Notice anything?
Notice anything?
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That this isn't an accurate first team
Post the french team
or alteratively for this 23 man squad
You wish, Britcuck.
my mum actually said most of these players aren't english and shouldn't be playing yesterday
Your two football greats, larsson and Ibra are both Bosnian muslim refugees. You dumb cunt.
ive ben 2 lundun and saw alot of mooslims and england iznt wight
So many niggers.
you haven't seen anything yet, in 5 years only the goalkeeper will be white.
Realistically the only black player thats any good is Rashford and he's too young. Problem is our youth development, the culture of buying the finished product abroad and not blooding youth in the first team has killed english football.
I'd maybe just take the Burnley team and play them desu
too little, too fucking late.
Out of those lads the only one thats rated very highly is Phil Foden who is the white guy, blacks tend to drop off after this age for some reason.
Perhaps physicality can only take you so far and a footballing brain is required at the highest levels.
white and a female :)
The game yesterday made it hard for me to decide who to cheer on.
One of the countries is full with niggers, has a tyrannical state and is full with terrorists.
And the other one was Tunesia.
>being in such denial
Your team is already half niggered and the top academies are completely
>but the single chav is based boy so check m8
Make sure Senegal doesn't make you blush this afternoon.
Yes we are blacked I'm just saying the best whites are better than the best blacks, its the natural speed and faster maturing body that sees them over represented not overall merit
Larsson isn't Muslim. Nor is he Bosnian.
>"I hope my bull humiliates your nation tonight"
>arguing about some chavs ever making it when the pool is already 80% niggered
if only you paid as much attention to the future of your nation as you do to kickyball
I can guarentee you that chav is the only player who will get a look in at the senior squad out of the batch you posted. Although it is inconsequential as yes our situation is dire, white birth rates are very low.
If only you weren't a poverty stricken shithole.
Politics is downstream from culture, this blackening is a redpill for many see
yeah I notice something, it's not the england squad that played last night you dumb fucking niggerswede
>making first squad
The tattoos?
Based BLACK men cucking wh*Toids.
>If only you weren't a poverty stricken shithole
Out of the players Southgate selected (mine would be different)
hey dumb polenigger
you wanna make jokes about england player?
find out this guys name
Quintessentially British my good lad.
Sure they are.
City youth team.
fuck off Jamal, you will always be a niggerman
niggers, mutts and chavs, noice
Jamal Blackman. And he's crap.
Seething about the polish mongoloids jews robbing houses and stealing lead off church roofs to fund their mutt children
as me dad said yesterday
>fuckin ell user it's spot the white man
United youth team.
why is it that cucked euro nations always have a native, white goalkeeper?
I think even France has a french goalkeeper
learn what a mongoloid is inbred retard. Also, it's all happening in your house. Congrats on shooting yourself in the foot with that "insult".
Says the imperialist old inbred skank. Tell your cunt racist mom to shut her gobshite up
Goals are likely what you will score against him. Because he's crap.
Based. Racists need to stfu.
Niggers don't want to play keeper.
yer pop is a right lad
The pole strikes out with incoherent babble as he strikes you
Is he Scottish?
The niggers played like complete shit for England yesterday and it was based white man Harry Kane who carried the team to victory. Sterling and lingard were complete and utter shit
niggers will always do only what they are allowed to do
whites allow them in white countries' teams, but for whatever reason - whites always post native folks as the last defence
I notice why i don't watch a single game, because you lose either way.
>Not utilising el Rashfordio as a forward
>That Vardy counter-attack tho
Hmm, decisions decisions
Just as long as it's not Sterling.
Liverpool youth team.
I don't know much about football. I always assumed Euro countries just import good players from the rest of the world to build good national teams. So when I see a French or German team that is 50% brown I don't think it really reflects French or German society.
Is that how it works in European sport? Or is it more like the U.S. where our 13% "native" black population makes up about 90% of our professional sports teams?
>top academies
Indeed they should be replaced by Vardy & Shelvey/Wilshere/Barkley.
Young and Alli were a crock of shit too
>Ever rooting for United
The Swedish team is ironically one of the whitest Western European nations at this years World Cup
nah english, east midlands
>Playing poverty ball and being white
>Not training to bash niggers with your fash powers
Steve Mananda, Alphonse Aereola, David James any keeper for any African team plays keeper somewhere in Europe. I would look it up but I don't rightly give a fuck as I already know the answer. Niggers never want to play keeper. The least glory of all the positions. They will never get to take a shot at goal or try skills. Hence niggers don't want to play keeper.
You don't get his point.
I will miss your lame bantz attempts once you're gone
no wonder you fought them off and left them to rot. They are beyond saving
Typical Anglos. Of low breeding, inbred genes.
I don’t have a loicense to notice anything.
It's ok. Anybody in America who keeps up with soccer ("football") is a massive faggot and generally is made fun of by everyone else. Or they are a spic.
Well, it IS a nigger sport
I'm from Notts. I don't support united. only started with the northern as I expect the London clubs to be blacked as kettles. The only clubs with majority black youth teams are probably in London. I wonder why...
You are the mexicans of europe
looks like i agree with svenbro on something. football in america is fucking gay and nigger tier. anybody worshipping those nigger ball throwers deserves to be fucking executed
Totally agree. Personally I don't think a country should glorify a sport where flopping is encouraged. If the sport you play doesn't involve tackling or checking than it's not a real sport
He has no point. There is a reason, and the reason is actually funny. Niggers don't want to play keeper. Even Brazil doesn't have a black goal keeper. But here's a thought this is something you should know as a Swede. Who is Eddie Gusstaffson?
Consistently, the front row needs to poo in the loo. Oh wait a second just hold it in boys, hold, HOLD.
That would make sense if I was american. It doesn't make sense.
No number above 11. Based.
sayyy wut XD
Anybody who watches sports and supports a team is just as guilty as Merkel for what is going on in Europe. Boycott all sports
What if the sport is like snowboarding and is basically exclusively white?
Coming in to drop some heat on you sperg's Black>White
I miss when the USMNT was white.
I honestly hope our program crashes. It deserves to die a paindul death for recruiting so many shitskins.
Tunis was more white than the British team.
Feels good to have a homeland desu
Hull youth team.
>Calling ANYONE a cuck
Diversity is their strength lolz
Huddersfield youth team.
they look a little on the old side
Soccer is gay
>Zanetti's face.
That one could have been real. That guy is a hard core Catholic.
kante in good form
Do black people just naturally have better bodies or something?
The ones in front are youth coaches.
Bournemouth youth team.
>It's that triggered paki again
Why do you always post black people? Is it because of how ugly pakis are?