135 years for leaking secrets and possessing child pornography.
He will die in a jail cell.
135 years for leaking secrets and possessing child pornography.
He will die in a jail cell.
hey (((Joshua))) don't take the easy way out like your other kike friends have already.
They probably pre-install an encrypted pedo file on every computer to make it easier and cheaper to handle people.
I doubt it. He will be out, but the records will say he is there. He won't even check into prison.
>leak vault 7 to julian assange
>suddenly get caught with CP on your computer
golly gee, what a coincidence
but my emails..........
Kane lives?
Kane's gay brother, maybe
This is just what I was thinking. Even if he did have child porn I don't fucking believe it. It's too easy for them to to label every person who leaks or hacks a pedophile or rapist.
Wow leaks classified info to Assange and, poof what do you know he's suddenly got kiddie porn on his computer. What a coincidence.
You have no clue.
Why do you think Assange and Greenwald live outside the US? They are pedophiles.
Plus they're expecting you to believe that he didn't destroy the CP *before deciding to commit a huge felony against the CIA*, despite being a highly skilled hacker who would both understand the risks of that and what to do about it.
I think this is deliberately blatant evidence planting to act as a warning against other would-be leakers: "this is what will happen to you, sure you know it's faked, but you'll never be able to prove it ..."
I'd say it's pretty believable considering he thought he'd get away with it.
CAPTCHA: Storefront
> In Schulte’s case, in particular, the probability that the child pornography was planted on his computer by the government is augmented by the fact that the images were only found by the federal government months after government prosecutors had failed to scrounge together enough evidence to charge Schulte with espionage for allegedly leaking the Vault 7 content to WikiLeaks. Indeed, Schulte’s apartment and devices were raided last March, while he was not charged with child pornography until last August, over five months later.
> To date, the only evidence linking Schulte to the Vault 7 release is the fact that he had used the encrypted Tor browser at some point and that he had complained about CIA security vulnerabilities through the proper channels years prior to the WikiLeaks release.
as at May 19th, 2018
So if not him, then who? Because if he knows he should come clean.
>possessing child pornography
I bet you this is never true. Its just a easy thing to backdoor or claim they have once they take all his computers, and no one can really challenge the claim. Easy way to the gulag with public support.
Did he really though? All the similar past leakers were busted - Manning, Snowden, Reality Winner. Even if he somehow was that dumb, while simultaneously being a top-tier hacker, why take the risk?
Wow, okay so he probably didn't do it at all and is just taking the fall because it's embarassing to the CIAniggers if nobody gets caught for the leak.
>walls painted with light-activated compounds that harm health
>planted illegal assets physically and digitally
>keylogger and image stenography adders
>interceptor on your phone line at the phone company itself
>traffic sniffer at your ISP
>cellphone constantly recording 24/7
Yeah, about that... coincidence there
>high level hacker
>using /tor/
I sincerely fucking doubt it
Funny, when it comes down to someone who leaks against the US they were framed.
If it's anyone else, particularly certain politicians; they are presumed to be consumers of CP without any evidence.
this..an often used tactic to fuck whistleblowers even more
lmao he revealed himself you idiot
>Snowden revealed himself
Snowden showed his penis to children, you say? Gulag!
Maybe because the existence of elite pedophillia rings which were then covered up by police / security services is a proven fact : Jimmy Savile, links of the Paedophile Information Exchange to senior politicians and MI5, Dutroux Affair, Operation Fernbridge implicating ~40 MPs including Cyril Smith, the Westminster paedophile dossier which conveniently disappeared, Rotherham and the hundred other mass muslim child sex exploitation scandals which we now know some police were INVOLVED in ...
So if they exist, is it so hard to comprehend someone in the CIA would have access to their materials or even enjoy those materials while monitoring those elite circles?
Imagine how many people have died trying to leak heavy shit