"No one comes to the Father except through me."

"No one comes to the Father except through me."

I sure hope you know the true meaning of this sentence Jow Forums.

Attached: shroud-of-Turin3-300x.jpg (375x300, 36K)

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its not real ausbrainlet

Wht have I never seen this before?

Oi cristacuck get lost with your misery


What's the point of "heaven" without someone you love to share it with?

What's the point of sinning if you don't like having regrets?

If Jesus doesn't approve of me searching for a soulmate, then he better learn the kaio ken technique

We don't take kindly to "God's" trying to rule us like slaves.

Attached: 217141EC-7E1E-46B1-A33C-C53352E1D563.png (1136x640, 1.08M)

>Using watts to measure light output

Attached: 1521780737823.jpg (700x700, 366K)

>3.4*10^13 watts
>linen cloth didn't burn

shhh don't spoil their fantasies

It's a uhhh magic! that's right. Ignore that post everyone

Attached: vajra.jpg (900x600, 102K)

Have a read of the research first before arrogantly acting like you know everything.

>The ultraviolet light necessary to do so “exceeds the maximum power released by all ultraviolet light sources available today,” says Di Lazzaro. It would require “pulses having durations shorter than one forty-billionth of a second, and intensities on the order of several billion watts.”


>that much power
>cloth intact

top kek

What is power, not light intensity, you dipshit antipodean.

>The state of WOP physicists


Here OP. Scientific proof that the image on the shroud was created by a burst of energy. Atheists eternally BTFO

UV-light energy can be easily measure with watts.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say and why you're so angry. I was an angry atheist like you once, but now I am at peace.

i'm sorry but this was proven like half a dozen times to be a fraud from the 4th century or something like that, plus i dont think physics really works like that IRL, so again, sorry but you're wrong and this is a fake

how much power should be emitted in form of light to sculpt Michelangelo's David statue out of a block of marble?
an even bigger miracle, I'd say.


Attached: 1514606253487.png (1292x8757, 3.91M)

>now I am at peace
says the larping fagget on Jow Forums; kill yourself

Fear. Helluva drug.

holy fuck just look at this COPE
the christcucks really are delusional

Time to grow out of your edgy atheist phase kiddo. It's time to be an adult.

Attached: Benedict.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

>grow up like me user
>beliebe in magic n sheeit
no thanks dumb dumb; science got me covered

Love n shit?

I don't get this sentence at all, and I get most of the rest. Call me stupid, but I guess it will have to be enough to do the stuff I can do and understand.

>spirit realm = physical realm

I do, it is beautiful to know what god is.
Thank you Jesus

Magic cold light, what now blasphemer?

That everyone gets judged by Jesus Christ before they can go to heaven

Crucified people didn't get burial shroud. They weren't given burials.
They were left up there to rot until they were just bones. That was the whole point. Let em rot up there so other people will see what happens of they fuck up.

Christian all my life and honestly I don't get it. Doubt I ever will

Yeah let’s do radiocarbon dating on a piece from a medieval repair job that had survived a *fire and plug our ears to any follow-up studies addressing that criticism.
>release of carbon

>Scientific proof
>JooToob videya
You can only pick one.