Why are divorce rates so high in the US? Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce

Why are divorce rates so high in the US? Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce.

Something needs to be done to ensure that marriage remains sacred.

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Divorce rates are actually going down

Because people don't marry at all

what is this cuck saying?

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God made 2 different versions of humans for a reason. But somewhere along the way women decided they don't want to be women anymore, but rather little dickless copies of men that work and compete just like men, and then the childess 40 year old faggot-male-women get depressed and kill themselves

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>The living embodiment of a 5 gum meme

5 gum is delicious though...

“This is what it’s lile to chew 5 gum.” *commercial cuts to a 600 lb man sitting in a computer chair for 72 hours straight*

I'd love to meet a girl, fall in love and to have a loving a stable marriage. Girls don't want a marriage they want a wedding, a day where they get to be princess because one day of being pampered and having all the attention is more precious to them than the Vow they make with their spouse. So as much as I'd like it, a few years down the line is it worth risking losing so much when they get bored?

>millions of people get married because "I love you it'd be fun!"
>they realize that being married isn't just a joke and you actually do need to be together forever.
>one person always wanted it more than the other.
>they argue and eventually don't want to be married anymore.
>the wife divorces and gets 50% of his earnings for the rest of his life.
>men don't want to marry women anymore.
>those men that do marry women have foresight and the agreement is planned better.
>women don't want to agree to the rules men set because "if you need this you don't really love me"
>men step away from marriage and women entirely.
>marriage rates plummet.
>less divorces.


>fatty starts diet
>wife immediately leaves
chubby chaser

>He believed her

and probably a feeder too

Can somebody translate this from Amerifat please? I don't know what your gum memes or jerky commercials are like.

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Nothing more pathetic than a guy still being cucked to his ex

I have literally no idea what he’s saying but I’m not surprised there’s a food analogy

nah it's not that. she wanted him to die so she could get the pity-cash from his fans.

she wanted a fundraiser in memorial where she would pocket the $100k or however much it would be.

Also, she would get everything in his possession.

when he got weight loss surgery, it was basically him extending his life 10+ years, so she decided to leave instead of enduring another 10+ years waiting for a hamplanet to die.

I don't know what it means either...

My view is that marriage isn’t sacred because the boomers left everything unmaintained and fall into shit. This includes child rearing. They never taught values because they had shit handed to them. They were selfish and never explained why we were going to church every Sunday. Even when we asked them, they didn’t know the answer. The boomers did not care about shit that their generations leaders taught. Religion aside, marriage is sacred and it will never be portrayed as such in the modern media or news. That means it is up to us to set good examples by holding doors and pulling chairs an explaining the importance of the bond clearly to them. It’s on us, not them. They will always fight our values. If we don’t teach the values, as our parents did not teach many of us, the values will be gone.

Results are a little skewed because of people who tend to remarry

require prospective newlyweds to stay locked in a room together for 10 days with nothing but a forfeit button

>ex gives bs non answer so fat idiot will shut up and just hand over his house already
>fat idiot is a cuck and just agrees with her vague brush off

No, we dont understand what he's saying either


Probably assumes he will get her back by losing weight when all that does is feed her ego

>food analogy

Why? Divorces make a lot of money and thats all that matters to the system

I honestly have no idea.

Women love the idea of a picture perfect wedding (that some beta cuck will spend over $40,000). Though they hate the reality of actually being married since it takes hard work and compromise. With most modern women, anything the requires them to put something or someone besides themselves first is bound to fail.

>gets 50% of his earnings for the rest of his life.

Where do you idiots get this?

> be little girl
> watch (((Disney))) and other (((wholesome))) cartoons about princes and princesses
> be told there us a prince waiting for you. You just have to keep looking
> keep looking until eggs dry up at 35
Some find love. Some find companionship and friendship. Some find the right one for the right time. Cartoons created a non existent fantasy.
Come home white women, you'll be happier

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This is what annoys me. Everything has become so commercialised from DeBeers and their fucking diamond shilling to women wanting the biggest and best weddings so they can one-up fucking strangers on instagram and twitter. The entire institution has been cheapened and watered down, its lost the sacred. How many girls now would be happy getting married in a small but nice chapel, with only some very close friends and family as witnesses? I'm guessing not many would be happy with that, because it doesn't match that fantasy in their own minds

Because whores are literally rewarded for doing so. they make money and property by literally just pretending to be a okay girl, spreading their legs and trying to get some schmuck to marry them, then shutting them out like fort nox until divorce where they get half the mans shit for doing literally nothing.

this wouldn't be bad if it weren't framed as an inevitability, in the back of their mind they've been told it 100% will happen and that it's just another checklist item to cross off the life shopping list

Stop spamming the board with your shit thread you slide 1 post by this ID cocksucker

Because of money. You get money for getting a divorce so of course people are tempted to do it. It's like none of you understand economic incentives.

LBJ's welfare state made women no longer need a man.
Reagan's no fault divorce made divorce sky rocket.
Fags pushing marriage rights made it no longer a sacred bond.
Serious question: currently what is the point of marriage? Aside from some tax cuts, there is almost no benefits. You can live with a woman without marriage and not be shamed. Children born of wedlock are not a source of embarrassment, and live just as normally as other children. Your spouse can on the drop off a coin toss get a divorce and take half of your stuff.
TL;DR modern society fucked marriage.

Maybe this is meta but maybe she broke it off with him because of his rambling nonsensical references?

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People marry for "love", not to start a family. Love lasts 2-3 years, then the oxytocin wears off, and you're basically household coworkers.

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divorce rates are also going down because divorce settlements are getting lighter and lighter.

From my governments's web-page concerning this topic:


>without child support formula

>amount ranges from 1.5 to 2% times the income difference times years of cohabitation
>to a maximum of 50%.

>duration ranges from .5 to 1 year for each year of cohabitation
>duration will be indefinite if the marriage is 20 years or longer
>duration will be also be indefinite if the marriage lasted five years or longer, when the years of marriage and age of support recipient added together total 65 or more

Even with no kids involved you can end up paying 50% of your income until you die.

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>Why are divorce rates so high in the US?

Because people keep marrying American women.

Shut up you stupid south american monkey

Because half of all people are women.

It just aint worth it, we need to meme spousal support and alimony as being an insulting patriarchal measure that demeans and implies strong women need help

>still talking to her
>still believing her
>still talking about her
Rich fatty breakthrough cancelled.

>Why are divorce rates so high in the US?
Its more like we maximize our satisfaction with serial monogamy. Everybody likes beans and rice. Nobody wants it every day for the rest of their lives.

From experience
>t. paying 35% alimony to some cunt

They care only about equality of outcome, and because men make more money than women (never mind that men comprise 93% of workplace fatalities), they approve of any massive transfer of wealth from men to women, including through the divorce industry.

You realize that is not how percentages work right?

She dumped him for a Sambo because the YouTube money dried up. It must suck knowing that the love of your life is taking giant monkey cock up her shitpipe every night.

what does this even mean someone translate from lardassery

Because Godlessness

>t. kike