I've seen a lot of criticism of some TEDx talks which do nothing more than try to find ways to treat the problem. Jow Forums seems to say that they should just be shot but that's not realistic. Nobody, other than extreme fags, is proposing that pedofilia be praised. Pedofilia is a problem and we need to find the best way to prevent child abuse while also balancing respect for the rights of people afflicted by the disorder.
If you are trying to stop the treatment of pedofilia, you are trying to stop protecting children.
There are no treatments for pedophilia. It is slightly easier to treat child sex offenders because their preferred sexual target is an adult woman, but they got drunk and their step daughter was around, but if your primary attraction is to kids we got nothing. No one is born a pedophile it’s the result of child sex abuse
Noah Williams
Pedophilia is Jewish driven
Jackson Harris
>There are no treatments for pedophilia.
You are confusing treatment with cure. There is probably no cure but treatment means therapy of all types. On the extreme end, there is electroshock and hormone blockers to deal with sexual urges, on the lighter end there is talking about the problem so that experts can give advice on how to NOT offend. Some say that child sex dolls should be state-issued.
To say that there are no treatments is doing a disservice to our children, that will be molested or raped by men that can't control their sick and evil urges.
Jackson Cook
If a person cannot grasp the reality that children's minds are not developed enough to make rational decisions related to sex, there is no helping that person. As I am now in my later 40's, I cringe when I see a 18 gold digging whore with a guy in his late 60's because he knows exactly what he is doing and how to manipulate her in every way, and she is young and ignorant. Take that down lower, to below the age of 14 and I cannot understand how any adult would think that its remotely fair them to pursue sex with a child. The child is still at the point of minding their elders in fear of punishment. Its rape, nothing short. If someone needs treatment to teach them why they should not take advantage of vulnerable and innocent children incapable of disagreeing or understanding the life long impact of their experience, they are not a human. There may be no turning back for someone who is this fucked in the head. No conscious, no soul, no empathy, just a selfish sociopath who wants to rape and pillage defenseless people. Pedophiles deserve death. Death is mercy. The pain and life destruction they inflict on their victims is hell. Be merciful, offer death to pedophiles. Stop the cycle of hurt.
Christopher White
idk if you're trying to be edgy or are serious but I'll bite.
If your solution is to kill all pedofiles, then any pedofile with a survival instinct is going to 1) go underground and/or 2) go to extreme lengths to silence their victims (to include murder).
If social ostracization, prison, prison rape, and suicide don't stop pedofiles from offending, then what makes you think the death penalty will?
Leo Garcia
Maybe so. Short of gassing da Jews, how about we deal with the problem?
Aaron Flores
Castration seems viable for these people as well. Maybe that is where all the trans people are coming from. Destroy their brain, make them desire the punishment they want to give to others, cut off their dicks and let them take it up the ass the rest of their lives.
Isaac Brooks
>Pedophiles deserve death. Death is mercy. The pain and life destruction they inflict on their victims is hell. Be merciful, offer death to pedophiles. Stop the cycle of hurt.
How can you detect or kill pedofiles until they offend? By that time they have already perpetuated the cycle of abuse. Are you going to kill the abused child too since you know that there's a good chance he will grow up to be a pedofile now?
Tyler Long
You are out of your fucking mind. I've known plenty of cut throat 18 year old girls who took advantage of naive old men, lying to them all the time, never fucking them. "Mama needs a new leg... Boo hoo!" I knew a 16 your old who seduced a guy out of his entire paycheck while he was drinking. She was really fucking good. She still is.
So it isn't always like you say. Women are far more clever than men are when it comes to intangible aspects of society and relationships.
Austin Martinez
Nathaniel Hill
because pedos aren't underground already
>what makes you think the death penalty will?
Lucas Kelly
>because pedos aren't underground already
That's the point. If you bring them above ground they can get treatment.
Joseph Hill
THERE WAS NO SUCH THING AS AGE OF CONSENT LAWS BEFORE JEWS PUSHED FEMINISM .... Not for thousands of years Men started families with women BEFORE they become "interdependent" whores.
>If a person cannot grasp the reality that children's minds are not developed enough to make rational decisions related to sex Right there is the important point. Not every pedophile is like that. Most (well, most on Tortalk, which has mostly devolved into a pedo forum in recent years) understand that lusting after children is wrong, but still have the urges. Stopping them from getting treatment helps nobody.
Blake Moore
>treatment Fuck that stupid narrative. If being a pedo is a fucking mental disorder then so is being gay. Fuck you and hang all pedos.
What is considered pedo these days? Last I heard, 80% find 12-14yo group most attractive.
Brody Walker
Yeah, hormone blockers are probably the only one. I’m not trying to do children a disservice, just making people aware that when pedophiles are released from prison after ‘rehab programs’, its unlikely there has been any risk reduction
Isaac Barnes
No, from what I recall it’s possible to work with child victims so they don’t turn into offenders although some cases are more difficult than others
Michael Allen
>sauce For what, Jewish involvement in feminism? pic related
> In 1880, the age of consent was set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.[2] The ages of consent were raised across the U.S. during the late 19th century and the early 20th century.[3][4] By 1920 ages of consent generally rose to 16–18 and small adjustments to these laws occurred after 1920.
If you dont act on it get therapy thats fine. If you do act on it you should be hung. Also no dolls to exercise your need on we dont need it getting stronger.
Camden Ramirez
You have to be 18 to post on this board. Part of growing up is understanding that different people think totally differently to you, and act in ways that appear to be irrational to you. You cannot simply put your own psyche in their situation and thus predict their behavior.
There are different kinds of pedophiles, who offend based upon their own psychology; groomers, the opportunistic, and the sadistic. Groomers and the opportunistic won't start killing kids to avoid detection. It's not in their makeup. The sadistic are killing kids already so the sooner they're caught and executed, the less harm they cause.
Blake Campbell
Exactly this, but people are too emotional, irrational and want to act on impulse. Hopefully they are not the ones making the decisions, can't reach a position of power with such short term thinking.
Adam Watson
How do you know that the way we're handling pedophilia, with extreme social stigma and harsh punishments, isn't the best way to prevent child abuse? How many pedos don't act on their impulses because of that social control structure? How do you know it's better to tear it down? All theories about this are just that, no wide scale test group of pedophile acceptance exist. What even is the treatment for pedophilia? Is it like treating gays?
My suggesting is to hunt them so viciosly and so relentlesly, no man would give into that sick vice. I mean, hang them from London Bridge, put their heads on spikes, if they are a Paki, kill every male in their entire scum family, mass executions. Absolute iron fist, a "final solution" if you would.
>against the treatment of pedofilia How will you "treat" good taste? Say "no, good taste is bad, like these ugly things instead"? >KILL EVERYONR WHO DISAGEEES WITH THE FEMINIST DOCTRINE Yeah, fuck off.
This sounds like a good psyop, everybody pull up their shell femin twatter account and start pedoposting
Dylan Brown
they want to treat the problem by making it not a problem, and they need to be gassed.
Christian Barnes
If you tolerate evil it spreads. We tolerate faggots and now they're push us to tolerate tranny's which are now pushing us to tolerate pedos. Gas chambers, bullets, and rope for all of them.
You want to kill pedophiles even if they do understand children can't consent and don't touch children.
Oliver Johnson
treatment is shooting them in the fucking head
Levi Jenkins
Why not allow it to happen? As long as the kid and parents consent what is there to be against?
Liam White
>If you are trying to stop the treatment of pedofilia, you are trying to stop protecting children We aren't, though; As you've already said, Jow Forums has overwhelmingly decided that treatment via lead poisoning is the cheapest and most effective way to treat pedophilia.
Camden Moore
Pedo is usually 7 to 10
Bentley Brooks
Let people choose to sleep with who they like and the issue will solve itself.
this line of reasoning is the SAME that was used towards "treating" homosexuality. look where that got us. pedophiles need to just die or stay in the closet and never act on it or speak about it. acting like they're the victim, even the ones that were raped/molested as children, isn't going to help the situation. STOP THE PEDOPHILIA CYCLE
Brayden Wilson
So if I wanted to sleep with an unconscious woman or an easily manipulated child, that makes it okay? Filthy gypsy.
Children can't consent. Would you allow banks to let children sign up for loans?
Ayden Rivera
You are inviting the issue to be on the slippery slope. Treatment suggests it's a disorder, which suggests it isn't their fault, meaning no jail time.
Ryder Smith
The parent would have to accept also.
Nathan White
So you agree kids can't consent. Would you allow banks to give loans to children with their parents consent? As in, you mother could take up a loan for you when you're 3 and you're responsible for it growing up.
Grayson Lewis
>my dad works at nintendo
Nathaniel Ortiz
So child prostitution, essentially? I hope your camp gets burned down.
Matthew Stewart
Yes if the kid and parents want it.
Alexander Russell
Prostitution isnt willingly, so you could say escort service if you want consent.
Adam Richardson
omfg this shit again.
The best cure for these fuckers is the bullet
"But they were born this way"
Don't care, they're a danger to our offspring and need to be physically removed
"But what if the child cons-." *Launches McNuke on AnShill*
Jaxon Martin
That's literally wrong >but muuh may of 68 I don't give a fuck about those boomers, show me real 2018 examples where feminist want to give men the right to fuck underage girls.
Bentley Morris
That's pretty low. Well, at least you're consistent.
Nicholas Rogers
>Prostitution isnt willingly You don't say. >so you could say escort service if you want consent Except children can't consent.
Hudson Hall
i'm against the 'treatment' of pedos, as in throwing them off a building and leaving them to rot in a pile and if their loved ones try to remove their body they'll be thrown off the building as well. then let dog packs eat the corpses
Nathan Stewart
Why is it low? Because it doesnt fit your world view?
Julian Bennett
They want arabs to have the right to fuck underage girls and women the right to fuck underage boys. So they are pro-pedo, only not for the white men their whole ideology revolves around trying to fuck up.
Carter Nguyen
But children can consent, or are you going to tell me that you magically get it when you are 18?
Isaiah Lopez
No, because that's very exploitative.
Alexander Robinson
Women can't consent either, which is why every sexual act can be legally construed as rape, women are children which means that all men can be considered pedos. Mentally, there's no such thing as an adult woman. Only men can truly become adults.
Justin Ross
Are treatment is to castrate them or to shoot them
Ryder Peterson
t b h I enjoy all your hate, it makes being a MGTOW and not giving a fuck about society a lot easier to do. You can cry all you want, I won't be more productive for Stacy and MR Sheckelbergstein.
Ayden Thompson
Maybe we should quit getting in the way of natural selection. Genetic defects should not be propped up the advancments of medicine.
Evan Sullivan
High-speed treatment of pedo-ness via lead injection is a perfectly fine way to treat pedos.
Bentley Hernandez
You already agreed children shouldn't be able to consent to shit they don't understand the consequences of. Remember? So the only interesting argument you have are the parents. Should parents get to do whatever the fuck they want with their kid? You think yes, I think no.
Ethan Rivera
OP is either a pedophile or leftcuck.
Colton Stewart
I said you need the consent of the kid and the parents, maybe read again what I said now if both groups are okay with it why stop people from having intercourse?
Jaxson White
That's not liking pedos, that's hating white men while letting subhumans do what they want, one of those things being fucking underage children.
Easton Rodriguez
Children are in a process of developing their bodies and mentality, don't give me that bullshit.
Josiah Bell
t. summerfag
Hunter James
you sir deserve a nobel prize for the red pill
Joseph Torres
From what I've seen, pedos seem to have a lot of other hardcore fetishes. The kind that you only get by watching extreme amounts of porn. I guarantee a lot of these people only became pedos because they were constantly seeking out more extreme and taboo porn to get them off.
Aaron James
But no one gives a fuck about the kid's "consent" because kids aren't properly mentally developed to understand the consequences of their consent. Like I said, would you let banks loan money to kids? No, you wouldn't, there would have to be some parental oversight. So the only "consent" that's worth discussing regarding this is the one the parents give.
Grayson Foster
Liking pedos is liking pedos. They like pedos, but hate white men. It's not hard to understand.
Kevin Price
>calling people summerfags in 2018 Ok, summerfag
Jordan Jones
They can make their own choices you have to accept that also. Well I would want the bank to give a loan if the kid refuses, that was my claim from the start.
Xavier Ramirez
I wouldn't*
Ayden Thomas
Should I be allowed to kill suicidal children if they and their parents consent?
Owen Robinson
Nice mental gymnastics. They don't want me to be pedo, therefore they don't like pedos. It's not hard to understand.
Alexander Morales
Daniel Powell
You are retarded.
Christian Turner
I am not its only that you are emotional.
Austin Bailey
Then you wonder why nobody likes the far right. Gee, it's like people don't want to be killed over some subjective definition of "degeneracy".
Levi Miller
That's completely retarded. It's like saying feminists don't like money because they only want money for women and minorities and none for white men. They like pedos, they just don't like white men even more.
Oh don't think wrong, I'm not getting emotional, I'm actually seeing that it's not worth to argue with someone who thinks that children have the maturity and knowledge to make certain choices.
Jaxson Phillips
The best treatment against pedophilia is fat ugly children Go racemix today and solve this problem
Nicholas Roberts
>All this bloodlust
I can't wait until I scream and accuse all of you here for being pedophile and get beaten to death without any proofs
Kevin White
That is why they need the consent of the parents also.
Zachary Baker
>meanwhile, AoC got raised in my country Nice normalization you got there Mr Soros, your shills are clearly not doing their work.
Dominic Howard
You're caught in a circle argument.
Sebastian Roberts
>false equivalency Nice try.
Evan Wood
How is it a false equivalency? Pedophilia exist independently from white men.
Levi Jenkins
Because you guys always come back to it, I already made my claim yet you have to make instances or events which you think will win you the argument.
Brandon Rodriguez
The problem is that your claim doesn't make sense. Either the child's consent matters or it doesn't. If a child really is capable to give consent, then why would you need the parents at all?