World 2.0

Did I go too far?
Did I remove too much culture?
Not far enough?
Also fuck Antarctica it doesn't count.

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Make your very own improved world using pic related!

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France just mad you got nuked

drown Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and we have a good starting point

America wouldnt survive without their precious slave labor... also who would you wage war against? There would be no more rice farmers to slaughter your armies

Don't nuke Turkey, roaches can survive nukes.

You completely altered the ecosystem, caused massive storms that wipe out most of life on the remaining landmasses, not to mention you possibly blew out our atmosphere.

Even after all that the fucking russians are still here.

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Russians are great what are you talking about

>only uncultured countrys left
What did you mean with this?

Says the guy living on a completely different hemisphere.
I have no doubt in my mind that even if you had seen an actual russian IRL, they would be the rich suburban russians and not the ones we and the baltics have to suffer every day of our lives.

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You've missed quite a lot of niggers m8

Keep Norway, Sweden, Germany, Argentina, and Ireland,

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Let's assume that a biological weapon is released in the US that takes them all out, including beaners.

you are a traitor

>saves Poland
>saves no Pole
Why dude, why?

Sorry chap, your country is too far gone. You're basically living under Sharia law

>killing 80% of US population
m9 even that is not going to save them


Keep Canada bomb the aussies

Put Czech republic back in, and put Madagascar back in.
Madagascar because it supplies almost all the vanilla in the world, and can be taken over by a ground force with zero effort.

Have faith.

A government is not it's people.

The government hasn't represented the people since Cromwell's times. The Judeo-Anglo-Norman aristocracy will pay.

When Britain rises again, we expect every Commonwealth country to do the same.

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>putting us below america
You want us to become a glorified tourist-island?
Just switch Africa with latin america.

This is a Mongolian basket weaving thread and you want to nuke Mongolia? No way. Russia, China and India will strike back with their own Nukes.

noggies take off on shitty boat
want to reach malta
reach haiti and cuba instead

See pic related. I enriched the United States with culture.

Attached: culture.jpg (2000x993, 627K)

>keeping Poland
>keeping Russia
>Keeping the US

Leave it up to an Aussie to make the worst shitposts.

>Europe is gone
>USA exists
>oioicuntland exists

South America should be penetrating Texas or Commiefornia.

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I just realised that Finland is spelt wrong

Fair, balanced and not too much genocide

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who's gonna produce your food, your comfy 1st world manufactures, your vegetables and fossil oil? you're dooming yourself to death with that map

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Looks fine to me, as long as the Ruskis are subjugated and castrated, then I see no problems.

Pooland alive haha!

Decent, but should get rid of Mexico. 7/10

Controversial and radical. Attention to detail. 9/10

Put us in place of South America. Better climate than at the equator.
Do this small change and you'll have my sword!


The United States created the entirety of the degeneracy that is killing the world.

> not too much genocide
> the middle east / N. africa is still there

not enough genocide

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not nuking the united states. holy shit, you're a pleb... why the fuck wouldnt you leave europe? are you anti-white?
you would literally kill more whites than the jews ever dreamed of.... then you leave the country with arguably the largest amount of the (Jew. S.A.)

explain yourself, you fucking piece of shit

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But what about all the awesome things they've created like mumble rap, kim kardashian, obesity, hillary clinton, feminism and all that good stuff?

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I got carried away with the countries that are infected with Muslims.

Fuck off I don't want to be that close the US. 2/10

That looks comfy

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t. retard or Russian that never lived there

Sorry, a PNG file that size is kind of shit.
Here's a smaller JPG

Attached: 123.jpg (2250x1117, 271K)

Here you go

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What a fucking pussy cuk ausfalian you are.

Shut up and die for me you colonial nigger.

Leave california alone he a good boy he dindu nuttin

perfect world

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>removing Africa
I really want to just flay every crackers limbs apart for shit like this.

In minecraft of course.

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Russia being the only high IQ power here would take over and the rest would become stone age wastelands
The US would burst into race war and nuke themselves in like a year

ok, well if you must, id limit it to nuking certain cities like antwerp, brussels, northeast paris suburbs, birmingham, northern marseille, ruhr, frankfurt
right there, you've already wiped well over 50% of the muslims, jews, and corrupt governmental institutions in europe.

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I think I’d keep a few more countries, maybe put them on a probationary period, but if this was the final result I wouldn’t complain too much.

So what’s the problem exactly? I wish someone would just do it for us now.

well, of course i'd rather just remove the negroes...

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This would fix a lot of problems.

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The only world I want is one where OP doesn't exist

so, you want to move to australia?

Good job, you effectively deleted most of the world's resources.

>what is renewable energy

>renewable raw minerals

Keep Canada; they are rich in natural resources.

>usa exists
>australia exists
>v4 doesn't

Wouldn't it make more sense to break Finland up into tiny pieces so that you don't need to live too close to your neighbors?

What the fuck are you ausbros on... Trump saves us from a nuclear war, god bless these dem niggers didn't get into office for sure also. Saged so people don't see your shitty post.