2016))
This means that since the end of last year (2017), Arabs were officially the number 1 largest and dominant race in the Israel Claimed Area!