
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump speaks @Natl Space Coucil meet 6/18/18
>VP Pence meets w/Natl Space Council 6/18/18
>DepPressSec Gidley on F&F 6/18/18
>DirCitizenship/Immigration Serv Cissna on F&F 6/18/18
>SpiceDaddy on Americas Newsroom 6/18/18
>SoS Pompeo in Detroit MI on Trade 6/18/18
>DHSSec Nielsen @Natl Sheriffs Assoc Conf 6/18/18
>AG Sessions @Natl Sheriffs Assoc Conf 6/18/18
>AG Sessions @DoJ World Elder Abuse Day 6/18/18
>DoJ IG Horowitz/FBIDir Wray @Senate 6/18/18
>VChairJCS AFGen Selva @US Global Leadership Coalition 6/18/18
>DefDepVideo: Doggos 6/18/18
>WHVideo: Meeting of the Natl Space Council 6/18/18
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #40 (Lara) 6/18/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, DHSSec Nielsen) 6/18/18
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #54 6/16/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis Commencement Address @US Merchant Marine Academy 6/16/18
>A Message from President Trump 6/15/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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I wish you civ nat cucks would go back to r e d d i t.

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I wish you natsoc fags would fuck off back to stormfront.

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If we can put children in camps why can't we do the same to Journalists?

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>MSM: Trump supporters are a bunch of cultists!!

>magapede/boomer/normie-trump-supporters: HOW AWFUL! WE ARE NOT!
>/ptg/'s face when

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Reposting for visibility (and (you)s)

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This is an entire house hearing instead of a small committee hearing right?
It's not going to be just 15 or some questions with 5 minutes each or something right?

>fuck having borders and laws and shit.

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Megyn Kelly about to have Rodman on. Real meeting of the minds.

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Trump can get rougher with China since Norks are now pacified.

>Trump may have gone too far
Not far enough 2bh and you know it!

>tfw ethnat but also a big trump supporter

Dont let "best" stand in the way of "better"

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Hey guys, second hearing on Comey investigation coming up!!

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G R E A T D E P R E S S I O N but even bigger wew

Does anyone have any recent stats on children going into the US with illegals that aren't really their kids?

This would be all fine if those dumb spics WENT THROUGH LEGALLY. But Nope apparently they can't comprehend that word.

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Didn't we have this exact same exercise a couple of months ago over DACA with the forced feels outrage?

Is Kelly Cohen going to have another silent freakout when I text her my dick pics?

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>the child still lives


They dont believe in borders
They dont even believe in gender, for christ's sake

>squeezed tighter squeezed
wtf is she talking about illegals?

That reads in an extremely sexual manner.

yes and it didnt work that time either


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I dont think i will ever care.
Im not in the market for cheap leadridden chinese shit products.

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Nowhere near far enough. These dirty spics should be shot on site. Dump the bodies together so the left can't complain about parents and children being seperated anymore.

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>Smoking hits new low; about 14 percent of US adults light up

>In the early 1960s, roughly 42 percent of U.S. adults smoked. It was common nearly everywhere — in office buildings, restaurants, airplanes and even hospitals. The decline has coincided with a greater understanding that smoking is a cause of cancer, heart disease and other health problems.

>The launch of electronic cigarettes and their growing popularity has also likely played a role. E-cigarettes heat liquid nicotine into a vapor without the harmful by-products generated from burning tobacco. That makes them a potentially useful tool to help smokers quit, but some public health experts worry it also creates a new way for people to get addicted to nicotine.

>The findings on adult smokers come from a national health survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About 27,000 adults were interviewed last year.


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She watched Joe rape and murder a young lady while tweeting that, her panties were like Noah's flood.

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>tfw I own too much
>about to buy more things
I hate it

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hahahah NORM baby

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>IG report comes out
>economic report state US economy the best in 44 years
>IG Hearing taking place

Suddenly every fucking news media outlet starts crying about MUH CHILLENS MUH IMMIGRATIONS all at the same time
(((pure coincidence)))

In all honesty I saw where the kids are on the news, it doesn't look all that bad, and a lot safer than being out there in the wilderness; getting healthcare, food, warmth etc.

Haaa Mika-chan stop! If you do that I'll... I can't hold back ahhhh

Back when comedians actually composed these things called "jokes"

>these kids are getting abused
>free food, water, shelter, education, etc.

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Record profits for Ace Hardware and John Deere in 3, 2, 1...

Obama bucks

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>In all honesty I saw where the kids are on the news, it doesn't look all that bad, and a lot safer than being out there in the wilderness; getting healthcare, food, warmth etc.
better treated then in your shithole country

Sell the junk first, and then use the money towards newer things, then you won't be so out of pocket.

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then you realize after spending your hard earned bucks that wanting the item provided more pleasure than the actual item did

Ingram is getting higher ratings than anything on CNN or MSNBC.

Good luck kike

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Feel free to give me anything you don't want.

>better treated then in your shithole country
This is true, we don't have gibs for all.

stupid man-hog. rednecks love thier john deere tracktors as much as thier guns.

>Back when
2 days ago?

Can a baker make a thread of the Trump Curse with memes. Sorry I’m not very internetish.
Build the wall.

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They are trying to get to the front of the line with their kids, and perhaps are even being coached by greater powers.
Doesn't make much difference in the end, pertinent article: Pat Buchanan: "Where many Americans see illegal intruders, Democrats see future voters: wnd.com/2018/06/trump-and-the-invasion-of-the-west/#hW9dktLmkPik0Xxo.99

Lol does he really expect Cabelas to pull ads? They’d sooner start selling faux mounted Hogg heads

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>they don't believe in gender
They said people would be smarter in the future. Not with some people. Earth is flat, there are no genders or 36 Genders, we should just let everyone come in to our country regardless of if their terrorists or thugs, and Cucks in general. I'm normally a very positive person but shit like this makes me rage knowing that these kind of idiots not only are out there but are a good part of keeping our country from being greater.

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Don't these crying children separated from their parents break your gullible Goyim hearts? or no

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And liberal faggots probably don't make up the customer base of ACE Hardware.

What about the other 60%?

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I don’t get it

The problem is that the Journalists showed pictures of the cages from when Obama was in office so that's what liberals think of when they see these headlines. All problems go back to the Journalists. Only by stopping them can we save our country.

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bye bye /ptg/! Be productive and be best today!

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Wow msnbc droppee hard and fox raised up, based HANNDOWG is fucking that dyke up

Nobody cares.

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I hope a knife gets introduced to his kidneys

First place is getting 2 tickets. Second place (which is a worse prize) is getting even more tickets. So basically tickets to her show are a punishment, not a prize.

He's implying that her show is doing so poorly that she has to literally give away tickets for people to come and see it.


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She's so shit that getting more tickets would be a worse outcome

Yikes, CIA mind games

For a spic that is child abuse, it is not normal to have such riches

Her show is so bad that having more tickets to it would be a worse prize.

>being a drumpfcuck
>not voting for obvious glow in the dark CIA niggers instead of people that have a chance to win and make slow progress for the better

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>US says Israel responsible for Syria air strike that killed dozens of pro-Assad fighters

>Israel has not responded to reports in US media that it was behind an airstrike in Syria which killed more than 50 regime-allied troops in the east of the country.

>Syrian state news blamed the US-led coalition fighting Isis for the casualties and Damascus has demanded an explanation for the targeting from Washington. Baghdad, too, condemned the attack on Iraqi paramilitary forces, calling it “support for Isis”.

>US Central Command denied responsibility, however, saying in a statement there were “no strikes by US or Coalition forces in that area during the time in question”.

>Instead, unnamed US officials told AFP and CNN that the strike was carried out by the Israeli air force – a move that would represent several new developments for Israeli involvement in neighbouring Syria’s civil war.


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Does this fag still have generals dedicated to him?

Would you leave your children with these entrepreneurial Mexican smugglers?
They do it for Love Goyim.

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How in God's good name is that thing still alive?

I'm sure they'd be much safer and happier back in the hands of their traffickers.

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>everything dropped by 1-2% overnight
probably all gonna be 2% by noon

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was it breathing? Couldn't tell

I'm pretty sure it's rocking back and forth subtly.

That's unfortunate. That guy probably did something very bad. He definitely fucked over the wrong person. Maybe it was s have, maybe it wasn't. The thing with gangs is they can't kill just kill another gang boss without permission.... If they did that, all the other gangs would eradicate them. Anyway... That would be a shitty way to die right... Sucks to be that guy...

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His eyes were moving

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Based Norm.

did she even mention him recently?


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