No time for links.
Brit/pol/ - Left Wing Intellectuals edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>fuck laws and borders and shieet
>BREXIT LIVE: May's 36 HOURS to save Brexit as Barnier threatens to BAN UK from EU security
>What we’ve lost in the Glasgow art fire
>These are the best under £30 swimwear on the high street…and they’ll suit every body shape
>Mother beaten up for daring to ask teenager to stop climbing on her shed
> Heather Locklear is hospitalized after threatening to shoot herself
>Tory rebels will struggle to defeat Brexit bill as allies are lost and waverers alienated
>Sajid Javid announces government review of medicinal cannabis
>Medicinal cannabis use to be reviewed by government
>Judge says fracking not banned in Scotland
>Couple's anger after 'stillborn' son died in their arms
>Aidan McAnespie: Soldier faces checkpoint killing charges
>Abusive Birmingham husband 'beat wife and locked her indoors'
it's like i'm the only person paying attention to actual politics anymore
you thank the other tripfags the cancer this thread has become
lads were in here
Why's he called Millennial Woes again?
woes needs to clean his room
probably needs to brush his teeth as well
why is there so much anime today
>two threads
>neither has links
>both have brit/pol/ capitalised just to suck Eduardo's sweaty microdick
>one weebshit, one forced meme
It takes some real fucking retards to make Lulu look like a worthwhile poster
Eliot you are a sad little larper
having to steal another namefag's identity to get any (yew)s
you're a sad permavirgin and i hope you consider leaving brit/pol/
idk desu
how old is he?
Start buying guns.
>"what kind of grown man watches cartoons? is this what they're watching? why are they all children, why can you see up their skirts? I don't get it, is it a sex thing?"
I'm reporting this thread for hatespeech, hope you bongs have an hatespeech loicense or a loicense loicense
Fuck me I laughed
any guitarfags here? want a decent acoustic for under 400 bong, bit spooked about getting one second hand or Gumtree or whatever, any recommendations?
Thirty Five
eeeew a disgusting weeb
dead thread.
this is the real one
Absolutely shocked and stunned to hear about XXXTentacion being shot dead. His Revenge was my favourite mixtape of 2017.
Someone post his dirty monitor.
I don't get it
The state needs to impose standards of aesthetics on all new buildings to avoid shit like this.
Sometimes you see a face that could be measurably improved by the swift, forceful application of a cricket bat
Guns were at peak coolness in WW2. Gorgeous. Some nice looking ones came afterwards too, like the UZI or the MP5 or the AK47. But WW2 guns just look better. Especially compared to the ugly skeletonized, rails on every surface, heavily plastic toy looking crap you see today. Also the Vietnam era M16 looked so much cooler than today's AR variants.
You mean you don't want the countryside destroyed to make way for thousands of Deanoboxes?
I dont even know how the FUCK this ended up happening
>dead thread.
calm down just making coffee
not the hread really needs me anyway once i've posted the news
isn't that a bit too old to be a millennial?
Congrats, you have zero taste
Lads how the FUCK do I make a Google account without giving them cunts my number?
By like a decade and a bit.
can't you just skip it
>standards of aesthetics
blame your council desu
they set the planning guidelines and approve the new builds
They have your search history and everything you say, why does it matter if they have your Phone number?
At this point I just want to bulldoze it all and start over.
But where else are Deano and Harriet going to keep their pug, 55" flatscreen, DFS corner sofa and leased A-Class?
Not letting me.
I've already given the cunts my number on another account.
not sure you can anymore
this is what happens when people (not saying you obviously) abuse the system
>(not saying you obviously)
>on another account.
i've change my mind
So I can't make a new account?
What sort of bollocks is this
why do you need multiple accounts?
I don't remember my password and I want to upload a video
You'll get a beaut for 400squid
get a cheap sim from tesco or something?
>don't remember my password
one of the reasons for adding your mobile desu
get them to send a reset code to your phone
>t. doesn't know the definition of millennial generation
hint: it doesn't mean born after 1999
every day millions pounds flow into the hands of criminals that could flow into the exchequer
the current system don't seem to be stopping anybody smoking weed who wants to
all it does is ensure that the people selling it a criminals with no regulation
>dude weed i self medicate so its medicinal use so where's my weed xD
>legalise weed
>15 weed shops spring up in every small town
>everywhere smells like pot
>can't go into a takeaway anymore without being surrounded by stoned idiots
>implying more people won't take it up of its legally available
Having to go through dealers and shady friends of friends is disincentive.
His last point is fair desu.
any recs lad, thinking of a Washburn
>legalise, tax and regulate
>boost to tax receipts
>productivity falls
>welfare dependency rises
>potential for widespread mental illness and social dysfunction that is currently unproven but strongly correlates with cannabis use
>legitimise dealing in mind altering drugs
>have to deal with pot smell in public
>economic and libertarian arguments can now be applied to MDMA and speed
>all in the name of buying votes from students and 'weed culture' mongs
No, fuck off
>the UK will be worse off!
s o y
Giving today's left wing love of inclusion and loving diversity and disability how do I actually profit from my own? I have a pretty rare genetic disorder and by medical standards I'm a fucking miracle. I'm willing to be a whore for sheckles.
>I'd accept the result if...
He's full of shit regardless of the validity of his criticism of the current government
and to ban shared walls, and to require a greater minimum room area, and to require a greater minimum floor area, and to require a greater minimum inset from the pavement, and to require a greater height for the ground floor, and to require the planting of fucking trees on estates at least
getting out of the EU and escaping their legislation is worth the economic hardship. too bad nobody will do anything about the non-eu migrants, and too bad our government was formed post-referendum entirely to fuck the process up to prep us for the EU going balls deep when we rejoin/wind up with 1 foot in and 1 foot out
there is nothing wrong with MDMA and pseed
Nobody gives a shit unless you're visibly crippled. Can't use you for good boy points if the casual observer can't tell you're a spastic. That'd be like adopting a kid with downs syndrome and not telling your friends.
lol I like you
>Not visibly crippled
It's not fair.
i know a group of guys in bristol who will pay up to £750 a night to fuck mongs. let me know if you're interested
There should be space set aside for public monuments, art and parks. Otherwise it's no better than a concentration camp.
The redpilled solution is more commie blocks to reduce urban sprawl.
No wonder your country is falling apart
You are lost man, truly lost
Just order a bunch of sim cards and do that
Or use a Akan verification site, there are many, but don’t always work since someone else has used the number to do the same
no, the redpilled solution is the Ship 'em Back Act 2020, closed borders, redevelopment of brownfield (being the ONLY thing the big housing developer groups are allowed to touch), and encouraging the private building and inheritance of property. houses should be in the family for generations, the american-style atomic family thing isn't healthy.
No, the redpilled solution is a high speed underground rail network connecting all of the UK's major towns and cities. That way the rat race mongs could treat every grey shithole in the country as a suburb of London and everywhere else could be left green and disconnected for the rest of us.
if weed becomes legal here, how would you react?
Well George, it would be a good thing if the shills kill themselves with it
>abide by the law
>pay taxes, do everything you should
>government uses you to fund your own enslavement and replacement
>legalise weed
>use the profit to further fund your enslavement and replacement
When will you retards understand that illegalism is a good thing? You should all be running dark net drug empires from your homes. You should all be contributing to the collapse of the system which wants you collapsed.
If you are a good little boy though, maybe they’ll slow down the process of total enslavement for a few years and ease it in instead
>doki doki as pic
Kill yourself OP.
>have to deal with pot smell in public
Is this a real complaint? How fucking ridiculous/entitled. There are tons of bushes and plants etc that people have in their gardens that smell near the same - do you complain about them too?
A criminal is more valuable to us in 2018 than any self described “intellectual” who watches and wanks to cartoons, spends all day playing video games, and does everything the state wants him to do
A red pill most will refuse to swallow
>"you're asking me if I vote and I told you I don't, I don't know why you think that's a bad thing. For me we have a monarch and the Crown is what I respect as it comes from God, politicians are just soulless career driven rats, why would I vote for them? only one vote counts and that is God's and he voted for the Crown"
it is a bit petty isn't it
>"it's strange, when I was a little girl I always dreamed of running against Americans and British and Germans so I could hold my own flag high next to theirs, but now I'm here all I see are Africans pretending to be from these countries, this is what drives me to win and not just compete, frauds shouldn't be on that podium"
>A criminal is more valuable to us
what kind of return do you get on your investment?
>in their gardens
Not the same thing as in the street, is it?
Kind of like how it's a criminal offence to be drunk on a plane, but not in your bedroom at 8am
>"I had a French friend once, I mean French when I say French. She was a good runner too and we raced together at school, we dreamed together of being at the Olympics and wondered who would win and joked about whose flag would be highest. I don't know what happened to her, whenever I see I'm racing a French girl I get excited, but it crushed me when I see it's no French girl, but an African pretending to be French"
She's not that attractive Eddie.
>wanting fewer bad smells rather than more is entitled
If you say so, user. Let's get rid of toilet paper while we're at it, it's bad for the environment and who cares about the smell, there are tonnes of public toilets that small near the same right?
Regardless, way to ignore 90% of that post just to bitch about a passing comment
is this how you found out you're gay?
>by the way, making weed legal will prevent crime and cure cancer
degenerate wench needs to put on some clothes
better write to your MP and suggest some sort of Ban Smells I Don't Like act
>"my favourite people to race? You're probably going to take this the wrong way but I always like to race Russian or Fins or Baltic countries because I always know that it will be someone from those countries that I will be racing. Ask me ten years ago and I would have probably said the British because of their rich athletic traditions or maybe Germany, I'd probably still say that if any British or Germans were actually on the track and not just Africans in costumes"
>weed smells good
>shit smells bad
not an argument
if everything is legal, crime will he at zero
Gas the niggers
>"I really don't know why people always ask my political opinions, I'm a runner it's not really my place to comment. But you insist so I will tell you. I hate the image Netherlands have as a liberal drug paradise. Weed is a tool of the devil and I don't believe all these biased studies paid for by people who want to tax drugs, it's harmful and that's plain to see, you either have to be an idiot or have other agenda to not be able to see that."
Everything turned upon it’s head
Untrue. Homosexuality is legal but it's still a crime against God
>weed smells good